chapter fifty-four

Start from the beginning

"If the cat's out of the bag then yeah I did know but I didn't find out until a few weeks ago," Felix said. "I don't mean to throw anyone under the bus here but I wasn't the first of this group to find out either somehow."

Hyunjin looked around suspiciously, "Which one of you motherfuckers is it?"

Changbin raised his hand, "I only found out because of circumstance."

"And what kind of circumstances were these?" Seungmin asked him with a hint of disgust in his tone.

"One day Han was upset at work and I judged Minho for coming into his office and quote unquote prying when asking if he was okay. I thought it was Minho the boss overstepping his boundaries when in reality it was Minho the boyfriend trying to make sure everything was okay with him," Changbin explained. "I thought he was crossing a line but turns out Minho's actually capable of loving someone, believe it or not."

"I can imagine that scenario in my head," Jeongin chuckled.

Minho grabbed the pillow I'd thrown at him before and threw it at Changbin, "I'm not a sociopath!"

"That's debatable," Seungmin murmured.

"Are sociopaths even capable of loving someone else romantically?" Felix asked all of us. "I know I should probably know this considering what my job is but I don't care to know the psychology behind killers, that's Han's thing."

"They're not incapable of love, no, but they don't love the same as the rest of us. Love is defined differently for them," I explained.

"Is Minho a sociopath?" Seungmin asked me flat-out.

"I am no-,"

I cut him off, "Of course he's not a sociopath. Minho is a very sensitive person, don't be mean to him."

"Wait, really? He has feelings?" Hyunjin asked.

Minho frowned and I wrapped my arm around him as I spoke, "We were going to ride separately here so we wouldn't be suspicious but he volunteered himself to sit in the car and wait because he wanted to hold my hand on the way over."

"I stand corrected," Hyunjin said, nodding his head.

"Do you have to expose me for being so clingy?" Minho asked me outright for everyone to hear.

"How is it my fault that you're clingy?"

"It's your fault because I'm obsessed with you, how could I not be clingy?"

"Again, how is it my fault if you're obsessed?" I scoffed.

"If I'm obsessed with you, it's clearly something you're doing that's making me obsessed, right? Obviously it's your fault if I'm clingy," Minho shrugged.

I thought to myself for a moment and spoke up, "Do you guys want to know what I've been thinking about?"

"Is your mind ever empty?" Jeongin rolled his eyes.

"God, I fucking wish," I scoffed, running a hand through my hair. "Are we going to talk about the Chan situation or are we going to keep pretending like it's not a thing?"

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