Stuck with a horny Ghost

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Chuuya did as he was told, not for a second regretting wearing heels, he gets to be taller with them and that's all that matters-

"None of you wanders on their own, let's stay regrouped and at the slightest signal, we get in our formation to fight back !"

Everyone nodded at Tachihara's words except Chuuya who couldn't believe his friends were this dumb ..

They walked up the main stairs to the first floor, finding themselves in empty hallways with huge broken windows on their right, covered by blood red, torn curtains.

On their left were many doors, probably leading to bedrooms. They stopped at the first one, gulping as they waited for Tachihara to push the door open.

He wouldn't admit it but deep inside he was frightened and ended up taking too long that Gin walked past him opening the door in his stead, he blushed hard at the proximity while Chuuya only sighed at how miserable his kouhai was.

To everyone's surprise -except Chuuya- the room was empty. They inspected their surroundings, Akutagawa trying to find clues about the Ghost at the pictures on the walls, Higuchi making sure to stay by his side while Tachihara and Gin looked through the torn papers and books on the desk, well, Gin was looking through them, Tachihara was busy looking at her.

After they found no interesting clues, they headed to the next room, Tachihara taking ages to push the door open again and this time, Chuuya was the one walking forward and kicking the door open.

"Stop being scared of nothing goddamit !"

After the loud sound he made by kicking the door, a strong wind came in and moved the windows, making their broken glass fall and shatter on the ground. All of them shivered and Gin added to the creepiness as she held her cross close to her chest, muttering with a quiet voice.

"The evil spirits have been awakened ."

"Ch-Chuuya-senpai !! Why did you have to kick the door so loudly ?!"

"Shut up you scaredy cat you were the one taking ages to open that fucking door !"

They both turned silent when Akutagawa walked past them and held up his cross, whispering words in a language none of them could understand.

"This will keep the evil spirits away, now walk behind my back in one line and be on your guards, we need to find clues about the Ghost to know how to summon it and then we will exorcise it !"

Chuuya was the last in the line, still speechless about this whole situation, he could see Higuchi's knees trembling as she followed her crush and Gin was right after her, trying to hold her hand to help her ease down and dumb Tachihara, instead of noticing that, was enthralled by Gin's looks.

"These guys are a lost cause .." Chuuya let out an exasperated sigh, walking with them in the rooms, not bothering to search for clues as they did but he did notice that few of the rooms "Five of them .." Chuuya counted, were kids rooms.

In one of the rooms he assumed was the bedroom of the owner because of it being the largest, he noticed a frame on the ground, though the side of the picture was facing the floor so he decided to pick it up.

He didn't know it's glass was broken, he winced a little when it cut his finger, he could see a droplet of his blood fall on the ground but he didn't mind it, sucking on the cut to stop the bleeding as he inspected the frame.

"So five kids and an adult used to live here .. i wonder what happened to them ?" Chuuya felt a little sad, seeing the smiling faces of the kids in the yard of this house, yet now it is abandonned, and people consider it haunted.

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