Episode 13 : family party ; 6

Start from the beginning

"You met my tames?" She looked at me intrigued "no I haven't. Can I?" Ronik brings the other two over "as you ask master." A wooden golem carrying a cat and wolf with a blue mane then walked over. "The big one is Ronik, the jerk is Thorn and the cute one is Lupra." She quickly found out who thorn was when she tried to pet the cat but got hissed away.

Chuckling she said, "I'm guessing that one is Thorn then." She observed Ronik who was watching her closely in turn as he put the other two down "you have some interesting tames Cayde. They're all able to hide their magic aura just like you to appear like a normal person."

"Hide is such a strong word, I prefer keeping my personal information secret." She chuckled at my joke "yeah, I understand that. I heard you're coming to Goldwheat in two years. Why not come next month so we can spend more time together?"

"I'd like that but. I've spent so long away from mom and dad that I feel like I'm an unfilial son to them. I want to try and make up for lost time together." She smiled understanding what I wanted "so you just want to get some love?" I nodded affirming it.

"Well then, I'll give you some love of my own" she then leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

As she pulled away my face turned to beat red from the surprise and not knowing how to act I stammered away putting my hand to where she kissed me and panic filled my voice 'wh-wh-what d-does this mean?"

She giggled from my shyness "you'll find out once your older." She then skipped away humming the same tune I remembered him singing before as I lowered my hand from the cheek she kissed. Women really are impossible for me to understand. "Looks like someone's getting it on!" I looked down to see Thorn excited and a smaller Ronik holding a silver crystal holding a picture of Alfa kissing me.

Grow up, Thorn "never! This means we're finally one step closer to going to a brothel! Ooh, the beautiful women that will be there Cayde!" I was disgusted but amused by Thorn's lust, I don't think you're going to be able to do much if we even go to one.

"Not unless I figure a way to get a human body or find a fellow beautiful dragon to mingle with." You're never going to give this up, are you? "Oh definitely not, no." I sighed agonized in Thorn's sarcasm not even surprised anymore.

Thorn then jumped up to my shoulder and looked at all the fun everyone was having "this is nice, I admit. I like that we actually have somewhere to rest." Thorn agreed with me as we ventured to the drinks to grab a glass of juice.

Later after everyone had partied, the time had gotten late and the sky had darkened. The area was lit up by tiki torches and a few of the adults were half-drunk now, I had Ronik protect my sisters which was a good choice as Alfa, and my mother tried to eat them at one point.

There was then a barking shout coming from my father who looked to be the drunkest drawing everyone's attention to him "I would like to thank everyone here for coming to the tenth birthday of my son, Cayde. Who I am blessed to have."

Everyone looked at him endearingly as he started to form tears "it was my fault that Cayde was forced to survive on his own and that will always be the worst day of my life for the choice I had to make."

"Your dad's very sentimental Cayde." Tears of thanks started to form on me as Thorn looked at me "oh, you're an emotional bitch, as well" I slapped him off, don't ruin the moment. He cursed me as he jumped back on my shoulder.

"The happiest day of my life will be when we found each other after seven years apart. With the marriage to my wife the third happiest after witnessing cayde and my daughter's birth." Laughter then filled the courtyard and my mother threw her shoe at him which he dodged but didn't expect the second one to hit his chest. "I would now like to commence the dance! Are there any brave ladies who will take my son's hand?"

I ran up to the dance floor underneath the table Allan was standing with Thorn atop my head then waited to see Lucy climbing up the stairs herself with the help of Lupra "brother dance with me!"

Thorn jumped off my head onto the table my dad was standing on and I took my sister's hands and I had fun cross-crossing our legs tap dancing on the wooden floor as we spun around slowly.

Using my alchemy and magic I made it appear as if a silver and red aurora were trailing her from her dress as she jumped about dancing next to me amazing everyone.

The two years with my family then breezed by and I was back in the same place, now 12 years old dancing with Lucy who was now 7.

Dancing all over again at my twelfth birthday party looking more mature and taller still with the side ponytail tightening my messy yet refined long dark burgundy hair that reached just above my shoulders.

We then stopped dancing and bowed to each other "happy birthday brother!" Lilly my other sister then jumped onto my back nuzzling the top of my head "Lilly! At least wait until I've hugged him properly!" Lucy then came in squeezing Lilly against my back as she hugged me tightly "hey easy you two! There's enough of me for everyone!"

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