chapter forty-eight

Start from the beginning

"So, you're telling me that you actively added gasoline to this already burning heap of bullshit? Nice job," I rolled my eyes at him, grabbing onto one of the suitcases and making the trek to the front door. I called out back to him, "That was really smart of you, Minho!"

"Thanks!" Minho called after me.

When I made it to the front door, I heard the sound of an engine pulling up the driveway and I rolled my eyes once more. I entered in the code to Minho's front door and dragged the things I had in my hand inside before spinning on my heel to walk back outside. I watched in the doorway for a moment as Chan hurriedly parked his car and hopped out, running up to Minho with a look on his face that screamed 'I'm about to drop some shit on on you.'

What the fuck is this?

Almost immediately, I could tell without even being able to hear them that they were arguing. I walked over to them calmly and interrupted them, "Whats going on?"

Chan pointed to the bruise on Minho's cheek from his father's slap, "What the fuck is that? Did you do that?"

"Excuse me?" I guffawed at him. "Did you seriously just ask me that?"

"I told you, Han didn't do this!" Minho exclaimed. "I'm clumsy, you know this."

Yeah, it's pretty cute. I don't mind cleaning up your messes.

"You sound like an abused spouse lying to the cops right now," Chan crossed his arms. "What the fuck happened?"

Minho sighed impatiently and tapped his foot on the ground, "I can't tell you that, Chris. I need you to give me some space."

"Tell me what happened or I'm going to blame it on Han regardless," Chan said to him sternly.

I hate him, I really do. I don't want to but I don't think I have much of a choice anymore.

"Why am I getting thrown under the bus?" I asked.

"Shut up," Chan spat at me.

"You look like you bite," I mumbled under my breath.

"I'll tell you where we were but you need to lay the fuck off Han. I'm tired of the way you treat him, seriously. He's not stalking me and we're not in love with each other either, we're best friends," Minho insisted to him.

"What, am I not your best friend anymore?"

Chan, are you five? You're certainly acting like it.

"This isn't third grade, I can have more than one best friend," Minho rolled his eyes. "Do you want to know or not, man?"

"This better be good," Chan huffed.

"My dad hit me up and invited me to his wedding and Han came for moral support," Minho explained. "When I found out that he hadn't told his new "family" about me, I flipped my shit and ruined it. We got in a fight and he hit me and then I hit him back."

Oh, you hit him back?

"You finally hit your dad back? Congratulations!" Chan exclaimed, giving him a high five.

You've got to be fucking kidding me right now.

I walked away from the two of them and began unloading the rest of our things from the trip out of the car and slammed the doors after doing so to make a point. I made an effort to carry the rest of our things all at once in a dumb attempt to show my strength, but I could tell when I walked past them that they were paying no mind to me. I dropped our things off in the entrance of the house and slammed his front door behind me too, this time out of pure anger as opposed to standoffishness.

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