Chapter Fifty-five

Start from the beginning

"It's my fault. I lost you in the woods when I only turned my back for a second, just a second and you were gone." Dad

My dad shook his head, running his hands through his hair and sighing.

"What. Happened?" Jae

Jae gritted his teeth together, balling up his fists but dad sighed again, slumping his shoulders.

"You were only five the day we lost you. The three of us were down by the creek...." Dad

My dad pointed towards me and Jae then to himself.

"You're mother was ill, I don't know how since she's the vampire out the two of us but she caught something so she was unable to do anything but sleep for days at a time." Dad

My dad gulped and I felt Jimin stiffen his hand in mine.

"So that day I thought I would take you both to a nearby creek to explore and have some fun. it was the most I could do at the time and you...." Dad

He pointed back to Jae.

"You didn't like seeing your mother sick. It made you cry and when you cried, Y/n would cry." Dad

"Dad how old was I then?"

I had to ask and my dad looked over at me, guilt and sadness dripping off him in every way possible.

"No more than one. You two were very close, strangely close. The day you were born Youngrae adored you and did everything he could for you at his age." Dad

Looking over to Jae I couldn't help but smile at him when he too gazed over to me across the room, even forming a small smile. The memory of when we first met came flooding back and it kind of makes sense now because we clicked instantly then and have been close ever since.

"Anyway I took you both to the creek that day and well...." Dad

My gaze went back to my dad as he took a pause and looked around the room to everyone staring back at him curiously about this story.

"Y/n slipped off stone I perched her on and got her foot jammed between two rocks. I had to get her foot out and check her but when I turned around, you were gone Youngrae, you ran off." Dad

"Just like that? Didn't you come after me?" Jae

"Of course I did. I figured you ran back home to get your mom because Y/n was hurt but......Y/n's cries attracted the attention of four vampires that are trained to hunt down humans and half breeds and they so happened to have found you before I could get to you."


Anger building up within him, shouting at the top of his lungs. I noticed Namjoon quickly bolt towards the stairs to go check on Dae, which I was thankful for just in case our son has woken up from Jae's outburst.

"Yes I did. I hid Y/n in a bush and tried my hardest to get you back from them. I even have a scar here, see." Dad

My dad pointed to his neck, leaning towards Jaes direction. I don't need to see, I know what scar he's talking about but never knew how he got it until now. A clean cut scar in a straight line just under his right ear.

"As soon as one of them knew I was coming, I was sliced at the neck and used as a fucking snack. They only cut me so if I was found they wouldnt be in trouble for my death. Apparently it's against the law to freely devour humans like monsters." Dad

Jaes eyes widen as well as my own and even a few others eyes were twice the size. Jungkook's especially.

"So the cut here was to make it look like I bled out when really I was drained but after they took you, I had to get Y/n home to safety and I barely made it home. Your mother actually saved my life that day. Son, I swear if I could of done more I would of but one human against four vampires, it was a death sentence that I managed to live through." Dad

"Because you thought about your daughter." Yoongi

My dad nods towards Yoongi, pressing his lips together but looks back over to Jae who was now more relaxed but visibly upset.

"I'm so sorry. There's not a day that doesn't go by where your mother and I always thought about you even if we didn't tell Y/n about you. We've always loved you and if she was with us now, I just know she would never let you go again and neither will I." Dad

At this point I was crying my eyes out silently and this made Jimin awe at me and tug on my hand to pull me into his chest and use his shirt as a wipe for my tears. It was just emotional to see my dad pour his heart out to Jae, who all this time has been my brother and neither one of us knew it.

The room became silent again and Jae and my dad were staring at each other like a stand off as if neither one of them knew who would make the first move.

I know about Jae's longing to know his family, his birth family and he's finally got his answer. There's two of us in this room and a blood related nephew upstairs.

And then, just like a snap both my dad and Jae rushed back into each others arms at the same time and embraced one another as they both cried.

In seeing that I just cried even more, clutching onto Jimin's shirt and even Hoseok came up to me to rub my back as he too watched on to the father son moment.

So my dad's back and now I find out for the last two years my brother has been with me all this time and I didn't even know. Now all I want to do is find out what happened to my mom.

I thought my dad was dead but he's alive and in front of me.

Did Dr Chu lie to me about my parents or is my truly dead?

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