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It had taken him a while to listen to the terrors Bakugou had faced before calming him down enough to quickly leave and call his parents to the station. With Midoriya unconscious and locked with a quirk-proof cell, the police officers, Nezu and Detective Tsukauchi were led into an interview. Aizawa lingered in the back of the room as they questioned Bakugou again, with his parents by his side, on the events of the week; this time Tsukauchis quirk recording each answer as truth.

It was completely heart-wrenching to hear, listening to his brave student tear up over his traumatic experiences twice within the same day, leaving Aizawa grimacing again as he stuck through and listened to it all again; in some attempt to be a familiar face to the Bakugous, in their unfamiliar situation.

"What about Midoriya? What's going to happen to him?"

The young Bakugou's words were painful to listen to, as he distraughtly asked what was going to happen to his green-haired classmate. Aizawa was grateful that Nezu had replied and told him that they were going to try and keep Midoriya safe and secure at UA; the weight of the world seemingly dropping off the child's back leaving only his traumas and mental anguish to rest, at least for now.

After the interview was over the Bakugous' went home, Aizawa notifying them about the dorm visit the school would be having in the coming week to talk about the dorms, leaving the UA staff and Police to discuss the final factors of Izuku's fate.

" I don't believe we need to worry about Midoriya trying to resist the conditions he will have to follow during his stay at UA." Nezu began, addressing a police officer's concerns about the possibilities of Midoriya trying to escape, "However, I do believe he may become a bit of a flight risk. Not in terms of causing more harm to people around him but more towards himself."

A few faces around the room grimaced at the uncomfortable possibilities. They didn't need to be reminded of Midoriya's personality to know the guilt and shame of the violent acts he had committed would constantly weigh heavily on his mind. Midoriya had the heart of a hero, and the weight of all the death he must have been dragging heavily behind him.

Anyone with any common sense would realize, even though the situation was deadly unfavorable, Midoriya had done what he needed to do to survive and to protect the people around him; no matter how much pressure insolent and uninformed people put on them, they couldn't fault him for that.

"I have no doubt that being placed under so many restrictions and banning him from his core hero lessons, to avoid quirk usage until we can find a sustainable food source for him, will take its toll on him." Nezu continued on, "We will certainly need to keep an eye on him."

Aizawa nodded with agreement from where he was sitting, tucked up within one of his many yellow sleeping bags, as he left forwards to give his response.

"I agree, Midoriya is a strong-willed student, the amount of stress and trauma he's been through in just the last few days alone would be enough to make even some heroes go insane and quit." He began, drawing the attention of the people around the room, "The new white patches of hair on his head already show the physical signs of deep-laid trauma and stress."

A few silent nods were shared around the room as Aizawa lowered his gaze down to the paperwork on the table in front of him, thinking back to notes already given to them.

"The spread of the patches has slowed thankfully, but it's vital that we keep a close watch on his mentality to keep him and the others who will be around him safe."

He paused for a moment as he remembered the details Bakugou had given him.

"Although I have no concerns about him possibly attacking his classmates when he didn't lay a finger on Bakugou while they were held hostage by the league, and considering the situation, I feel like if he was ever to even accidentally harm someone, he would have done it then."

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