chapter forty-three

Start from the beginning

"I don't think anything could change the way I feel about you either," I spoke. "You could kill someone in front of me and while I'd probably scold you, 'still wouldn't change things."

"You scold me no matter what," Minho laughed. "Just yesterday you were getting on my ass about where I put the milk."

"What's not to understand about putting the milk on the top shelf?" I gawked at him.

"Han, I don't understand you," Minho shook his head. "Why does it matter where the milk is placed?"

I groaned, "It looks weird if it's anywhere else!"

Minho removed his arm from me and paused the movie we'd been watching, "Do you want to fight? We can fight right now."

"Oh? And who's won the last five times we've done this?" I laughed. "Every single time it ends up with me on top of you."

"Why do you think I ask?"

I playfully slapped his shoulder, "You're nasty."

"How am I nasty, huh?" Minho asked with a raised brow.

"The first sexual experience we ever had, you swallowed about a third of my cum and then fucking snowballed the rest back to me. You don't think that's nasty?" I asked him.

"I didn't hear any objections."

"Oh, I thoroughly enjoyed it, but we're not talking about me right now," I laughed.

"I'm getting bullied in my own home," Minho whined, crossing his arms.

"You're a big baby," I rolled my eyes. "So, now that they're gone, do you want to tell me how you think it went?"

"I feel like it went better for me than it did you," Minho began. "It gives me a bit of hope about seeing my dad for the first time in years. I don't even remember when I saw him in person last. Honestly, I should've realized that he was leeching onto some new woman when he stopped asking for nearly as much money as he had been before but I was just optimistic in thinking that maybe he was trying to downsize before killing himself or something."

"Minho, you're awful!"

"I hope you know I'm never going to apologize for saying shit like that because my dad was a fucking asshole growing up," Minho said, smiling at himself in amusement.

"You entertain yourself, don't you?" I questioned him with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, most definitely. I don't think you'd be with me if you had a problem, though."

"If you were anyone else I'd probably think you're obnoxious but since you're you, I think it's actually kind of adorable," I said.

Minho laughed, "Whatever."

"Okay, I have a question for you," I said to him.

"Let me guess, it's completely off-topic and random?" Minho laughed.

"Yes," I grinned.

"Go for it."

"What are things you do in your spare time that you don't talk about?" I asked. "We haven't been living together for too long and I feel like we haven't gotten one hundred percent comfortable with one another yet, so I'm curious."

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