chapter thirty-nine

Start from the beginning

"I wanted to know if I could visit next month? 'Maybe bring someone.."

"Really?" My adoptive father asked.

"Why don't we come and visit you? I'd love to see how you're living now!" My adoptive mother exclaimed.

"Hold on." I muted the phone and took a deep breath, "Minho, a penny for your thoughts?"

"Say yes, I think this is absolutely hilarious," Minho said, giggling like a child.

"You're an asshole." I rolled my eyes.

"It's funny how you guys speak Manglish, I never would've known," Minho said with a shit-eating grin that I wanted to slap off his face.

"How in the fuck do you know that it's called that?" I asked him, then thinking about it for a moment before waving a hand in the air. "Actually, I don't care."

I unmuted the phone and said to my adoptive parents, "Yeah, you guys can definitely come visit. I'll text you later with more details, alright?"

"We love you!" My adoptive mother exclaimed.

"Sayang kamu!" My adoptive father chimed in. (Love you.)

I hung up the phone and looked over at Minho who asked me, "Do you actually miss them?"

"I miss how they tried so hard to fill the void that my family left when they were killed."

"So, I take it you want to forget that happened for the next week until it really starts to matter?" Minho asked me, pulling his phone out of his pocket and searching for his father's contact.

"Just call your dad," I spoke objectively. "What language do you guys speak?"

Minho pressed the call button on his father's contact and put it on speaker, setting his phone down and saying the words, "English, as per my mom's request."

"Shit, that's deep.." I mumbled to myself.

The dial-tone ended, "Minho?"

"Hey, that was quick," Minho chuckled awkwardly.

"I was on my phone already," I heard his dad say.

"That makes sense," Minho said. "So, you're getting married next month? What day?"

"I'm getting married on the twenty-fifth. I'm surprised you called, I didn't think I was going to hear from you," His dad said to him, causing me to frown.

"I was thinking about it and I realized it would give me the opportunity to introduce you to my significant other," Minho said, flustering me.

"You met someone? Minho, I'm so happy for you. Yes, please bring them! I have to go, the future Mrs. is home!"

His dad hung up the phone and he looked over at me, "I think he's on drugs."

I playfully slapped his shoulder, "Stop it, you know what it's like to be lovesick."

"At least I'm better at hiding it than he is," Minho shrugged, then laying back on his bed.

I moved to lay next to him and rolled over on my side, "You can't hide it when you're around me, though."

Minho turned to face me and scooted closer to me, grabbing the back of my neck and beginning to kiss the front of it, "You're right, I can't."

I blushed, "You are the love of my life."

"If our friends knew how fast we're taking things they'd think we're insane," Minho purred into my neck, leaving small kisses all around.

"I waited damn near almost a year for you, I don't care what anyone thinks. Now that I have you I don't want to be away from you," I said to him. "I need you all of the time. I don't care how toxic things become, you're the one for me."

"I can't wait to keep listening to your voice for the rest of our lives," Minho said, moving his head to rest on my chest. "I could listen to you talk forever."

"Can we just lay like this forever?" I asked him.

"I'd give up everything to make that happen," Minho said to me. "Hey, remember when you asked me to promise that I wouldn't do anything to hurt myself again?"

"You remember that? Ugh, gross. Forget about that, I don't know what I was thinking. That was super unfair of me," I said, cringing.

"I can promise you that now, Sungie."



"You don't have to do that."

"I want to, especially since I can now," Minho said to me. "I want to be alive so that I can be with you all of the time."


"Han, I mean it. You're my other half."

"'Think our friends will come to our wedding?" I asked him, intertwining my hand with his.

"I can't even imagine how they're going to take it when they find out that we're in a relationship period, let alone if they'll stay friends with us long enough to see our wedding," Minho chuckled.

"Felix knows things, I think he'd still come," I said to him.

"The things you've done that I don't know about?" Minho asked.

"Yes, and I'm sure you have your fair share," I responded.

"Oh, I do. There's no denying that," Minho said. "There'll come a day when there are no secrets left between us and that'll be the moment that'll make or break us."

"The moment where we'll be at our most vulnerable; I've imagined it."

"I have too but I have a feeling that when the day comes, it'll be way different than what we anticipated."

"Oh, I'm sure it will be. I have no clue what you could be referring to when you say that you've done things but if you know what I've done and you're still here, you're crazier than I thought," I said to him.

"So what I'm hearing is that we're even?" Minho joked.


"You already know my crazy and I know yours."


"No matter what happens, we're going to be together in the end."


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