Chapter 18 - Reconsider.

Start from the beginning

"You're still alive, right?" Rayan smiled.


"Then that means that god has something going for you." Rayan nodded. "All of those people who died on the island, died because god wanted to take them home. If you're still here, that means that he isn't ready for you yet. And that goes for all of us. He isn't ready for Jacob, he isn't ready for Adrianne, he's leaving us here to do a job."

"Wow. That's......deep."

"Thanks." Rayan smiled as he watched Jaelyn get out of the water. She took a deep breath, then stared at Rayan for a while while he cleaned up.

"Hey Rayan."


"I'm sorry for all of those..."aids" remarks that I gave you earlier." Jaelyn smiled. "You're actually a good person."

"Thanks Jaelyn! Are we friends now?" Rayan grinned, still teasing her.

"I guess." Jaelyn growled as she walked back to the beach, and looked Rayan's way. "I guess we are, Rayan."

As day 168 dawned into sunset, half of us split up to bury Jazzy, and half of us attempted to help Janyra. However, we didn't indicate a stick for Cici because we weren't sure if she was dead or not. Me, Jazz, and Nina bundled up into the boys hut while the rest of the girls stayed on the beach. Janyra was laying unconscious, while we tried to figure out how we were going to get the arrow out.

"Holy shit." I said as I gripped onto the arrows, squinted his eyes, and prepared to snatch it out.

"No don't snatch it out!" Jazz yelled in nervousness. "It'll kill her on contact!"

"Well then what the hell are we supposed to do?" I barked. "We can't leave this arrow in her chest!"

Me and Jazz gave each other irritated looks as we glanced over at Nina. She was sitting in the corner with her arms folded.

"Uh Nina you can help us!" Jazz snapped. "You're the one who caused this problem!"

"I'm not a surgeon." Nina growled.

"So what bitch you did this!" Jazz hollered.

Then, Kimberly walked inside of the hut. The boys had gasped lowly because she hadn't stepped out of the house since the day Adrianne got her child. She glanced at us for a few moments, then kneeled over Janyra while she placed her health kit next to her.

"Chresanto and Craig, since you're the strongest, hold Janyra's arms down as tight as you can. Sierra and Nina, I'm gonna need you to sit on her legs." Kimberly said in a bland tone. "Jazz, I'm going to need you to cover your ears. It's going to be loud."

We did as we were told, as Kimberly pulled out 2 q-tips. She sat on top of Janyra and took a deep breath as she gripped onto the arrow. She closed her eyes, and snatched it out of her chest as blood droplets splattered on the top of the hut.


It was the loudest scream I'd ever heard in my life. It was so loud, that my ears were still tingling a few minutes afterwards. Janyra kicked and screamed as blood flooded her chest. We all held her down as Kimberly poured poroxide in her chest, wiped off some of the blood, and placed the q-tips inside of her gash to stop the bleeding. Kimberly placed a thick white pouch on top of her gash, as we all let her go. She continued to kick in the ground even after we got up.

Janyra was literally losing her mind.

"I'm gonna kill all of you bitches!" Janyra yelled as she kicked and continued to cry drastically on the ground. "I'm gonna kill all of you. All of you!"

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