Chapter 17 - "She's gone."

Start from the beginning

I realized that they were starving to death. Literally and physically.

"You guys are back......." Jazzy said as she laid on her back on the ground. She could barely keep her eyes open, and she couldn't move any part on her body.

"Where's Charmaine?" Nina asked in shock. "And did you guys get us any help?"

"Charmaine was swallowed up by the waves in the storm.." Khamil said in a low tone. "We came back because we lost our food supply. We couldn't find any land any place or anywhere in general?"

"Charmaine died?" Jazz said in shock.

"Yeah..." I said in a sad tone. "She drowned."

Jazz started to tear up as she slowly walked over to the two gravesides where Allison and Charleze laid. Two big sticks laid over them, indicating the lost souls. She went into the woods, grabbed another large stick, and placed it next to the two bodies. 3 lives lost, three people that would never be seen again.

"Why'd you do that?" Nina snarled.

"To indicate that Charmaine was a fallen soldier." Jazz said in a shaken tone. Nina rolled her eyes, then looked back at us.

"Kimberly was hiding Adrianne's baby the whole entire time." Nina said in a weak tone.

"Holy shit are you serious?" Cierra said in shock.

"Yeah. Adrianne went a-wall. She broke her windows and everything." Nina coughed. As I looked at her, I realized how weak she was. She was one so plump and so perfect when it came to her body, and now she was almost unrecognizably frail. "Everyone on this island are.....evil."

I looked down at Jazzy, and she was licking sand off of the ground. She was slowly picking up her hands and putting little amounts in her mouth, showing that she was starving. Cierra walked over to her to help lift her up, but Jazzy's body dangled as she held her. Her weight was drastically light, and in fact is was dangerously light.

"We haven't ate in........5 days.." Gabi said in a raspy tone as she laid flat into the sand also. "We're dying.."

"Kimberly hasn't hunted for food for you guys?" Cierra asked in shock.

"She hasn't done it since she found out about Puma..." Jazzy whispered in a weak tone.

"Oh my god!" Khamil shouted. "We have to find these girls something to eat!"

"We're trying to cook Simba, but Janyra won't let us." Nina growled in a raspy tone.

"Look, I'll find us some food tomorrow you guys." I said.

"Ugghhhh." Gabi and Jazz moaned.

"I promise that I will. Hold off for one more day, alright?"

"I'll find us some owl and some berries for juice." Cierra nodded.

Day 168 I woke up, and it was a bright day. It was one of the prettiest days on the beach. One of the things that caught my eye, is that I looked up in the sky and seen a large yellow ray from the sunlight beaming on us, almost as if someone was going to heaven. I looked down and seen Cierra awake, while some of the girls were peacefully sleeping. Since we were the only ones up, we decided to go hunt for the girls since they hadn't ate in forever.

However, we didn't find much. All we found were two owls, 10 berries, and 10 shells in the ocean that all of us had to split. Me and Cierra decided to cook it in a fire that we built, and the smell of the food woke all of the girls up.

"Rise and shine!" Cierra cheered as all of the girls rushed over to us. "Breakfast is ready!"

Everyone rushed up, except for Jazzy. She was asleep, and it'd almost looked like she was smiling in her sleep. Cierra laughed as she walked over to her, and shook her to wake her up.

"Jazzy, we have food."

Cierra continued to shake Jazzy, but she wasn't moving. She took a few water droplets from the sea and splashed it on her face, but she still wouldn't wake up. Cierra shook her body extremely hard, then stopped to look at her. She was stiff as ever, and her facial expression wasn't changing. Cierra paused for a second, then put her finger under her nose. There was no air coming out. She placed her two fingers onto her neck to check and see if she had any pulse.

None. Jazzy had died from starvation, and we were a day late from saving her.

"Oh my god!" Cierra wailed as she burst into tears. "I think she's dead!"

"No no no no! Not Jazzy!" Nina whined as she went over towards her. She tried to shake her as well, but nothing worked. Jazzy had died in her sleep.

"No. She was just alive!" I said in shock as I covered my mouth, tearing up as well.

But Nina was furious. She grabbed a bow and arrow that Kimberly left on the porch, and made her way into the woods.

"Where are you going, Nina?"

"To kill Simba!" Nina shouted angrily as we all followed behind her. "I'm sick of this bullshit! People are dying because of Janyra's selfishness!"

Meanwhile, Janyra was unaware about what had happened. She was sitting in the woods feeding Simba some leaves, while she had a daily talk with him.

"Oh Simba. You're my best friend in the whole world." Janyra smiled as she gave him a kiss on his forehead.

But when she looked over his shoulder, she seen Nina aiming a bow and arrow. She immediately jumped up to protect Simba.

"NO!" Janyra shouted as she ran in front of him.

Too late. Nina had fired at Simba, and it flew into Janyra's chest as she flew onto the ground. Simba stopped eating as he looked at Janyra, and seen her crying and holding her chest. He quickly swallowed his food and began to lick the blood off of her chest to help her, when he seen Nina holding the bow and arrow.

And Simba, was about to go on a rampage.

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