chapter twenty-seven

Start from the beginning

"Doesn't stalking imply that I'm threatening him and making him feel scared? He doesn't even know," I said. "I know it's a fucked up stance to have but following him around for a couple of days to figure him out doesn't sound like the worst crime ever."

"Yeah, but he's your boss. What if he finds out that someone's watching him and he confronts you? What are you going to do then?"

"Do you really want an answer?" I asked him, raising a brow. Felix nodded his head hesitantly and I answered his question. "Lie. I'll lie my fucking ass off. He cannot find out."

"You really think that's going to work out for you?" Felix scoffed. "How are you going to keep up with all of that?"

"I feel like you underestimate my intelligence," I remarked. 

"Someone's gonna catch you, you know," Felix said to me wearily. "I won't be the one to expose you but someone's gonna find out if you keep doing this. Chan's already onto something. He might be the one to sniff you out."

"Fine, I'll try to lay off a bit. I just want to know what's going on inside of his head," I said. "He's hot and cold all of the time, I want to figure out why."

"I don't think stalking him is going to answer that question," Felix said, curling his upper lip at me. "Look, I have a hunch about something. Do you want to hear it?"

"What is it?"

"I think Minho's a lot more strategic than we all think," Felix began. "Since the beginning, he's had you in his pocket. I think he wants you to be obsessed with him like this."


"Go on.."

"I think he's got a plan with you, or something. He gave you a job after you hit his car and then proceeded to give you a new one. One moment he's doting on you and kissing you in a hotel room and the next he's verbally abusing you. I think he's calculated," Felix said to me. "I don't know what it is about him but something's off to me. Before his suicide attempt he made it sound like you meant nothing to him and that you were below him but after, all of a sudden he's talking about potentially fucking his intern to get you to be with him. I think this is some kind of game to him and he's winning."

"You can't tell anyone that I told you about that suicide attempt," I said to him sternly. "I know I shouldn't have told you but I needed to get that shit off my chest."

Felix patted my back, "I know, Han. I know. You have my word."

I shook my head, "If this is all a game to him, what's the objective?"

"That - I don't know," Felix sighed. "I genuinely can't tell. I feel like he knows what he's doing, though."

"Let's say you're right about all of this. Minho is a cold and calculated motherfucker with an elaborate plan. What does he want out of this? What if it's about the car accident?"

"All of this over a car? I don't know about that, guy's a billionaire," Felix shook his head. "Unless it had some personal meaning to him, or something."

"All of this makes me want to watch him more just to figure out his play," I groaned.

"Honestly? Talking about all of this out loud is making me realize that you're a bit justified in doing what you're doing. He's suspicious, I can feel it in my fucking bones," Felix said.

"See what I mean?" I sighed. "I don't like that I'm doing this. I don't like that my mental state has gone down the drain because of a guy. I don't like that I'm willing to give up my morals so easily but God, I just want to know. I'm dying for it."

"I still can't believe you told me all of this shit," Felix chuckled. "Never in a million years would I have suspected that this would be your life now."

"Yeah, me either," I chuckled softly. "I think I'm going to lay off him for now."

"Good thinking."

That was a lie, this only gives me more incentive. I'll figure you out, Minho. Then, you'll be mine.

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