Hello little Y/n #3

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"There is someone who could help us steal the evidence but sadly their currently held up in Watatsumi island"

"Paimon's been wondering who is this guy anyway?"

"Their Ei's Child"

"What The Raiden Shogun has a Kid!?"

"Yes she does, the child was birth five years ago in a blaze of thunder and lighting those were bolts of great divine power"

Y/n woke in a mountain of Empty plates and Neatly stacked Dango milk. The events of last night flashed. Y/n sighed and looked around the room. They soon get up after not finding their mother anywhere.

Y/n took their trusty umbrella with them as they set off for another day of Bizarreness.

"Ngnh... Y/n Sweetheart come back... Five more minutes..."

Y/n stopped by Katheryne to drop off of Supplies she requested. Katheryne thanked them before petting them.

Y/n smiled before setting out to watatsumi island.

Miko stepped into the room to see Ei laying on a mountain of Dango milk and unwashed plates.

Although Ei was there Y/n was not and she needs that Kätzlein Child to be here.

"Ei wake up" she said shaking her a bit. "five more minutes..." Ei turned away. "Where's Y/n?"

"Right here" Ei petted the air next to her... She opened her eyes. "Y/n?" She looks around the room.

"Y/nnnn!!!!" She panicked!

Y/n sat down on a rock over looking watatsumi island.

They smiled and Stood and headed of to the shrine.

They slowly made Their to the shrine Smiling at everyone a long the way. After a long walk they finally made it too the village and-

Y/n stopped and smelled the air... It smelled sweet with the hint caramel and electric bolts.

"Sweets?" Y/n thought they followed the Small of the weird sweets.

After a short climb over a hill they came across a small fatui camp. They had a barrel of delicious electro sweets! And lucky they were all grouped up in a small corner with a Gunpowder keg nearby.

Y/n held there Umbrella handle and raised it. The Unusual umbrella reformed into a bow.

They aimed at the Gunpowder keg... They breath in slowly as small sparks of electro buzzed and gather at the tip of the arrow. They take the shoot the Flies to the Gunpowder keg.

The arrow Pierce the barrel igniting the Gunpowder keg. The explosion let out a small mushroom cloud. Y/n glided down gracefully. They sniffed out the electro sweets.

"Calm down Ei it's nothing to be worried about" Miko said sitting her down.

"You should be worried that they are not talking" Miko said smiling. Ei got offend.

"Y/n can speak their just shy to talk" she defend her teachings. "Really now?"

"Of course! Y/n is quite an intelligent Child!"

Miko pulled out a notebook two notebooks

"Well you aren't wrong... Dear Diary, today mommy tried to teach me how to cook but she doesn't know I already now how to cook. She in the other hand she doesn't know how to cook maybe I should teach her."

Ei took the diaries "that is a violation of their privacy!"

"Look again" she pointed at the front page saying "allowed to be read by Auntie Miko but not by Mommy"

"You have it and you are reading so you are violating your own Child's privacy... You are quite the Horrible mother"

Y/n finally made it to the shrine in watatsumi island with bag full of electro sweets. "Y/n there you are!" Paimon called. Aether and Paimon walked up to the child eating Electro sweets.

"Ohh!!! They look tasty can Paimon have some?" Y/n knew if she eats any these Sweets she would get electrocuted. Y/n looked at Sweets then to the traveler before turning to Paimon.

"Electrocuted!" Y/n swallowed their shyness.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Paimon looked confused a bit.

"I think if you eat it you get electrocuted" Aether said.

"Come on! Food like this doesn't exist!" Paimon took so of the sweets.

"No! Paimon will get hurt!" Y/n said trying to take the sweets back.

Aether prepared the Kamera. Paimon nibble on the sweet.

"See paimon isn't hurt!-" paimon falls to the ground she yelled in pain as Aether took pictures of her pain.

The effect soon wore off and Paimon slowly floated up again. "Sorry..." Y/n lowered their head.

"Say something, unless you want to get sliced in half" aether whispered. Paimon began to sweat a bit.

"Hey, Y/n it's not your fault it's paimon's fault!" Y/n began to cry. Paimon now was panicking.

"Is everything alright?" Y/n turned to the voice it was miss Kokomi.

"Y/n it's alright Ok! Paimon was just being paimon you know there's no need to cry about!"

'this is Paimon's done for!" paimon thought to Paimon. Wait that-

Kokomi scooped up the little kid. "What happened you two?" She asked.

"Paimon ate of electro sweets" Aether said.

"Hehe... Come one Y/n cheer up Sweetheart" y/n stayed quiet. "Come with us you two" Kokomi said walking back into the shrine.

Aether followed while paimon disappeared into her pocket realm.

Y/n wiped away their tears... They sighed and lay their head on kokomi's shoulder. She pets Y/n's head.

"Look what you did Paimon" Aether joked. Paimon was to distraught to pay him any attention.

Y/n sighed... That was when They spotted a small pyro slime... Y/n ears perked up. Y/n began to wiggle out.

Kokomi let them go. Y/n jumped up high into the air. Landing On their feet, they ran to lonely pyro slime.

Y/n looked at the pyro slime and Pyro slime looked at them. Y/n nods the pyro slime blinks.

"You two seem to have a mutual agreement" Kokomi said. Y/n touched the slime.

Y/n quickly pulled away at the heat of the Pyro slime. Y/n sat down next to the slime. The slime looked at them curious as to what their new friend will do?

Y/n breath slowly... Before reaching out to the slime again... Y/n touched the slime... The slime liked the touch of His new friend. He moves closer towards them.

Y/n hugged the slime. They liked his warmth and they didn't mind the heat...

"Checkmate Ei! I now have custody of Y/n" Miko said taking her king in a glorious checkmate.

Aether walked up to them. "Hello traveler and Look who do we have here?" Miko looked at Y/n who was too tired to care. "Y/n Sweetheart do you want to stay with Me or Auntie Miko!?" Ei asked frantically. Y/n pointed at Miko. Ei stood there motionless.

"I guess, I treat them better then you" Miko joked.

Mr. Pyro Jumped down from aether's hands and slowly crawled to Y/n. "How cute a pet slime" Miko said.

"What's their name?" Miko turned to the traveler. "Mr. Pyro" Aether said.

"Mr. Pyro? Fitting I guess"

Y/n grabbed Mr. Pyro, Y/n made their way to Auntie Miko. Y/n tugged her Dress. "Hmm?" She looks at them. "Do you want to stay with me?" Y/n nods slowly.

"Sure you can stay with me" "looks like this is where we part ways Traveler... See you soon" She said Picking up Y/n, leaving the house. The Raiden Shogun stood there motionless and Emotionless as always.

The end.

I like fish

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