Chapter 51- Lover boy

Start from the beginning

"He's pretty handsome, not as good look as me but he'll get there one day...maybe"

I smile but can't help the few tears that fall "I really miss him, I just...I really need him to be okay...seeing him like this and not being able to talk to him or tease him feels unbearable..."

Another choked up sob as I lay my head against his palm. "I know, and he will be okay y/n. He's just being stubborn, playing hard to get even" I nod knowing he's doing his best to make me feel better but don't move away from Taehyung. The warmth from his palm and the natural scent from him made me feel better. A second later I feel another warm palm on my back, rubbing small circles.

"You love him dont you?"

Seokjin asks as he sits next to me, I nod my head without thinking. I do love him, maybe more than I had thought but I also love Jungkook...a little more than I thought as well. I didn't want to choose and I didn't want to be without either of them. It was selfish of me I know but I can't help how I feel.

"I love all of you, I don't want to be without any of you"

Jin chuckles which makes me look up at him. "I know you love us and we love you but you know that's not what I'm talking about...I warned you about Taehyung from the moment you guys met didnt i?"

I nod thinking back about how everyone was so concerned about him and me, he was possessive and dangerous apparently. I can see those traits but I can also see all the good things about him. Especially when we were alone, it's like he sheds a layer of himself each time we are alone and each time I get closer and closer to his heart.

"I'm not trying to pressure you sweet y/n, but you are family now and will always be family. Which means we all are going to spend the rest of our lives with one another, so choose wisely. Or choose both what do I know, all I know is Taehyungie deserve to be loved fully. He never got that in any of his relationships and hasn't felt real love in some time. But neither has my JungKookie, I guess what I'm trying to say is be gentle with them. I know this is none of my business but I love them and want them to be happy"

Speechless I just nod, I didn't want to hurt anyone either and I truly wanted them both to be happy as well. "I'll have someone come bring you food, keep an eye on him for us" I nod again and he exits the room, I kiss Taehyung's hand once more before getting up and stretching my legs.

My body hurt all over the place, my wound was cleaned earlier but I hadn't gotten any pain meds yet, slowly I make my way to the window and look out at the sun slowly setting.

I wonder if it was really over, I know everyone keeps assuring me that we were good and safe now. But it felt unbelievable for some reason, like there was still a threat out there. Maybe it was because of Aisha I just felt uneasy, I hadn't heard much about that situation but was assured that everything was being taken care of.

I couldn't even image what a normal life would be like anymore. I'd happily work for the Kim's forever though, getting to spend time with Seojun was the only thing that kept me from falling apart. I smile thinking of his face when he first seen that I was awake.

"I've missed that smile"

Tiny goosebumps take over my body and all the air in my lungs seems to have been taken all at once. The voice is groggy but I know that baritone voice from anywhere, I slowly turn my head and about collapse when I see those honeycomb eyes staring back at me.

"Hi honey, what did I miss?"

I fly, I'm not sure how but I do I manage to leap over to him in a blink of an eye. Tarring a stitch in the process but I didn't care he was awake! As soon as I have him in my arms I start to cry, he's very weak but does his best to wrap an arm around me to hug me back.

"I missed you too"

"Don't you ever scare me like that again"

I sob into his neck as he tries to chuckle, it sounds painful so I force myself off of him and grab him some water, even though I can barely see from my tears. "I didn't mean to honey" he mumbles before trying to sip on the water.

"I should go get Zara"

I cry, I know I should but I can't move I don't want to leave him in case this is a dream. If it was I didn't want to wake up. He smiles up at me as my heart thrashes against my chest.

"Don't leave me just yet"

I nod not being able to move even if I wanted to, we just stare at one another for what felt like hours even though it's mer seconds passing us by. Something about his gaze makes me feel like he was awake longer than I knew, like he had heard me and Jin talking.

"Don't look at me like that"

I mumble finally pulling myself somewhat together, he smiles as I sit next to him "Why?"

How did this man manage to wake up from a major gunshot wound and already start to flirt and make my insides burn. My cheeks felt hot so without a doubt I was blushing.

"You know why, besides you need to rest everyone has been worried sick"

He grips my hand and brings it to his lips kissing it slowly as his eyes rip into mine. "I should really go get Zara you need to be checked out" but he refuses to let go of my hand, holding it to his lips once again.

"That can wait, is there anything you want to tell me honey?"

Deep red, my cheeks were deep red. I'm sure I looked hideous I had been sobbing so my face was for sure puffy and red. He knew, he without a doubt heard the conversation.

"Or do you prefer me to say it first?"

My mouth drops open unsure of what to even say, there was no way I'd be able to get the words out right now even though my body was screaming at me to just come out and tell him that I loved him.

"You're awake! Yah! Taehyung's awake! We've been worried sick asshole!"

I jump and pull my hand away as Jungkook comes in and goes to Taehyung's other side. He sighs and pulls his attention over to Jungkook giving him a weak smile as a few others start to pile into the door.

"Thank goodness you're okay, how are you feeling?"

Zara asks pushing his hair back and smiling down at him. "Like I've been shot" she rolls her eyes as does Jin and Jungkook making them laugh.

"Yah y/n you're bleeding, what happened"

I glance down at Hoseok's words and see my shirt filling with blood, it's only then that I notice the pain. "I'm fine" Yoongi shakes his head and without a word lifts my shirt exposing me to the whole room

"Aish she tore her stitches"

"I'm fine really please just focus and take care of Taehyung"

Zara nods and gives Yoongi a look he nods then pulls me from the room. I didn't want to leave but he insisted I needed to get cleaned up

"don't worry you can go back with lover boy once your stitched back up"


The amount of attention this story has been getting is blowing my mind. Thank you all so much for giving it a chance, I know my writing is meh but I'll do my best to give the story a proper ending soon lol again

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