Love is everywhere

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Arizona: So are you ready to go home?
Y/n: Yes, you know I hate being the patient.
Arizona: I know babe, but you can leave today and we can go home together.
Y/n: What I still don't get is why the police was waiting so long to do something.
Arizona: I think they needed to make sure they could come in and that the shooter wouldn't go all crazy.
Y/n: They just waited to long. I loved nurse Lisa. She was a real sweetheart and so young. She was just 26 Arizona.
Arizona: It is unfair, but they got him and he is in jail for the rest of his life.
Y/n: But we can't get the people back we lost.
Arizona: Life can be so unfair and I know I can't be that happy about the situation we are all in again, but I'm relieved that you are fine and that Alex will be fine in a few weeks.
Y/n: I feel exactly the same. I'm so grateful for us to be okay and that out girls are fine. The twins are okay back in Africa and now I'm okay. We facetimed this morning and they have build a clinic to help children out there. I'm so proud of them.
Arizona: We talked about it, but maybe we should visit Ruby and Ivy three days instead of 1 and help out.
Y/n: That's a beautiful and amazing idea honey. We will do that and surprise them soon. Can we now leave and go home?
Arizona: Lets get your cute ass home and on the couch with me. We will have dinner together with the girls if you're up to it.
*She kisses the top of your head*

Y/n: I want that so badly. Just like the old times.
Arizona: Give me your hand and we will get you in that wheelchair.

You got back home and the girls made lasagna with a pasta salad.

Sofia: Hey mom, good to see you walking again and back home.
Belle: Do you have pain? Are the stitches okay. Do we need to clean your wound?
Y/n: Take it easy kiddo. I'm all fine. You did an amazing job. You will be the greatest surgeon.
Arizona: Lets show her the other surprise in the garden. Please follow me babe, I don't mind if you need to hold my hand.

You give her a quick peck before following her and the girls.

Arizona: Now come on.
Y/n: Oh my god. I forgot it. This is amazing.
Arizona: Sofia got her this afternoon.
Y/n: Awww she is so beautiful and did you already grow since last time?
Belle: What is her name?
Arizona: Girls meet Snowwhite.

Y/n: Or you can call her Snow or Snowy

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Y/n: Or you can call her Snow or Snowy. Those will be her nicknames.
Sofia: She is really sweet. I cuddled a lot with her today.
Arizona: Now that she's home we should go eat the dinner you made.
Y/n: I'm so hungry.
Arizona: Girls you know what will happen if she's hungry.
Sofia: Mom will get grumpy!
Y/n: You are so not funny.
Belle: It's the truth mom. So we better start eating.

It's been a week later and you're packing your bags for the trip to see the twins and your holiday to South Africa. Arizona is finishing the last things at work when you hear someone open the front door.

Belle: Mom, I'm here.
Y/n: Give me a second. I will be downstairs, make yourself comfortable.
Belle: Do you have time to talk?
Y/n: Lets sit in the kitchen. I will get us something to drink. Is something wrong? 
Belle: I don't know. I'm confused.
Y/n: You can tell me anything.
Belle: I know and mama will make this to big. That's why I will tell you first. I think I like Harriët. More than just a friend.
Y/n: That's not something to be confused about. If you like her, you should tell her and knowing Harriët she will be totally fine with it if she doesn't like you like that, but I think she likes you just as much as you like her. I see the way she looks at you and honestly you are both scared that you don't feel the same or will mess up your friendship.
Belle: You always know what to say. I will tell Harriët tonight. We are having a movie night. I will text you later and can you tell mama?
Y/n: I will Belle, good luck and enjoy.
Belle: Thank you mom. I love you.

Arizona got home and you had dinner together. You told her about Belle and Arizona thinks that Harriët loves Belle too.

Arizona: What do you think? How did it go with Belle?
Y/n: I think it went smoothly as we haven't got any texts.
Arizona: They are cute together. I always had a feeling that they would fall in love with each other.
Y/n: I got a text. It's Belle.

The text
Hey mom. It went more than perfect. She likes me too and she even kissed me! We will have a first real date tomorrow.

*It was time you got to Africa*
Arizona: They don't know a single thing right?
Y/n: Nope, it will be a big surprise.
Arizona: You know what is weird? It has been six weeks ago that you got shot and now we are here in Africa surprising the twins.
Y/n: It is all possible because of you.
Arizona: Because of me?
Y/n: You are always the one reason that helps me through it all. Your love helps me more than any medicine does.

Arizona pulls you in for a passionate and sweet kiss.

Arizona: I love you y/n.
Y/n: I love you too Arizona. Now come on the camp is over there.
Arizona: I hope they like to see us.
Y/n: We will know it in a second.
Arizona: Ruby? Ivy?
Ruby: Mom, mama? Why are you here?
Arizona: To see our babies. We missed you so much.
Y/n: Can we have a hug?
Ivy: We missed you too. How long will you be here?
Arizona: We will be here three days helping out and spending time with you before we go on our holiday to South Africa.
Ruby: This is the best surprise ever. Mom, are you totally fine?
Y/n: I'am honey, because your sister did an amazing job in the OR.
Ruby: Come on. Follow us, we want you to meet someone.
Arizona: So who is that?
Ruby: Mom, mama this is Zac. He is also one of the volunteers here and he will also start his intern year at Grey Sloan next year.
Ivy: She forgets to tell you that they are dating each other.
Ruby: Ivy! I wanted to tell them myself. Are you telling them that you are seeing a boy?
Ivy: That boy next to Zac, that is his brother Dylan. We are dating each other.
Zac: Hi miss Robbins, it is really nice to meet you. Actually it is an honor to meet you. Your Tiny Human method is legendary.
Y/n: Thank you so much. It is really nice to meet you. Maybe we can have dinner together with you all to get to know you a bit.
Dylan: Your daughters are very sweet and we would love to have dinner tonight.

*Three days later*
Zac: This was amazing. I really enjoyed the time you were here.
Dylan: It was so nice to meet you. We can see why Ruby and Ivy are so beautiful.
Zac: Not only from the outside. We can see that you are both amazing, loving moms to them.
Y/n: You don't need to be that nice to us. If you don't like us, just tell.
Dylan: We are telling the truth. We got to know you for three days and it feels longer than that. The both of you are so sweet and kind. Hopefully we will see each other soon.
Arizona: It was a pleasure meeting you. But let me be clear. Don't you dare hurting our daughters.
Y/n: Okay take it easy tiger. They won't. Zac and Dylan, listen to me when I say that we really like you and we can see that Ruby and Ivy do too.
Dylan: We will take good care of them. We really like your girls.
Zac: Have a safe journey and we will see each other soon I hope.
Arizona: Take care of our babies.

You walked to the twins to say goodbye.

Ruby: So do you like them?
Arizona: I do, but they can't break your heart. If they do, I will brake them.
Y/n: Honey, keep it down please. Just be happy for them. They look really cute together. Oh and be honest, the boys are hot.
Ivy: Mom you are not making it better. So how long will you be in South Africa?
Arizona: 1,5 week. Then we go back to Seattle, to Belle, Sofia and Snow.
Y/n: And all the others. So when are you planning to come back?
Ivy: When the new intern year starts. So after summer. We already bought an apartment together not far from our house. So we can visit each other a lot and have many dinners together.
Arizona: We will have so many time together when you're back. As much as we love seeing you work here and helping those who need it the most, we miss you back at home.
Ruby: We miss home too, we missed you both so much, but we will be back soon.
Y/n: We love you so much, but we have to go now.
Arizona: Give us one last hug please.

You got to South Africa a day later in Cape Town.

Arizona: It is so beautiful here. Look at the view.

Y/n: A beautiful place for us to enjoy our time together

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Y/n: A beautiful place for us to enjoy our time together.
*You give her a sweet kiss on the lips*

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now