I miss you

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*Next morning*
Arizona: Yesterday was absolutely amazing!
Y/n: I do my best to make you happy.
Arizona: Yesterday was the best. Except for our weddingday.
Y/n: Awww baby. We will have our little family soon enough. I can't believe this is al happening.
Arizona: Do you want to think about decoration?
Y/n: Lets talk about it and go to work.

It was 5 weeks later and you are settled in your house and everything was going great with Arizona and your little bubba. The only thing is the morning sickness, but it's not to bad. You were at work and Bailey paged you to her office.

Miranda: Hey y/n, please take a seat. I want to ask you something.
Y/n: Okay spill it.
Miranda: So you and Arizona did amazing work with the pro bono project and other people heard of it. They want one of you to help out in Africa.
Y/n: Africa?
Miranda: I thought you would be the best option out of you two, because you can think like a trauma surgeon. Also I need Arizona here as head of peds. So think about it and let me know.
Y/n: For how long would this be?
Miranda: Three weeks. You would leave next week.
Y/n: Next week already? I will talk about this with Arizona and think it trough. You will hear from me soon.
Miranda: Thank you y/n. This will be a great opportunity for you.

You looked for Arizona and found her doing some paperwork.

Y/n: Hey you.
Arizona: Hey babe. What are you up to?
Y/n: Can we please talk. It is important.
Arizona: Of course come with me to the room.
Y/n: So Bailey paged me to come to her office and she offered me a great opportunity to do some more pro bono work for kids. The only thing is, it is in Africa.
Arizona: Woow this is amazing, but Africa. How long would it be?
Y/n: Three weeks. Leaving next week.
Arizona: You should go. This is something to learn from and to do something good. I will be fine here and you will be back for the first OB appointment. The only thing is, if you leave I want to tell April I'm pregnant, because if there's something and you're not here, I will need her.
Y/n: That's fine. We will tell her today. So I will go to Africa than to make a difference.
Arizona: I'm so proud of you.
Y/n: We will text everyday and we will try to call aswel everyday. Before we know, I will be back and the three weeks will be over.

*Three weeks later*
Arizona: Het babe how are you?
Y/n: I'm good just tired. How are you feeling?
Arizona: Great actually. I only have morning sickness, but it is not that bad. I miss you, having you not here with me is hard.
Y/n: I will be back in a week. I said these three weeks wil go by before we know.
Arizona: I know. I loved waking up everyday and seeing your wake up text.
Y/n: I knew you would love that. Oh sorry Arizona, I have to go, new kid coming in. Love you.
Arizona: Love you too babe. Save the tiny humans.
*End of call*

It was almost time to go to bed at the camp. It has been a long day with a lot of surgeries. You were thinking about Arizona and your little prince or princess. You send a voice message to Arizona before falling to sleep.

*Voice message*
There goes my heart beating. Cause you are the reason. I'm losing my sleep. Please come back now. There goes my mind racing. And you are the reason. That I'm still breathing. I'm hopeless now. I'd climb every mountain. And swim every ocean. Just to be with you. And fix what I've broken. Oh, 'cause I need you to see. That you are the reason. Sorry I know I can't sing, but I didn't know what to say. I love you so much Arizona.

April: Hey why are you looking like that?
Arizona: It's y/n. She just send me this before she went to sleep.
Jo: That's so sweet. She misses you so much. Only a week before she comes home.
April: I miss her too. Her jokes and just talking with her.
Arizona: She sends as much messages as she can. We talk almost everyday on the phone. I can't wait to hold her in my arms.
Jo: We all want to have her back, but she is all superhero in Africa. No one else would be better for the job.
April: Yes she is the best. Maybe we can have dinner with all of us when she comes back?
Arizona: She would love that and I love that aswel.

It was almost the end of the day for Arizona when Bailey paged her.

Miranda: Please sit.
Arizona: What's going on?
Miranda: I need to tell you something, but please don't panic.
Arizona: Now, you're scaring me.
April: Hi, you needed me.
Miranda: Take a seat please, you will need eachother. I don't know how to say this, but the camp in Africa got attacked. I don't know much more, but you needed this to know.
Arizona: What did you say?
April: You don't know anything?
Miranda: No, I'm sorry, but when I know more, you will be the first one I call.
April: I will stay with you tonight.
Arizona: Thanks April.

*Back at the house*
April: This is good, take it. You need to eat Arizona.
Arizona: I can't eat right now.
April: Y/n would want you to eat. You are pregnant. You need to take care of yourself even more.
Arizona: I know, but what if something happened? What if she got hurt?
April: If she really got hurt, she will be the one to take care of herself. She is so smart.
Arizona: But still April, they got attacked.
April: We don't know any details. Y/n, would want us to stay positive, because being negative will not help at all. I can literally hear her saying that.
Arizona: She would say that. I try to stay positive, but I'm also realistic.
April: Come lets eat a bit and go to bed. Do you want me beside you?
Arizona: Please sleep with me, I want that.

It was the next day and there was no update from Africa. Nobody heard anything from you and Arizona hadn't got any texts.

Jo: Hey we've heard about what happened. Can we do something for you?
Arizona: No, I'm fine.
Alex: Please reach out to us if you need anything.
Arizona: I love you guys.
Miranda: Arizona, April, can you come to my office?
April: Any news?
Miranda: Yes there is.
Arizona: Omg, please tell us.
Miranda: You will probably hear it on the news today. The American embassy called and they started looking for anyone.
Arizona: And did they found y/n?
Miranda: When they came to the camp they found all the workers, kids and doctors. I'm sorry but none of them were alive. They also found one of the men who attacked the camp, at least they think he was an attacker. He was found dead.
April: Miranda, what are you telling us? Y/n?
Miranda: That's something else. The attacker had a scar in his face and a bruise that looked like he was in a fight with someone. They think he was hit by someone who wore a ring.
Arizona: That could be y/n? But have they found her?
Miranda: She is missing and there are no stuff found of her at the camp. So they don't now for sure if she is alive or dead.
Arizona: This can't be happening. April I need her, the baby needs her.
Miranda: Sorry, did you say baby?
Arizona: Yes only y/n and April know about it. I'm pregnant, 9 weeks.
Miranda: Congratulations. So y/n is going to be fine. I know her too well. She will be back with you and your baby sooner or later. I will make sure there will be more man looking out for her.
Arizona: Thank you Miranda, will you let me know anything if you know something?
Miranda: Of course I will. 

It has been a week since everything happened in Africa. No one found y/n, and Arizona has her first OB appointment. April and Miranda will go with her to see OB.

Carina: Hey Arizona, how are you feeling? No news on y/n yet?
Arizona: I'm feeling okay I think. No one knows were she is.
Carina: I understand that's hard right now, but you need to relax more, it wil benefit the baby.
Arizona: I know it is just so hard. The only one who can really help me calm down every second is y/n.
Miranda: We will be here with you until y/n comes back.
Arizona: What if she doesn't come back. What if that happens?
April: Take it easy Arizona. We know that she maybe doesn't come back, but you will have a beautiful baby. Try to think about that and how happy y/n would be with your baby. You have to stay strong.
Arizona: We were planning all kind of things and now she is not here with me, with us.
Carina: You have us with you and we will not leave you, we promise. Today we will do some scans to have a look at your little one.

The room goes silent and within a few moments they hear the sound of a strong heartbeat fills the room. Tears streaming down all their faces.

April: Arizona, this is amazing. It sounds so strong.
Carina: All is clear and good. A very strong hartbeat.
Miranda: Sorry, this is so wonderful.
Arizona: I think y/n would have cried her eyes out. She already did have so many tears when I told her I found out that I was pregnant. I wished she could hear this and be with us.
April: Do you know what. I think with the connection you guys have, she feels all of this and will fight to come back to you.

*Back in Africa*
Little boy: Look dad! I think I know her.
Dad: She seems familiar.
Y/n: I need help. Please help me.

*After the OB appointment.*
Arizona: I want to be happy, but it is so hard.
April: I know, this sucks.
Miranda: I will call the embassy if there is any news.

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