The explanation

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Arizona: You better explain yourself y/n.
Y/n: I will explain everything to you.
Arizona: Only for now I just need a hug and you need to cuddle your daughters, because they really missed their mommy and Belle is in the ER at the moment.
Y/n: She is?
Arizona: She had a little accident, nothing to worry about. She is fine, Alex helped her. Y/n I love you so much, please never leave us again.
Y/n: I love you too babe. I'm so sorry for putting you trough this and I will never leave you again.
Arizona: I missed you so much.
Y/n: I missed you too.

She pulls you in for a long and passionate kiss.

Arizona: Lets go and see Belle.
Y/n: There's nothing I want more than holding all my girls right now.
Arizona: Why are you still here?
Lauren: I need to speak to y/n.
Y/n: And I don't want to speak to you. I give you a choice; you better get your stuff and leave right now or I will beat the crab out of you for all what you've done to my family. I will use everything I have, including using my baseball bat.
Lauren: What I've done? Look at what you've done. Leaving your family.
Y/n: Because of you. So leave before I call the police.
Lauren: You will not do that.
Y/n: Oh just wait and you will find out.
Lauren: I'll go, but I will come back and I will get Arizona.
Arizona: Go, before I kill you. I will never want to see you again any time in my life.

You hear a kid crying and you immediately recognize that it is Belle.

Arizona: Belle what is it?
Belle: Sorry, I'm not a big girl. My head still hurts a bit.
Y/n: Hey my little princess. It's okay to cry sometimes. You've been such a good girl for being there for mama while I was away and for being the best big sister to Ivy, Ruby and Sofia. I love you so much, my little girl.
Belle: I love you too mommy. Will you stay with us?
Y/n: I will never leave you again and I can't wait to jump around on the trampoline with you. Did you like that surprise?
Belle: I did and Ivy and Ruby liked it aswel. They aren't jumping like me, but they crawl around. Will you stay with me and cuddle me?
Y/n: I will baby. Arizona, will you come and lay with us and have some cuddle time?
Arizona: Of course I will. There is no better thing to do than cuddle my girls. But y/n, we need to talk later today.
Y/n: We will baby. Now I want to be here with the two of you and after it I will bring Belle to daycare and cuddle my three other little princesses.

You kiss Arizona on the lips and kiss the top of her head.

Belle: Mommy, don't do that. I'm still here.
Y/n: Sorry Belle. I missed her just so much.
Belle: I missed you so much mommy. Don't leave again for so long. I need you here with me. Now mama helped with my painting, but she isn't good. Sorry mama, mommy is better in painting.
Arizona: Lets get you to daycare. Mommy wants to see your sisters and I need to speak with her.

*You went to daycare and are now in an on call room*
Arizona: I think it's time to spill it.
Y/n: Lets sit on the bed.
Arizona: As much as I'm happy to see you again, I'm so mad at you for the way you left me, us.
Y/n: I know and you're aloud to be mad at me, but you need to know why I left.
Arizona: I kept asking myself that question multiple times a day. Was it me?
Y/n: No, it has nothing to do with you, wait is has something to do with you only not like your thinking. Like I said in my note, I would never stop loving you, I always will love you. That's the reason I left.
Arizona: Before we go on with your story. So there will be no divorce?
Y/n: No, you will be my wife till the day I die. At least if that's still what you want.
Arizona: Of course I want that. You're the love of my life.
Y/n: I'm glad you still love me.
Arizona: You're the only person I have ever really loved. You have showed me what love really means.
Y/n: So last week just after our playdate with our girls at daycare I received an email from Lauren. She attached a few photos of our princesses. It scared me a lot after a few minutes I got a call from her.
Arizona: This is scary and crazy on a whole new level. 
Y/n: I know. So she threatened to hurt the girls if I didn't left you or if I called the police. She sent more information to me that only we should had known.
Arizona: Like what?
Y/n: She knew about things of our girls like she was spying on them for some time. Information about the adoption of Sofia for example. She kept sending pictures of her near the girls and I couldn't see how she got that close to them. We've been trough so much, but I never got so scared. I really thought she would hurt them and she told me not to tell anyone, especially you or she would take one of the girls. Like kidnapping Arizona, kidnapping!
Arizona: Oh y/n, I'm so sorry. We are the strongest when we're together, but I understand why you chose to listen to her. You only wanted for the girls to be safe.
Y/n: It was so hard, but I never really left. I was close to you all the time. I was staying at the hotel a few minutes from here and I kept sneaking around to see the girls and to keep an eye on Lauren. Something told me I couldn't trust her. We made the deal that she would stayed away from the princesses and would never hurt them if I left you, like really left and disappeared.
Arizona: Now I understand. You did it all to keep us safe.
Y/n: That's all I wanted for you and the girls to be safe.
*Arizona kisses your cheek*

Arizona: You just needed to realize we would only be safe when you are around. We aren't safe when you're not with us.
Y/n: I feel so stupid. I should have never let her get into my head like that. Again, I'm so sorry. I love you so much Arizona.
Arizona: Please put your ring back on. I wore it, attached to my neckless all the time.
Y/n: Dear Arizona, will you please putt it back on my finger? Thank you babe, this is so much better.
Arizona: There's only one thing I don't get. How did you got here exactly on time to get her of me and to be here for Belle? Were you here the whole time?
Y/n: No, I was in the hotel. I got a text from Vanessa, that new girl from the daycare, that Belle got an accident. So I came here as fast as I could not thinking about Lauren at all. All I was thinking was getting to my baby and help her.
Arizona: So your phone is still working?
Y/n: Yes it is. I just ignored all of you. Everyone that called went straight to voicemail and I just left everyone on read. I bought a little new simple mobile so I could be in touch with anyone if it was needed. I used it to call you the other day.
Arizona: Okay that is just mean.
Y/n: Sorry I had to. So when I got that text about Belle, I jumped into my car and got here. I thought maybe it was Lauren.
Arizona: You were on your way to fight with her?
Y/n: If she really hurt my baby, I would have beaten the crab out of her. Then I ran into the ER and saw Alex with Belle and she looked fine, but then I saw Lauren walking towards you in that room. I saw it through the window and the rest, you know what happened.
Arizona: When that door opened and I saw your face, I couldn't believe it. I was so glad you were there to safe me. You always safe me.
Y/n: After last time with her, I couldn't let that happen again. I know you would never betray me like that again, but I don't trust her.
Arizona: Thank you for finding me all those years ago and being by my side. You're back and that is what matters. We will figure out what to do with that stalker of a bitch. Why didn't you go to the police?
Y/n: I was scared if I did that she would take one of my little girls. That was that one thing I tried to avoid. She told me to not call the police or she would hurt the girls.
Arizona: Lets go home early. So we can play with all 4 of them. They will be happy to see you again.
Y/n: Tonight I want to be with you and cuddle you, because I missed that so freaking much.
Arizona: Just cuddle?
Y/n: Maybe some more.
Arizona: I like more.

You had dinner, played with your babies and putt them to bed.

Arizona: Now, it is time to be in bed with my wife.
Y/n: Only because you are the most beautiful women I know and the sweetest most loving mother there is.
Arizona: I want you so bad y/n. I need you.

*The next day*
Jackson: Hey y/n, it's so good to see you again. We all heard about what happened. That's so messed up.
Y/n: I know. It was a very scary situation, but hopefully it's over now.
Jackson: I'm so sorry. I asked her to come here and help me again. I feel so stupid.
Y/n: Please don't. She is an outstanding surgeon, but as a person she is not okay.
Jackson: So are you and Arizona all good again?
Y/n: Yes we are. We made it all up last night.
Jackson: This is the moment where I leave. I don't want the hear details about last night. Bye y/n, see you later.

*It was lunch time and you were sitting with Arizona, Jackson and Alex*
Arizona: So I was talking with April today and she wants to watch Belle and Sofia this weekend with Jackson.
Jackson: Apparently I'm watching your kids.
Arizona: And Jo offered to watch Ruby and Ivy with Alex together.
Alex: And apparently I'm with the twins.
Y/n: Thank the both of you so much. You two are the best man I know.
Alex: Thanks. You y/n, are my best friend. I love you.
Y/n: I love you too and love you Jackson. So why are we without the girls this weekend?
Arizona: I wanted to go on a trip with my wife like we always did. It's a good thing after everything that happened.
Y/n: You are the best wife I could wish for. I love you so much.
Arizona: I love you too babe. All for my best friend and soulmate.
Alex: You two are the cutest couple I've ever seen. I'm in love with your love.

You were done eating and walked with Arizona to the peds wing.

Arizona: Do you like going away this weekend?
Y/n: I love it. I agree that we need to go away to have some alone time.
Arizona: See you tonight.
Y/n: See you tonight honey.

You kiss her before leaving and going back to work. It was the end of the day and Arizona was paged to the ER for an emergency.

Arizona: What do we have?
April: Bed 3, I don't really know what it is as it is really busy.
Arizona: Hello, I'm dr. Arizona and...
*Arizona fell to ground and cried for help*

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