Don't worry, be happy

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Arizona: I'm so sorry that this is happening again, but look. She is back again.
Y/n: Why? What is she doing here?
Arizona: We will found out soon, because she is coming our way.
Y/n: Hi and bye.
Leah: Nothing more to say? Nice to soo you too.
Y/n: No.
Arizona: As you can see we are here having a dinner so please leave us alone.
Leah: Maybe we could have lunch sometime.
Arizona: I'm sorry, but I don't want that.
Leah: Why is lunch to much to ask? Is it that hard?
Arizona: Because I'm just not interested. Can you please leave?
Y/n: So uhm, bye.
Leah: See you at work.
Y/n: Work? Did you say work?
Leah: Yes I got hired back at the hospital.
Arizona: No way. How?
Leah: I did a great job at the other hospital and wanted to learn more so I asked to come back and they gave me a second chance.
Y/n: Great.
Leah: See you Monday.
Arizona: Apparently.

You had dinner and just ordered dessert.

Arizona: You okay? You're so quiet tonight.
Y/n: Just thinking.
Arizona: About what?
Y/n: Why the universe makes being together so hard. Every time things seem to get really good between us someone walks in and I get the feeling that it can get bad and I don't like bad.
Arizona: Hey you know someone once said; Love is not the opposite of power. Love is power. Love is the strongest power there is. I truly believe in that and that we are an example of it. I love you so much and please believe that we will get trough everything lives brings us. When things get bad, we manage to get through it and get our happy time.

You come home after the dinner and you could feel Arizona staring at you.

Y/n: You are so sweet, I love you so much and can't wait for our little bubba to come and make our family complete.
Arizona: Belle will be the best big sister.
Y/n: Yes she will and you Arizona Robbins are the best mom to our kids and my dream wife. You are my reason to breath and the one that will make me happy each and every day.

You got changed into some jammies and are laying in bed.

Arizona: You are the perfect one, even when you don't believe it. You're more than perfect to me.

Arizona leans forward and grabs your face in your hands and kisses you passionately on the lips.

Arizona: You are definitely the most beautiful women I have ever seen and you being pregnant, makes you look even more stunning every single day. 
Y/n: Stop it please, you're making me cry.
Arizona: Awww babe. What would you say if we go lay down in bed and cuddle until we fall asleep.
Y/n: That's what I was thinking about. Just you and me.
*You kiss and cuddle into each other*

You were 16 weeks pregnant now and thank god you've seen Leah just a few times at work. You have another scan with Carina and she will have a look if she can see the gender.

Carina: You look amazing y/n and you start to show a bit. When will you tell everyone?
Y/n: After today.
Carina: That's great. Lets have a look.
Arizona: Tell us, how is your love life going?
Carina: I've been having some dates with that girl I told you both about the last time.
Y/n: Who is the lucky girl? When will we meet her?
Carina: She works at the fire station, she is the captain. Captain Bishop. Maybe you have seen her before.
Arizona: When will we meet her? Like a proper meeting.
Y/n: Arizona, let them first enjoy time with each other. Carina, when things get more official, please feel free to come have dinner with us some time.
Carina: You are so sweet, thank you. So you know it, just get comfortable.
Arizona: I'm so excited. I can't wait any longer.
Y/n: Me too. I can tell our little bubba is too, because the last couple of days I can feel a lot of movement.
Carina: So I need to have a better look.
Arizona: Carina, what is it?
Carina: Uhm I'm not sure. Give me a minute. Just stay here, I will be back soon.
Y/n: Carina, you are scaring me to death. Is everything okay? How is our little peanut?!
Arizona: Carina, please say something.

Arizona comes closer and kisses your head and holds both of your hands.

Arizona: It will be alright y/n. It will all be alright.
Carina: Okay I'm going to get another scan, just to be sure. Try to relax.
Arizona: Carina, is it bad? Is something wrong with our baby?
Carina: I'm not sure, that's why I want to get that other scan first, before concluding something. Let me do the work and you both need to relax.
Y/n: Carina, be fast please, I can't take this any longer.

You start crying thinking about all things that could be wrong with the baby.

Arizona: Look at me, look me in the eyes. You need to relax and don't think the worst. Carina is just making sure everything will be alright.
Y/n: I'm trying Arizona. Just the look on her face told that there is something. I'm so freaking nervous.
Arizona: No matter what it is y/n, we will love the little peanut with all the love we have.
Y/n: I love you Arizona.
*Arizona kisses your cheek and holds your hand*

Arizona: Okay Carina. Please tell us.
Carina: So I need you here Arizona.
Arizona: Uhm okay I think.
Carina: So we need a better look, but the baby needs to move a bit, so Arizona you need to push a bit here and than here. Be gentle, but still push hard.
Arizona: I will. Y/n, it will be alright I promise you.
Carina: It will probably hurt a bit, but I need you to hold on. Okay push Arizona. Breath y/n, just breath.
Y/n: Aaaah, don't push that hard. That hurts like hell.
Arizona: Sorry babe. Is this better Carina.
Carina: It is. So now I can see it. This is the view we needed.
Y/n: Tell us Carina, I can't wait.
Carina: You both can have a look at the screen.
Arizona: Wait is that what I think it is?
Y/n: So nothing bad. I'm so relieved. This is a miracle.
Carina: Are you guys happy with it? Sorry that you got so worried, but I couldn't see it clear.
Y/n: Don't be sorry Carina. Arizona, you okay?
Arizona: I can't believe this, but I'm even more in love with you than ever.
Carina: I will leave the two of you and congratulations.
Arizona: So we definitely are having a bigger family. Two beautiful little girls are growing inside your belly. We will have twins.

*Some time later at lunch*
Jo: Hey guys, where were you? Haven't seen you around all day.
Arizona: We had to do something.
Jo: Alright, something with the two of you?
Y/n: Jo, you are to funny sometimes. Do you want to have some lunch?
Jo: Sounds good. I think most of the others are there aswel.
Arizona: That's great. We need to tell you all something.

You were sitting in the cafeteria with most of the other attending's having lunch.

Arizona: Because you all are here, we need to tell you some news.
Y/n: So Arizona and I are in a great place and we've been so sure of our love and we wanted to bring our love to a new level.
Arizona: What we want to tell you is that y/n pregnant.
Meredith: Oh that's amazing.
Derek: So sweet, I love it. Hopefully you will have a boy.
Arizona: There is more. Y/n is 16 weeks now and we know the gender.
April: Tell us. We want to know.
Arizona: Belle will be a big sister to our two new baby girls.
Jo: Twins?
April: Woow this is absolutely lovely.
Arizona: It is a bit of a shock, but we're so proud of having two new bubba's running around soon.
Y/n: So we will have a big girls house.
Arizona: My love is carrying two little girls, how amazing.
Leah: Amazing? I would call it horrible.
Jo: Back off Murphy.
Y/n: It's that I'm pregnant, but I would love to kick your ass. Now get out of here.
Arizona: Like we've said many times before leave us alone.
Leah: But I still love you Arizona. You are the only one for me and you know that you have feelings for me.

Arizona turns towards you and takes your face in her hands and gives you a very long, deep and passionate kiss.

Arizona: This is my answer to you. This is what I'm feeling and I feel it for y/n. Now, I don't want to see your face.
Leah: Ugh. I hate you y/n. I will get her.

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now