Back to the good old days

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Arizona: I'm so ready for this trip with my amazing wife.
Y/n: Okay, we are at the airport so please tell me were we are going. Please.
Arizona: I will only tell you, if I get something from you.
Y/n: What will that be?

She pulls you in by your waist and kisses you passionately on the lips. You kiss her again deeply and long.

Arizona: This. I wanted to steel a passionate kiss from my wife.
Y/n: You're so adorable sometimes.
Arizona: Sometimes?
Y/n: No, you're the most adorable girl on this planet and I'm the most lucky girl, because I get to call you my wife.
Arizona: You can be such a big flirt. I love it when you're so flirty.
Y/n: You still need to tell me where we are going babe.
Arizona: Right, so I booked us a trip to New Orleans. Hopefully you like that.
Y/n: Of course I like that. I've never been to New Orleans and I love it because I'm together with my beautiful, amazing, loving and sweet wife.
Arizona: Don't be too flirty. Lets go, our plane is boarding.
Y/n: Okay miss bossy pants.
Arizona: You said what? Oh there's one more surprise before we leave. We will be away for three days instead of two, I already managed everything with the kids and Richard takes over as chief.
Y/n: You're absolutely the best Arizona. I can't wait any longer to make new memories with you.
Arizona: I love you so so so much y/n.

She kisses you again before walking to the plane and taking your seats. It was an easy flight and you got to New Orleans and arrived at your hotel.

 It was an easy flight and you got to New Orleans and arrived at your hotel

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Y/n: This is a really famous hotel. You really are so amazing.
Arizona: I was thinking we can drop off our luggage and then we are going on the Steamboat Natchez where they play jazz.
Y/n: I love that. Maybe after it we can have some lunch.
Arizona: I already took care of that. I know you get hungry and then you get grumpy. I don't want a grumpy y/n.
Y/n: Come here you little monster.

You kiss the top of her head.

Arizona: I need to know something y/n. I was thinking about it for some time and it will make the girls even more happy I think.
Y/n: Okay, what is it?
Arizona: So you need to be honest with me.
Y/n: Of course. You can ask me anything.
Arizona: What would you say about having our own beach house? Like we can build our own house.
Y/n: I really love this idea. The girls will love that so much. When we get back home, we need to make a plan for it, but I'm in. You're amazing Arizona, I love you.
Arizona: I love you too.

It was after lunch and you were walking down the streets of New Orleans.

Arizona: I really missed this.
Y/n: Missed what?
Arizona: Don't get me wrong. I adore the girls, but there isn't as much time alone with you anymore. Getting on a trip like this reminds me of how happy I am when I'm with you.
Y/n: I get where you're coming from. It's been less then a day, but honestly I miss the girls running around.
Arizona: Lets enjoy our time here together, because it will be Monday faster than you think.
Y/n: How are you feeling? Do I need to look at your wound?
Arizona: I'm totally fine. We only need to clean it tonight.
Y/n: So any more things planned for the afternoon?
Arizona: We are walking towards the Aquarium of the Americas and after we will have dinner at the top of one of the highest buildings of the city.
Y/n: It sounds lovely, you already did an amazing job.
Arizona: Glad you like it. So I can't keep it all to myself, but tomorrow we will go visit New Orleans Museum of Art and we go to the City Park.
Y/n: I'm so excited. You really worked it all out. Why are you so perfect?
Arizona: I'm not perfect. I try to give my wife the best of me.
Y/n: That means you're perfect.
Arizona: Okay stop it, you're making me blush. Monday we go to the Audubon Zoo and after it we can shop till we drop.
Y/n: This trip is getting better every second.
Arizona: You maybe need to change what you just said, because turn around and look at that.
Arizona: Why does this keep happening to us?
Y/n: I don't know and how is she even out of jail?
Arizona: I think we will figure that out as she walks over to us.
Eliza: Hey you, it's so nice to see you again. How are you and what a coincidence we meet here in New Orleans.
Y/n: Fine. What are you even doing here?
Eliza: Just visiting the city.
Arizona: Aren't you supposed to be in jail?
Eliza: Good to see you too. My time was up. I'am aloud to go where I want now. I only need to stay in the country for at least a year.
Y/n: Good for you, but we have to go.
Eliza: It's so good to see you again y/n. Why are you here?
Arizona: That's none of your business.
Eliza: How is Belle, she must be around 3 years I guess.
Arizona: You don't get to call her name. Bye.

You went on with your day, but it all felt awkward after running into Eliza. You are back at the hotel and are ready to change into your pajamas.

Arizona: Okay something is on your mind, tell me.
Y/n: Just Eliza. She ruined this trip. I could feel how angry you got.
Arizona: Yes, I got really angry and was upset when we saw her and when she approached us, but that happened and now I'm with you, that's what matters. Don't think I'm mad at you or something.
Y/n: I'm so sorry, you've putt so much work in this trip and I'm being moron.
Arizona: You're not. Don't talk about my wife that way. Come here.
Y/n: Why?
Arizona: So we can have some fun like the good old times. Just you, me and this bed.
Y/n: Oh, like that. We steed need to be careful with your wound.

I led her to the bedroom and I began to take off her clothes. Her nipples growing hard in anticipation and excitement. I moved to stand in front of her and cupped her tits lowering my head to take one nipple then the other into my mouth. Arizona gasped at every touch. Her knees starting to feel weak. I backed her up until she sat down on the bed. I released Arizona's tight nipple from my mouth and looked down at her. I pushed Arizona back on the bed spreading her legs wide for an unrestricting view of her tight pussy. I started to touch Arizona's clit softly and watched her jerk slightly. Arousal shot through her body.

I slowly began massaging her pussy lips and lowered my head to suck on her clit. Arizona let out a load moan and arched slightly her back toward me. I rubbed circles around her tight pussy enjoying the feel of her slick opening growing wetter by the minute. Her juices beginning to flow. I inserted two fingers inside her tight hole and began to finger her slowly still sucking on her clit and listening to the small gasps and pants coming from Arizona's mouth. I began to move my fingers faster sucking a little bit harder on her clit making her squeal. She grinned. I removed my two fingers dripping wet and licked them clean then ran my tongue in teasing flicks along her pussy tasting her and loving it. I thrust my tongue inside of Arizona who gasped and arched her cute ass completely off the bed. I put my hands down and stroked Arizona's ass with my hands holding her up and thrusting my tongue faster. I felt Arizona's muscles begin to tighten and heard her breathing coming faster and harder as her climax drew closer.

Finally hot juices came forth in a gush that shook Arizona's whole body. My tongue becoming bathed in Arizona's sweet climax. Arizona moaned louder and wiggled a little bit. I pulled back and watched as the juice flowed from her swollen pussy and soaked the bed a little bit. As Arizona gave one last spasm she went limp and moaned again. I smiled big and crawled up the bed to lay next to Arizona. I took some time for her to get her breath back, because it took a lot of her body. She is still getting her stamina back as it was before the accident.

Arizona: I'm so sorry I can't give you something back right now.
Y/n: It's more than okay. A kiss is more than enough for me.
Arizona: Next time it will be all about you. I love you.
Y/n: I love you too babe. Lets cuddle and get some sleep.

*Back home after your trip*
Arizona: Belle, where are you? We are back home.
Belle: Mama, mommy, I missed you. I made you both a drawing. Look this is you working with a magic unicorn and this is for you mommy. I tried to draw you as a superhero with rainbowpower.
Y/n: These are so beautiful, you're so talented sweetie. What would you say if we make it a painting for on the wall?
Belle: Can we do that mama? I will make more. One for Ruby, Ivy and Sofia. When I was with auntie April and uncle Jackson I've read a story each night to Sofia.
Arizona: Belle you're the best big sister in the world.
Y/n: And you are the best daughter ever. We love you so much.
Arizona: Lets putt you to bed. Mommy will come and read you a bedtime story.

It's been a few months and tomorrow is your 5th year anniversary since you two are officially together. You are taking Arizona out for romantic dinner and after it you will watch a movie at home.

Arizona: Hey y/n, do you have a moment to talk?
Y/n: I always make time for my perfect wife.
Arizona: Great, so I can give you this first.

She gives you a quick peck on the lips.

Y/n: Thank you babe. So what is it you want to ask?
Arizona: Belle will turn 4 in 6 weeks and I was thinking we should organize a party with a zoo theme.
Y/n: That is an amazing idea. Maybe we can do it at the beach house. They will finish the house in a month, there will be enough time to decorate the place and to make it all look like a zoo.
Arizona: That's even more amazing. I never thought of the beach house.
Y/n: So we do it at the beach house?
Arizona: Yes we do that. Can I have another kiss?
*You kiss her passionately*

Y/n: You can always get kisses.
Arizona: There's something else.
Y/n: Okay, what is on your beautiful mind?
Arizona: I thought I saw her this morning on the parking.
Y/n: Who did you saw?
Arizona: You know who I'm talking about.

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now