I'll be there

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Arizona: It feels really weird. Its a burning feeling and its like my breast feels heavy.
Y/n: Here take this water please. I will page April and we will have a look. I don't trust this.
Arizona: Lets go to an exam room.
Y/n: Give me your hand and we will walk there slowly.

*You got to the room*
Arizona: Okay we are here. Can you have a quick look? If you see something?
Y/n: Of cours baby.
Arizona: And what do you see?
Y/n: Nothing that worries me right now. Can I feel around?
Arizona: Please.
Y/n: Okay, so I'm going to be honest and I feel something in your left breast. Its a hard mass.
Arizona: No, this can't be happening. Y/n I'm scared.
Y/n: When April gets here we will make a plan and have a better look. Whatever happens I'm right here and I will be by your side no matter what.
*You kiss her temple*

Arizona: I would never want anything else. I love you.
Y/n: I love you too babe. Oh hey April, thanks for coming.
April: What's going on? Why are you looking like that Arizona?
Arizona: Y/n can you tell her?
Y/n: Okay. She wasn't feeling that great and she told me it hurts around her chest and breast. So I had a little look and felt her breast. I feel a hard mess. So can you please help us and do some scans to make sure what is going on before we are concluding anything?
April: Of course. I will get all the equipment and do some test. I will be back in a few minutes.
Arizona: Thank you so much April.
Y/n: Hey look at me. It will al be alright whatever April finds.
Arizona: I know and because of you I believe and stay strong, but I'm so scared. Oh god I'm saying all this, but I never asked you how you're doing. You have been trough this before with your mother.
Y/n: Right now I'm good. Don't worry about me for a second. All our focus must be on you. All our positivity.
Arizona: You are so special. Like I've said many times, you are the only one for me.
Y/n: Let me help you April. So I will hold your hand the whole time babe.
Arizona: Thank you, I need you so bad.
April: We will start.

April does the scan and her face changes.

Arizona: You see something, don't you?
April: Okay so I see something on the screen. You can have a look.
Arizona: I have breast cancer?
Y/n: What is it?
April: For what I see your right breast looks nice and healthy, but on the left breast I see a mess.
Arizona: So I have cancer?
April: We need to make a biopsy to see what it exactly is. When we know more I will let you both know immediately.
Y/n: Great thank you April.
Arizona: Can we go now? I need to think.
Y/n: Lets go to my office so we can sit and talk.
Arizona: Okay.
Y/n: Come here.

You kiss her before leaving the room.

Arizona: Thank you baby. I don't know what I would do without you.
Y/n: Its good that I will not leave you soon.
Arizona: So what will happen?
Y/n: That's a wait for us. It can be anything at this point. Maybe malignant tumor or a benign tumor, or it can be a cyst. We don't know for sure if we don't get the results back from the biopsy.
Arizona: I'm scared that it is bad, like really bad.
Y/n: Look at me. We need to wait and stay calm. What would you say if we leave early and go on a date? I'm thinking about a dinner date at that lovely Italian a few streets from here to take our minds of it for now.
Arizona: I like that, but what about the girls?
Y/n: I will ask the others if they can watch them and after our dinner we can get them and go home with them. Maybe after we put them to sleep we can watch a movie.
Arizona: This sounds like a plan.
Y/n: You are so beautiful. I love you.
Arizona: And you y/n are my gorgeous wife. I love you too.

*The next day at work*
Arizona: April texted me. She has the results of the biopsy.
Y/n: I get dressed and then I will drive us to work.
Arizona: I'm so nervous. I think I'm gonna cry.
Y/n: Oh Zona, come here. Whatever it will be, we can make it work. You will make sure you get trough it. You're the strongest person I know.
Arizona: I have the best teacher.
*She kisses your lips passionately*

Arizona: Come on, lets see April.
Y/n: Then we will know what is going on.

*You got to a private room where April was waiting*
April: So from the biopsy they found out that the mass is a tumor.
Arizona: Oh god no. I'm not ready to die.
Y/n: You're not going to die any time soon. So April tell us, what is it?
April: It is a benign tumor. We can make a plan and it will all be alright.
Arizona: I will not die?
Y/n: No babe, thank god for that. Not any time soon. This is going to be alright.
April: If you want, I can do the surgery. It will be one surgery to get it all out. Nothing else to worry. From the other scan, we saw that your clean.
Arizona: This is great news. Thanks for all you've done. I would really appreciate it if you do the surgery April. You and y/n are the ones I trust the most, but y/n can't do the surgery. So April please, will you remove the tumor?
April: Of course, I will help you. I love you both. I will leave you two and I will schedule the surgery in two days. Is that okay with you?
Arizona: As soon as possible so this will al be over.
Y/n: Thank you again April.
Arizona: It will all be alright. We will still be together forever and always.
Y/n: We both and our 4 beautiful and sweet girls.
Arizona: Still living our dream. Working on our happy ending.

*At the end of the day Arizona walks into the attending's lounge*
Arizona: Hey has anyone seen y/n?
Jackson: No, I haven't seen her since having lunch with her.
Arizona: If someone hears or sees y/n, can you please let me know?
Jo: We will Arizona.
Arizona: It's nothing for y/n to just disappear without letting me know where to go.
Jo: She probably forgot te tell you. She probably had to rush out to do something. Don't worry to much.
Arizona: I try to have one more look around the hospital, bye.

Arizona was looking around every closet and on call room, but couldn't find you. It was 20 minutes and she started to get even more worried every minute. This was so out of character for you.

*Back at you*
Richard: So I had to do this y/n.
Y/n: I understand it Richard. It's okay. We will figure it all out. HR just told us that we are strong in this case. Glad they had time for us to meet us and to have a private room to discuss this.
Richard: Who will work as a surgeon when you're still high from using drugs?
Y/n: It's to crazy to believe it, but all the test showed us he used and probably not a long time ago. He's a danger to patients. You made the only right decision Richard. We had to react fast and that's what we did. He will no longer be an intern at our program.
Richard: Lets go home, it was a long afternoon.

You walked back to your office to find Arizona sitting in your chair crying.

Arizona: Where were you? I was worried something happened.

She runs up to you and jumps up with her legs wrapped around your waist. She kisses you a few times before pulling away.

Arizona: I love you.
Y/n: Oh god, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot to let you know I had an emergency meeting. I left so fast, I'm so sorry babe. I love you too.
Arizona: It's okay, but I was worried honestly. It was nothing like you to leave without a note.
Y/n: I have to finish some work, but I will be done in 15 minutes. You can go to daycare and play with the girls and I will meet you there. I love you.
Arizona: I love you too baby.

Its been a few weeks and it was the night of the benefit gala. All the kids were together at Mer's with the sitters so all of you could come to the gala. Bailey and Arizona did an amazing job organizing it.

Arizona: You look amazing, stunning and so beautiful tonight babe. I'm one hell of a lucky women.
Y/n: Look at yourself honey, you are mind blowing. I have the cutest date from all the people who are here. Thank you for marrying me and giving me my perfect family.
*She kisses the side if your head*

Arizona: Thank you for being my everything. Uhm who is that?

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now