We need to be there for the girls

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April: Y/n, where is she?
Y/n: I don't know. I don't know. I will look everywhere.
Jo: Y/n, look for her! We promise to stay alive.
Y/n: Are you really fine now? April?
April: You got me back, so I will be here when you get back. I will do everything to keep alive.
Jo: You need to find her, so move your ass!
Y/n: Arizonaaa!
Jo: Y/n, I can't feel my leg.
Y/n: Shit, uhm let me have a look.
April: How bad is it? I can see your face.
Y/n: Jo, it isn't good. I have to get in to safe your leg. Hold on tight.
Jo: Aaaaah f*ck.
Y/n: I think I stopped the biggest bleeder. Hold on for me. I love you.
*You kiss the top of her head*

Jo: We will.

You kept running around looking for Arizona. But you don't see her anywhere. You started crying and couldn't keep it together anymore. You fell down on your knees with your hands in your hair.

Y/n: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I can't do this. I need you!
April: Y/n, you okay?
Y/n: Honestly no, I'm not okay. My wife is nowhere to be found and we are stuck here and you two are almost dying. Oh and I'm loosing my mind!
Jo: Use your own words. Breath. Think, you are smart enough to find her and get us out of here.
Y/n: Thank you. Wait, I hear something. Arizona?!?
Arizona: Ugh. Y-y/n?

You run in the direction of the sound and see her laying under the car. Just her fingers reaching underneath it. You lay on the ground and can see that she is stuck, but conscious.

Y/n: Oh god. Uhm let me think. I need to get you out of this. You really got stuck under the car. F*ck!
Arizona: I will always love you y/n, we were meant to be.
Y/n: No, no, no, you are not saying goodbye. Do you hear me? We will, no we need to get back to Belle, Ivy and Ruby. Think about that and hold on.
Arizona: Y/n, I love you so much.
Jo: Y/n, do you hear that?
April: I think its a car.
Y/n: Yes it is! Arizona, hold on. Please if its not for me, do it for our girls.
Arizona: I love them, tell them I love them.
Y/n: You aren't doing this. Listen to me, you will not die.
Arizona: Say it back. You have to say it back.
Y/n: You know that I love you so I don't have to say that.
Arizona: Y/n, please. I don't want this to be your last words to me.
Y/n: These will not be my last words, because we will have many years to come together with our girls.
Arizona: It hurts to much. Please?
Y/n: I love you Arizona, so much.
Jo: The car stops!

Two men jump out of their car and run over to you. You tell them to cal 911, this will be your best shot. They call and the help will be here in 10-15 minutes.

Y/n: Thank you both so much. Can you try and maybe help to move this car. My wife is underneath that and she needs space to breath and for her body to not get worse. The pressure will be to much if we don't get it off her.

Before you knew it they started to hit you hard and you fell down the ground next to the car. One off them screamed that this is what you deserve. Two women together, married, isn't love. It's against nature, you should burn in hell. At that point they stepped back in their car and drove away. You were laying on the ground feeling lightheaded.

Y/n: A...Ari...zona. Hold on a little longer help will be here.
Jo: Y/n, stay awake. Y/n!
April: Listen to our voices. Don't close your eyes.
Arizona: I love you.

In a second your head started to feel to heavy and you closed your eyes. Everything went dark.

Finally the ambulance pulled up. They drove the 4 of you to Grey Sloan.

Owen: Page everyone we can. We need to have all hands to save all of them.

*Hours later*
Jackson: How are they?
Derek: No, changes.
Alex: So just waiting now.
Meredith: So for the kids, I will take the twins with Derek and you Alex take Belle right?
Alex: Yes, we need to help out and take care of them for now.
Miranda: We need to keep a close eye on them.
Owen: I talked to April and Jo. They told me everything they know.
Miranda: So what happened?
Owen: They got hit by another car. That's when the car turned and crashed.
Meredith: So what happened to them?
Owen: Jo told that because of y/n she still has her leg and managed to get April out of the water on the side of the road and saved her.
Link: So she literally gave her own life to safe the others?
Jackson: That's who she is. She would do anything for the people she loves.
Derek: About Arizona, she is awake and responsive. I don't know how, but she will be fine hopefully.
Link: She will need a very long recovery period to get back on her feet.
Owen: April also told me that y/n did everything to keep them awake and alive.
Cristina: Only y/n can do that.
Miranda: It's very true. I would have trusted her with my life.
Owen: There is one more thing.
Alex: What?
Owen: Finally a car came and stopped. Two man came out and called 911 immediately. Y/n, asked them to help her get Arizona from underneath the car.
Jackson: So what is wrong with that?
Owen: Y/n, asked them to help her wife and right at the moment she called Arizona her wife the two man lost it and hit her against the ground and hit her hard on her head. They then left right after.
Amelia: Uhm sorry guys to interrupted, but I have news on y/n.
Alex: Tell us Amelia, how was the surgery?
Amelia: So it was long, 14 hours to be exact, but there is a lot of damage.
Alex: How bad is it?
Amelia: So she had a lot of bleeders and one of them was very big and around her frontal lobe. Also there was a subdural hematoma which took a lot of time.
Derek: What do you think?
Amelia: We need to wait. When she's awake then we will know if there is any damage or even permanent damage.
Jackson: This is just... I don't know. I hate this feeling.
Meredith: She really doesn't deserve this at all. She got al three safe and look at her now.
Cristina: We need to promise that no matter what we will help her. Take care of the girls till y/n and Arizona are fully recovered.
Owen: We will need each other and they need us to be there for them.

Its been a few hours after your surgery and you're still not awake. It worries everyone a lot. Jo and April are awake and will be fine in some weeks.

Jo: I can't believe that y/n is still not awake.
April: She did everything to help us and safe us. Now she is in an even worst condition than we are in.
Jo: So Arizona is awake. Does she knows what's going on?
April: I don't know. I will ask Owen.
Owen: What will you ask me?
April: Uhm does Arizona knows about y/n?
Owen: No, not yet. We don't how to tell her, how will she take it? She just got out of surgery herself.
April: Let me tell you this, if we take this one more minute for her she is going to kill all of us.
Owen: Okay, I will get Amelia and we will inform Arizona.

They get to her room and see that she's awake.

Owen: Hey Arizona, how are you feeling?
Arizona: Like I was under a car and almost died.
Owen: Still funny I see.
Arizona: How is y/n? Where is she?
Amelia: Uhm Arizona, there is something we need to tell you, but try to be calm. We needed to rush y/n in surgery. It wasn't good Arizona.
Arizona: What do you mean, she was doing fine. She saved me, us out of that crash.
Amelia: She got beaten up by two man. Arizona, she probably had a little brain bleed and it got bigger. She had a lot of bleeders and one of them was very big and around her frontal lobe. Also there was a subdural hematoma. We don't know if there is any damage or permanent damage. She's also still not awake after her surgery and that was hours ago.

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now