Are we over?

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Jo: It is so good to see you back at the hospital.
Y/n: I'm glad to be back. I will just do some paperwork and consults, but I will not be in the OR.
Arizona: Yes baby, you still need to take it slow.
Y/n: I know that. You tell me all the time.
Jo: So this is you last day working Arizona?
Arizona: Yes, the little one asks a lot from me, I can't stand on my feet that long anymore.
Y/n: It's not weird, because you are 32 weeks pregnant now. Just a few weeks before we can meet our princess.
Arizona: Now I will have time to make the  Photo album of our honeymoon. I haven't got time at all to do that.
Y/n: Yes we still need to make that.
Jo: You are so adorable. This little girl will have the two best and most loving moms.
Arizona: Thank you Jo, she will also have the best aunties she can ask for.
Amelia: Who will have the best aunties?
Y/n: Our little girl.
Amelia: Oh okay, I have to go. See you later.
Y/n: Uhm, that was weird or is it just me?
Jo: No, she acted weird.
Y/n: I will talk to her today.
Arizona: I will finish some work so I can leave and know I left everything in the right way.

You go looking for Amelia. You found her in one of the on call rooms crying. She sits on the bed with her head in her hands.

Y/n: Amelia, hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?
Amelia: It's nothing. Just a hard day. I'm sorry.
Y/n: Why are you sorry?
Amelia: Since you were found I haven't visit you. I was scared to see you hurt. I'm sorry, but I can't do this. We can't be friends. I'm still so in love with you, I want you so bad.
Y/n: It's all good. Don't be sorry, but Amelia you have to move on and open up to others.
Amelia: I can't, I love you and that will not change. I want to hold you and be with you all the time.

Within a second Amelia pushed you on the bed and kissed you. Before you could stop her, Arizona walked in.

Arizona: Y/n! What the hell is this? I was looking for you, but I see you're busy. I don't want to see you or speak to you. Leave me alone, we are over.
Amelia: Sorry, but we had this moment. I just felt it.
Y/n: Amelia, you are unbelievable! Arizona, wait! You need to listen. She pushed me on the bed and kissed me. I never kissed her back.
Arizona: I'm going home and don't you dare coming to the house. I hate you so much.
Amelia: If she doesn't want you, maybe we...
Y/n: There is no we Amelia. Don't you dare coming to me like this ever again.

You run out of the on call room and run after Arizona and see her down the hall. You get to her and grab her hand. She turns around and she hits you in the face. You are standing on the big hall.

Arizona: Don't you dare touching me again. We are done, do you hear me. Oh and don't think you will ever get to see the baby. She is mine and only mine. You are nothing to this baby!
Y/n: What did you say?
Arizona: You just heard me. You will not be in my daughters life!
Y/n: I fought so hard getting back here for you! Do you hear me? I stayed alive back there in Africa and found the strength to survive when I was in the hospital for you. Apparently I could have just died, because we are not meant to be.
Arizona: Maybe it was your time to go, as this, we, are not working. The only thing you brought me lately is stress and you know what, here is your ring.
Y/n: If you don't even want to listen to me, why the hell am I still here. I will get my stuff and you wil never see me again.

You walk away and get to your car and drive off. Arizona was still standing in the hall, seeing that almost everyone heard and saw you.

April: Come with me, I will bring you home.
Jo: I will come with you and stay with you.
Meredith: I leave in a few and come to the house.
Alex: If you need something, let me know.

You got home and took almost all your stuff and put it in your car. You left to stay in a hotel, to think were to go next. You send a message to dr. Bailey to let her know you won't come back and quit your job.

Life with Arizona RobbinsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum