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Arizona: Good morning sweetheart. How did you sleep?
Y/n: Pretty good. I loved having you next to me.
Arizona: I'm so happy you're back. I missed you so much.

She pulls you in and gives you her sweet and loving kiss.

April: Hey, can we come inside?
Arizona: Of course come in.
Jo: We brought some extra people with us.
Y/n: There are my little angels. Come here, mommy missed you so much.
April: It's good to see you y/n.
Jo: So happy to see that you're doing fine after what happened.
Y/n: How are you guys? You already made my day by coming to visit.
April: We are all good. You're the reason we are all alive and fine.
Jo: You were our hero once again. Because of what you did, I still have my leg.
April: And I'm alive. You managed to keep us safe like you always do.
Arizona: You told us to hold on and that's why we are all here. We almost lost you, but you found your way back to us.
Y/n: It's so crazy what happened if you think about it. Finally I got you all safe and sort of stable and then those two men came, we all know what happened then.
Jo: Does she knows everything?
Y/n: What is everything?
Jo: All that happened while you were in the hospital.
Arizona: No, we just talked a bit and slept since she woke up.
Y/n: Okay what do I need to know?
April: They found the two guys, who did this to you. In all this time they've been sued and the driver that had hit us is in jail. He was drunk and it wasn't the first time.
Y/n: Wait a second. So you've been to court?
Jo: Yes and we've won. From what happened with the driver, we all got 2 million dollars each and he needs to be in jail for 10 years.
Arizona: Yes, babe. There is more. As we won the lawsuit from those men, we also got some money. Babe, promise me to not freak out, but I went in your place and because we have three little girls you will receive 10 million dollars. The three of us will get 500.000 dollars each.
Y/n: Sorry what did you just say?!?
April: Calm down y/n.
Jo: We know, its a lot of money.
Arizona: We can take care of our girls for the rest of their lives.
Y/n: I can't believe this. It's a lot of money.
Arizona: It is. We should make a plan for it.
Y/n: Yes we should.

It's been a few hours and you are with Arizona and the girls. This was just what you needed. They were exactly what you needed.

Arizona: What are you thinking?
Y/n: Nothing specific. I feel so lucky. I'm alive and I have the most perfect beautiful wife and the most perfect little girls. I never want to leave you guys ever again. I love you.
Arizona: I love you too babe. Let just focus on your recovery and our girls. Hopefully you can go back home soon.
*She kisses your cheek*

It's been a month since you woke up and you've been at home for a week. Today is your first day back and you wil not be doing surgery for at least two weeks.

Miranda: Hey y/n, you wanted to see us?
Y/n: Yes, please take a seat. First of all I wanted to thank you both so much for taking over when I wasn't able to.
Richard: It was the least we could do. I'm just really thankful you all are okay and that you are back at the place you belong.
Y/n: I wanted to discuss something with the both of you.
Miranda: Okay, don't let us wait any longer.
Y/n: I was thinking to change some things around here and I need your help with it. Dr. Webber I want you to lead the teaching program. I believe we could do better and you are the best men for the job. After what happened to us, we need to learn all the interns to be quicker and to think about the bigger picture.
Richard: I really love the way you're thinking. I'm honored that you want me to lead it.
Y/n: And dr. Bailey, I want to ask you to be the new project manager. I want to organize more things for the better cause. I see you as the best women to take care of it and to make sure it will all be perfect.
Miranda: I really love this idea. I'm all in.

*It was the end of the day*
Arizona: Hey babe, you ready to go home? Y/n, where are you?
Y/n: I'm here behind you. Sorry I was just having a meeting.
Arizona: What meeting? You didn't told me about having a meeting? You aren't cheating on me? Are you? Why are you not answering my questions?
Y/n: First, you wont let me give the opportunity to even answer, second of all I feel very offended by all of your questions and the third thing is, I don't understand why you would think that!
Arizona: But is it true?

You walk up to Arizona and give her a rough and deep kiss on the lips. It's even an aggressive kiss. 

Y/n: Yes it's true I just hooked up with that blonde nurse on the neuro floor and now I'm kissing you, my wife.
*You roll your eyes*

Arizona: I can't believe you.
Y/n: Honey just listen to yourself. I would never cheat on you, because no one on this planet comes close to you.
Arizona: So no nurses?
Y/n: No, I don't even look at them, because  I would see you and always get distracted by your beauty. I would never ever cheat on you. I would die for you, because of how much I love you. Side note, I almost died multiple times to safe you, don't forget that.

Arizona wrapped her arms around your neck and kissed you passionately.

Arizona: I love you so much, sorry for doubting you. You always tell me if you have meetings and this time you didn't. I think I got scared and freaked out a little.
Y/n: Al little? Arizona, I want you to know and to never forget that you're my number one and you'll be in my heart from this day on now and forever more.
Arizona: You will never leave aren't you?
Y/n: There's just one girl in this world I want to wake up to every day for the rest of my life. And that girl would be my precious wife and the most adorable women I've ever met.
*You kiss the top of her head*

Arizona: Lets pick up the little girls and go home and order some food. Maybe after we could have some fun. Only one thing. What meeting did you had?
Y/n: Arizona, you wont stop asking, so I will tell you. I asked the jury for the project contest to come together to talk about the last three and when we will announce the winners. That will be next week.
Arizona: My sexy wife, who is also the chief is fully back people!
Y/n: You, Arizona, are a naughty girl.
Arizona: I just missed being with my wife and laying with her in bed and having sex. I will not lie about that.
Y/n: Lets hope the girls will be fast asleep then.

*The next week, the day where the top 3 projects will be announced*
Arizona: Be honest with me, do I look good?
Y/n: Good? Arizona, you look stunning. You're so beautiful.
Arizona: If they don't pick my project, at least I look good.
Y/n: You always look good, so gorgeous and your all mine.
*You give her a sweet kiss on the lips*

Y/n: We need to go or we will be late.
Arizona: Do you think they've picked my project? Even when you were in the hospital I worked on it, for you, to make you proud.
Y/n: Hey, I'm always proud of you. I never been so proud of you. I don't tell you this enough, but Arizona you're the best mother to our little bubba's and you are doing perfect with work and our family. I love you babe.
Arizona: I love you too baby.
*She kisses your cheek*

Everyone was sitting at the room and it was time to reveal which projects made it to the top three and will get 1 million dollars each.

Y/n: Welcome all to the big reveal.
April: Woohoo.
Y/n: Because this is what you all worked for all those months and I let you all waiting a bit longer. I just wanted some long nap time, so I'm sorry.
Jackson: Next time, please just tell us you want to have some extra sleep.
Y/n: I will. The first project that made it to the end is the veteran project of dr. Owen Hunt. Congratulations.
Owen: Thank you so much for believing in me and my project.
Y/n: The second project is the one who will change many many lives. So please give a big applaus to dr. Derek Shepherd and the way he is going to help people with Alzheimer.
Derek: Thank you. I will work even harder to give people a second change to have a better life.
Owen: Give me a high-five man.
Derek: Great to get the opportunity.
Y/n: That brings me to the last spot in the top 3.

A/n: Thank you all for reading my book. I hope you all love it as much as I did writing it. If you have any ideas please let me know. Lots of love🇳🇱

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