The worst scenario

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Arizona: Y/n, can you promise me something?
Y/n: To stay safe?
Arizona: How did you know?
Y/n: Because I know you so well. I know what you think and almost know exactly what you feel.

You walk up to her and pull her close to you by her hips and give her one last long kiss.

Arizona: I love you, but we need to move.
Y/n: Okay everything looks clear.
Arizona: Lets go up to his room. His name is Jake.

*You got to his room*
Y/n: Hi Jake, I'm dr. y/n. I will help dr. Robbins with your injuries.
Dad: You will not. I'm taking him out of here.
Arizona: Sorry sir, but you need to step away from this room.
Y/n: Let us take care of him. He needs our help.
Dad: Don't touch him or I will kill you.
Arizona: You should really leave and...

He starts hitting Arizona and strangles her. You run up to him and take him of her and push him out of the room. You fight with him and get him away from the room. You still get hit, but you are able to hit him back. You got near the bridge of the hospital and you fell while fighting to the ground.

Dad: You are messing with the wrong one.
Y/n: Last time I checked, you started a fight with the one doctor you shouldn't get into a fight with.
Dad: You are just a women. You are worthless.

You rol over and slip a bit laying on the edge of the bridge. You can hear people screaming from another floor and see Jo and April standing there.

Dad: If this is the end, I will take you with me. You don't deserve to live!

He rolls over and he hangs literally just over the edge when he lets go and falls, just grabbing you and you fall of the bridge with him. At that moment Arizona walks over and sees it all happening.

Arizona: Noooo, y/n. Noooo, I can't. This can't happen, this can't be true!
*Tears rolling down her cheeks*

Y/n: Arizona, don't scream that hard and help me get back up. I think I can't hold on any longer. Maybe my arm is dislocated by the impact of the fall.
Arizona: I'm not strong enough. Y/n, hold on please. Don't let go!
Derek: Y/n, I will get you...

At that right moment your hand slipped and you fell down from the bridge.

Arizona: This isn't happening. Derek is she okay? This can't be happening, I need her. I can't live without her.
Derek: Arizona, get it together and help me!
Arizona: What?
Derek: You were on another planet I think. It was your worst nightmare that you saw in your head.
Y/n: Arizona, get your ass down here and help me, otherwise I will fall down.l! Both of us don't want that I guess.
Jackson: I came running as fast as I could. We will get here back up. I will hold you under your shoulders and Derek and Arizona take one arm each.
Derek: This will work. Y/n hold on, this will probably hurt.
Y/n: It will hurt more if I'm falling all floors down. Lets start and safe my life right now!
Arizona: I saw it al happening. I imagined the worst I guess.
Derek: I count to three and then we will pull you up. Ready?
Jackson: Yes.
Derek: 1...2...3, pull!
Jackson: She is back up, someone get a gurney! She needs to get to the OR, we need to look at her arm, page Link.
Arizona: You scared me to death.
Y/n: You were scared? I was scared to die and to never see your beautiful blue sparkling eyes and that amazing magical smile of yours. I would never see our girls grow up. I love you so freaking much Arizona. I love you more then you will ever know.

Arizona leans over and kisses you passionately on the lips and strokes your cheek.

Arizona: I love you too y/n. Thank you for protecting me again. I saw the worst scenario happen before my eyes.
Y/n: It's all okay, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere.

You kiss each other one more time before moving to the OR.

Derek: Okay lets get you to the OR.
Jackson: Link and I will make sure you will be just fine.
Derek: You know you were lucky?
Y/n: Probably. Sometimes a hero needs some luck.
Jackson: You y/n, are more than a hero. We all love you so much.
Derek: So you better don't pull any surprises y/n.
Y/n: I promise. Link and Jackson will fix my arm so I can go back to operate soon.
Jackson: We will. All the Tiny humans need you.

Link and Jackson helped you during the surgery and with surprise nothing is permanently damaged. You were being in recovery and Arizona was sitting next to your bed and brought the girls with her.

Arizona: Hey I've told the girls about how you were being a hero once again. They need to know how brave their mommy is.
Y/n: Arizona.
Arizona: Glad you are awake.
Y/n: But you also need to tell the girls how caring and loving their mama is, because you're the perfect example for them.
*She kisses the top of your head*

Arizona: How are you feeling?
Y/n: Tired and my arm feels heavy.
Link: That feeling wil go away in two days. Just take it easy.
Y/n: Thank you Link for being the best doctor.
Link: Of course, people need you to be the best.
Arizona: That's right. So many people need you.
Y/n: You should go home with the girls. You all look tired aswel. I will try and sleep so I can start recovery.
Arizona: We will be back in the morning.
Y/n: Arizona, did the dad die?
Arizona: Y/n, we don't have to talk about it now.
Y/n: I need to know.
Arizona: They couldn't safe him. Social service are with Jake. They are looking for other family members.
Y/n: Go home and have some proper sleep. You have witnessed something cruel today.
Arizona: We love you.
Y/n: I love you too babe.

It's been a week and you have to stay at home at least a week before starting with physiotherapy. You were working on the project and doing some research. This week you have been spending a lot of time with the girls and helping Belle with her first steps. You wanted to have a cute movie night with Arizona, because she helped you al lot and has been even more caring about you than ever.

Arizona: I'm home y/n. Are the girls sleeping?
Y/n: Yes I just brought them upstairs.
Arizona: Are you making dinner?
Y/n: Yes and after it we will have a date. Watching some movies and cuddle under a blanket on the sofa.
Arizona: You are amazing. So Catherine Fox came by and bought you some flowers and I needed to give you her greetings. She would like to speak to you soon.

*It's time to get back to work*
Arizona: So you are meeting Catherine today?
Y/n: Yes after lunch.
Arizona: It's weird having you around, but not with me in the OR.
Y/n: Hopefully in two weeks I can operate again. Time goes by so fast. It's been already 4 weeks after it happened. How is the boy?
Arizona: He is doing fine and from what I've heard they found his mother. The dad run away with him 1.5 years ago, so basically kidnapped him. With all that happened the boy seems to be understanding and aware of all that happened.
Y/n: This is so hard and especially for kids this age. Hope the mom comes soon and they will have their happy ending.
Arizona: We took good care of him. He thanks me every time when I check on him. Maybe you should stop by.

It was just after lunch and you saw Catherine walking down to the peds floor.

Catherine: Hello dr. y/n, it's a pleasure to finally meet you.
Y/n: I'm honored to meet you dr. Fox.
Catherine: Please call me Catherine. So can we have a private room to talk?
Y/n: You can call me y/n, I'm not really a fan of all formal. Follow me please.
Catherine: So I will keep it not to long. You have work to do I guess. I've heard about the accident that happened and I'm glad to hear that Jackson helped saving a great surgeon from what I've read and hear. Hopefully the recovery is going good and you will be back in the OR soon.
Y/n: Yes, the recovery is going as planned and hopefully I will be able to save the tiny humans from next week. Now I'm doing small stuff  in the ER, consults and working on my project.
Catherine: Good to hear. Maybe we can plan a dinner to get to know eachother more. I would love to get to know you, because Jackson tells all about you and that you're one of his best friends.
Y/n: He does?
Catherine: He does and tells how nice it is to work with you, but that's not why I'm here. Your project is so good and we love how much work you put in it. I've heard you teamed up with your wife and you should go up to her to tell her the good news. You are nominated for the Harper Avery award.
Y/n: No way! Is this real? Are we nominated?
Catherine: It's very real. This is something that will change medicine for good.
Y/n: Thank you so much. I will talk to Jackson about the dinner.
Catherine: Go to your wife and tell her the news.

You run down the halls looking for Arizona. She is standing at the nurses station. You wrap your arms around her waist and spin her around.

Arizona: Wooow what is this?

You kiss her multiple times on the lips and give her a long hug.

Y/n: We are nominated for a Harper Avery award!
Arizona: No way!
Y/n: That was what I said.

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