Times when you need each other

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Callie: What will you do? You have no where else to go. I got you.
Y/n: You didn't succeed the first time and the second time you will not be close to kill me. I will never leave my little girl and my beautiful wife.
Callie: Here you will feel this. It will all come to an end.

You can stop her on time before the knife reaches your chest. You hold her hands when the cops arrive. She still tries to stab you, but you can manage to keep her away from you.

Police: Drop the knife!
Callie: No, I have to do this.
Y/n: Arizona! Get inside with Belle now. I don't want you to see this.
Callie: Shut up!
Police: Drop the knife or we have to use our weapons.
Callie: I will do this. I have to do this, she has ruined everything for me.
Y/n: You better help me now! I don't know how long I can take this. So hurry up!

Callie tries to stab you again and misses you again. You try to grab the knife from her but she makes a scratch in your face and you start to bleed.

Callie: It will be fast. Just let me...
Police: Last chance, before we move.
Callie: No, I need to finish this. That supposed to be my life. She is the love of my life. Arizona is the love of my life.
Y/n: I don't get how you got out of jail, because I don't see the good behavior.
Callie: That's enough!
Arizona: Noooo y/n!

Callie makes a big swing and the knife falls down. You closed your eyes, but couldn't hear what happend. You just feel like a weight has lifted. You feel someone coming up to you and moves you. Then you hear a familiar voice.

Arizona: Y/n, are you okay?
Y/n: I think so.
Arizona: Why did you do this? Why not waiting for the cops?
Y/n: She was at our door and wanted to walk upstairs to you and then we got into a fight and I made sure we got outside.
Arizona: I'm glad you're okay. I love you.
Y/n: Of course I'am. I will never leave you and Belle behind. I love you so much.

Arizona grabs your face in her hands and gives you a long kiss.

Y/n: Wait where's Callie?
Arizona: She is laying over there. You don't know what happened?
Y/n: No, not really. I closed my eyes.
Arizona: They shot her.
Y/n: They did? Are you okay?
Arizona: As long as your okay I am too.

*A few weeks later*
Arizona: Finally all things seems to get normal.
Y/n: Yes, it seems like it.
Arizona: We've been so busy the last couple of months we didn't even celebrated our one year anniversary of our marriage.
Y/n: Hey don't forget, I made a really good lasagna and you gave me a really good massage.
Arizona: Yes, but it didn't really felt like our anniversary.
Y/n: Than it's good we are going away for a long weekend.
Arizona: Yes I'm looking forward to it. It's been a long time ago since we have spend some time alone.
Y/n: So sweet of April and Jackson to watch Belle.
Arizona: Belle is the best thing that happened to us and I love her, but there is not as much time alone with you as I want sometimes.
Y/n: It's good that you miss me like that.

You grab her waist and pull her in to give her some sweet kisses.

Arizona: So uhm we haven't talked about Callie, but this morning we got some news in.
Y/n: Yes I saw it, but I didn't wanted to read it yet. You know what happened to her.
Arizona: Yes, I know. She is will be in jail for at least 10 years. It also said that she will get better from her surgery after she got shot.
Y/n: Not to be rude, but I hope we won't see her anymore.
Arizona: From now on just all happy times. Starting this weekend.
*She kisses your cheek*

It was time for the weekend and Alex drove you to the airport. You checked in and waited to get called to board the plane.

Arizona: Okay, you promised to tell me where we're going once we were checked in.
Y/n: I think I can tell you that we will go to Las Vegas.
Arizona: No way.
Y/n: 4 days. You and me exploring Las Vegas.
Arizona: I love you so much.
Y/n: And you didn't thought I would forget your birthday in two days?
Arizona: You remembered?
Y/n: Of course I remember. I would be a bad wife if I didn't.
Arizona: You are the best wife I could wish for.
Y/n: Before we start to get too soppy lets go to the plain, we can board now.
Arizona: What are the further plans these coming days?
Y/n: You know I wont tell you that. It will be day by day.
Arizona: I hate you.
Y/n: No, you love me. It will be around an hour before we get to Las Vegas. Lay your head on my shoulder and have some sleep, it was early this morning.
Arizona: Yes, it was early.

She gives you a ling kiss before falling asleep. You got to Las Vegas and got a taxi to the hotel.

Arizona: No, you didn't?
Y/n: So I assume you like the hotel.

Arizona: This is amazing

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Arizona: This is amazing.
Y/n: When you are in Las Vegas, you need to go all out. So we have a lunch scheduled at 12 and before I thought we could explore a bit.
Arizona: Yes, I want to see everything.
Y/n: Lets change and go for a walk.
Arizona: I love you y/n.

Arizona leans in and kisses you for a very long time. You both pull away only because you needed air.

Y/n: I love you too babe. Now lets change and go to explore this place.
Arizona: I can't wait for what you have organized. You are the best.
Y/n: I know.

You went for a walk and are now at lunch.

Arizona: This is just so lovely.
Y/n: It is amazing. So what are you taking?
Arizona: I think I will have the pasta salad. You?
Y/n: I will have the clubsandwich. So after lunch I booked us a spot at the spa. We can just relax and enjoy the the time together.
Arizona: You always know what I want and need.
Y/n: I had a long time to get to know you. Crazy to think that we've met eachother 2,5 year ago.
Arizona: And it's more than a year ago we got married. It's been a crazy ride to get were we are right now, but one thing never changed. We always find our way back to eachother and our love gets even more and stronger each day.
Y/n: We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. I wouldn't want it to be with someone else but you.
Arizona: Oh yes, and you know the past can hurt. But, the way I see it, you can either run from it... or learn from it. So we learned a lot I guess.
Y/n: Life can be hard, but we made the most of it.

*During your time at the spa*
Arizona: Oh this was what my body needed. I feel so much better.
Y/n: This was so good. Lets just spend some time together in the jacuzzi before we go back to our room to get ready for dinner.
Arizona: Oh I love that. Give me your hand.

You've been in the jacuzzi for half an hour and were sitting while Arizona rested her head on your shoulder and holding your hand. You went back to your room and got a quick shower and got changed in a nice dress.

Arizona: I'm ready, I'm so hungry.
Y/n: Arizona, you look absolutely stunning. I think I just fell even harder in love with you.
*You kis her on the top of her head*

You went to the restaurant and hold eachothers hand walking in to your table.

Arizona: I already love this trip. Thank you so much for all this.
Y/n: I'm so happy you like this. We really deserved this time alone. Let this be the start of our happy life with us and our little angel, Belle.
Arizona: We are so lucky having her. She is the most amazing baby. She is so sweet and one happy little girl.
Y/n: We are lucky for having her. I can't imagine life without her.
Arizona: She is our little miracle.
Y/n: She definitely is. So uhm, dinner. What are you taking? Are we in for some wine?
Arizona: Have I ever say no to wine? I think for appetizer I go with Italian Carpaccio and as main I want the steak with fries and a side salad.
Y/n: Now I'm like a copycat. I want exactly the same. Only no fries.
Arizona: We are like one sometimes. I love that. It's a bit creapy, but I love it.

After dinner you got to your room.

Arizona: So you know how amazing you are. But I want to let you know how much I love you. So come here.
Y/n: Okay. I'm here and what will you do next?

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now