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Belle: Mama, why is mommy not with us? I thought she was coming home with us and we would have nuggets?
Arizona: You know that mommy is the boss at work? She had to do some work and will not be home tonight. I'm so sorry baby.
Belle: I wish mommy was here so she could help me paint again and have some nuggets.
Arizona: I wish that mommy will be home soon. She belongs with us sweetheart.
Belle: I know you're not the best at it, but will you help me paint? I want to make something for mommy.
Arizona: Mommy would love a painting. What will you make?
Belle: It's a hard one, but I want to paint two dolphins who are in love, just like you and mommy.
Arizona: I love you so much baby. You are my perfect little girl.
Belle: I love you too mama. I will help you putt everything on the table so we can eat.
Arizona: Thank you so much. I need to call auntie April fast and then we can have those amazing nuggets.

Arizona called April and told her everything that happened. April told her that she will look for y/n and will make her talk.

*The next day*
Arizona: Hey dr. Bailey, you paged me?
Miranda: Yes, I did. Uhm what is going on with y/n? She texted me that I need to step up as chief. She will be away for some time, it was personal.
Arizona: Uhm so I don't know everything, but she will be back soon. Don't worry about it.
Miranda: Okay, I just wanted to check in with you.

When Miranda left Arizona started to cry her eyes out. She was thinking what was going on and spoke to herself trough her tears.

Arizona: Where are you? I missed you so much last night and I haven't slept at all. Belle keeps asking where you are.

*Arizona gets a call from an unknown number*
Arizona: Hello, who is this?
Y/n: It's me. I just wanted to know if the girls are fine.
Arizona: Y/n, where are you? The girls are missing you just as much as I do. Please come home, we need to talk.
Y/n: I'm not coming home. I just wanted to know how the girls are.
Arizona: I don't know if you even care, but I'm broken, you broke my heart in thousand little pieces.
Y/n: I'm sorry, but I left something for the girls at home. It will be in the garden. Can you make sure you will surprise them?
Arizona: I will, but what do I say to them? I can't say their mommy just walked out on them.
Y/n: Just figure it out. Tell them I love them and make sure they will be safe. Bye.
Arizona: Y/n, please. 

It was the end of the day and Arizona was walking down to daycare to pick up the girls when she bumped into someone.

Arizona: I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention. Wait, what are you doing here? This can't be serious. Why are you here and who let you even in?
Lauren: Hi Arizona, it's nice to see you again.
Arizona: I've asked you something.
Lauren: I'm here for a surgery with doctor Avery. We have a 19 year old patient, who wants a better life. Don't you talk to your chief, who is also your wife?
Arizona: Why?
Lauren: She gave approval to let me do the surgery in your hospital.
Arizona: She would never do that.
Lauren: She did honey. She knows that I'm the best and thinks about the patient first instead of herself. I haven't seen her today. Where is she?
Arizona: Uhm she is at a conference about new surgery management.
Lauren: Oh haven't heard about that. Hopefully I will see her before I leave. It's really good to see your beautiful face again. If you need me, just page me to any place at any time honey.
Arizona: Shut up and leave me alone.

After some time Arizona finished her work and went home with the 4 princesses.

Belle: Mama, what is that?
Arizona: I don't know, lets go into garden. We can go inside from the back door.
Belle: Oh look it is so pretty. Can I go and play?
Arizona: You can baby. Be careful. I will help the twins change so they can play with you.
Belle: There is a card in here. It's from mommy. She said that we can have some fun and to be careful jumping around. Oh and she put a kiss in the bottom.
Arizona: That is really sweet of mommy.
Belle: When is mommy coming home?
Arizona: Soon baby. She is working really hard.
Belle: Okay, Ivy, Ruby come on and play with me on this trampoline.

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