True love

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Y/n: Of course we can babe.
Arizona: I'm so excited. Come on I can't wait. I love you so much.
Y/n: I'm so glad you like this trip.
Arizona: I love this so much.

After you got in some attractions you sit down to eat something.

Y/n: What do you want to de next?
Arizona: I thought we can watch one of the shows, get in some attraction and have dinner around 7 and then back to the hotel. You must feel tired.
Y/n: If I'm being honest, I think I will be tired around dinner. It's been a long day and it's the first time standing a long time on my feet after all those weeks.
Arizona: Come here, give me a hug. You will feel better.

She kisses you and you give her a kiss on her cheek.

Y/n: I always feel much better after this.
Arizona: I feel better too. I could just stay here and be with you forever. I feel the luckiest person on earth.
Y/n: Your lucky? I'm lucky to have you.
Arizona: We're both lucky I guess.

You just had dinner and are back at the hotel. You have just one more surprise.

Y/n: Did you like today?
Arizona: I absolutely loved it. You're just the sweetest person.
Y/n: Let's get to bed. We will need some sleep for tomorrow.

You laid in bed together and snuggle and cuddle together. You give some sweet kisses and she strokes your hair.

Y/n: I have one more thing for you.
Arizona: You didn't?
Y/n: I did, because you deserve it after being there for me and because I love you. So here open this.

You hand her a little box and when she opens it she starts to tear up. You gave her a bracelet with both your names in it and a little rose on top. You put the bracelet on her wrist and she sees there is something else inside the box.

Arizona: Wait another bracelet? It's the same as the other.
Y/n: Yes, there are two of it. One for you and one for me. So we will both have something to remind us of the love we share. With this we are always connected. I love you Arizona Robbins.
Arizona: I love you so much y/n. Now I'm going to kiss you.
Y/n: I love your kisses, they are the best.

You wake up the next day and get a shower. You wake up Arizona and she gets changed aswel. You go to have breakfast and after it you're going to the park.

Arizona: Another day, again sharing this with you and having so much fun.
Y/n: So tell me, what do you want to do first?
Arizona: I really want to go into the Pirates of the Caribbean and the big thunder mountain.
Y/n: You're a little kid, it's so cute and you're my little cute kid.

It was again a long and fun day. Right now you're going to watch the big firework show.

Arizona: This is so amazing. Look how beautiful. Al those colors and effects. Oh and I love the music.
Y/n: I love it as much as you, but there's one thing I love more. Or should I say I love someone more. Arizona, I want to tell you something.
Arizona: What is it? Do I need to get nervous?
Y/n: No, I think you don't have to be nervous.
Arizona: Okay tell me.
Y/n: Like we said, it is almost a year ago that we've met and we grow to love eachother. I'm so happy to be your girlfriend, no it's an honor to be your girlfriend. I don't want any one else, I want to be by your side forever. We've been through so much and I think that we make each other better every minute of each day.
Arizona: Why are you saying all this?
Y/n: You mean the world to me Arizona, I'm so in love with you and when you leave me alone it makes my heart break. I like the way you laugh, it makes me laugh. We've spend our whole lives, waiting for this I think. Can we just spend, five more minutes? And after five minutes, those five more minutes, when those minutes are over, let's get to the lifetime. After a lifetime of five more minutes with you. We can make it a lifetime with ten more minutes with each other. What I want is a lifetime of lifetimes with you. It's all I want from you.
Arizona: Y/n, are you asking me...
Y/n: I can say many more things, things I love about you, for example how beautiful your sparkling blue eyes are and how magical your smile is, a smile that turns my whole world. But right now I want to know if you want to marry me Arizona and to spend every minute with me. Arizona Robbins, do you want to marry me?

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