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Arizona: This isn't happening. Y/n, I love you so much. I can't live without you.
Y/n: It will all be alright. You have to believe that.

At that right moment you got unconscious. They brought you into the OR and started right away. After 5 hours of surgery you were stable and they thought they got everything but you started to code. After 30 minutes they got you back but your heartbeat is very weak. Now you're in a patients room and everybody is waiting for you to wake up.

Arizona: Please y/n, I need you to wake up. I need you, we need you, so please wake up for us.
April: Arizona, she will wake up soon. She said you don't need to worry to much and told us all to believe it will be alright.
Arizona: Do you know what? Someone hit her with a car and ran her over and still she is positive and cares about how we feel.
Cristina: She is a one of a kind. Also she is an amazing surgeon and a great friend. She doesn't deserve all of this.
Jackson: Who would hit her and run away. This was just a hit and run.
April: Let's hope she will be fine in time. I will get some coffee for all of us.
Arizona: Can you give us some time? I want to be alone with her if it's okay?
Meredith: Of course take some time. Page us if you need us.

Arizona was sitting with you for over an hour. You were still not awake and Arizona started to cry.

Arizona: Why is this happening? I thought everything was good with us, we were happy and now I don't know if you will be awake. I just love you so much. You made everything better since the minute you came here. I'm so scared to lose you y/n.
April: Sorry Arizona, I'm just here to check on you. Do you need something?
Arizona: I need y/n.
April: Oh Arizona. I will leave you, but please call if you need me.
Arizona: Thank you April.

It was 2 hours after the surgery and you still were not awake. Arizona fell asleep next to you with her head on your legs and holding your hand. She woke up by someone walking past the room. She looked up at you, but you were still the same.

Arizona: I don't know what to do. I just want you to open your eyes so I can look at you and tell you how much I love you. I realized that you are the love of my life. You're the one that makes me feel safe and makes me smile. You are just... you are my rock and my best friend. You make me laugh and I love the way you hug me when I'm sad. Right now, I need you you, I need you so bad. I want you to be better. I love you more than I have loved anyone in my life. If you can hear me, don't leave me because I'm not ready.

After some time Alex walked in with Miranda.

Alex: Hey Arizona, still no change?
Arizona: No.
Alex: Uhm we found out which car has hit her.
Arizona: What?
Miranda: The security found it out.
Alex: They called the police and they think it's Callies car.
Arizona: Sorry what? I'm going to kill her myself.
Miranda: Calm down. The police is looking for her and y/n needs you to be here.
Arizona: I can't believe this. I never thought Callie would do something like this.
Alex: Let's hope the police find her soon and she will pay for it, I'm sure.
Arizona: But first things first. Y/n needs to wake up. I want to hold her and just be with her.

After some time people got in and out the room checking on you and Arizona. But you are still not awake and nobody knows why. Arizona hasn't left you since you were in the room.

Arizona: Please y/n, wake up. I love you so much.
Y/n: Hey Arizona, I said you didn't need to worry to much and believe that it will all be alright.
Arizona: You're awake?
Y/n: I love you too and I will not leave you anytime soon. We're like pop and corn, we need eachother to be happy.
Arizona: Really popcorn? You scared me to death and you start to make jokes?
Y/n: I just want to see you smile. You've been crying so much the last couple of hours. I didn't want you to feel like that.
Arizona: Wait how do you know I've cried?
Y/n: I've heard almost everything you've said. I wanted to let you know that I'm here, but I couldn't move or say something. I'm so sorry.
Arizona: You really don't have to be sorry, just get better and don't scare me like this ever again.

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now