Never enough

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April: This doesn't sound like y/n at all.
Arizona: I know, that's why I need to find her. We needed to go into the OR immediately and I had no time to talk to her.
April: Have you texted her?
Arizona: April, that was the first thing I've done when we got out the OR. Can you please let me know when you find her?
April: I will Arizona. She is probably working.

Arizona was still looking for you and when she was walking back to the peds wing she bumped into dr. Boswell.

Lauren: Hey you, I was looking for you.
Arizona: You were? I'am looking for dr. y/n, I need to talk to her. Have you seen her?
Lauren: I haven't seen her, but I wanted to ask you if you can show me the nearest on call room, so I can keep an eye on the boy tonight. I like to have control about the things I can have control over.
Arizona: Uhm I will walk with you to show you were you can get some sleep.
Lauren: Great, thank you so much. You are really sweet.
Arizona: So when will you leave?
Lauren: I will stay here one more day so I can monitor him.
Arizona: So you can stay here all night. Page me if you need me.
Lauren: Have anyone told you that you have beautiful eyes and the sweetest smile?
Arizona: Yes, my wife tells me everyday. I have to go, it was nice meeting you dr. Boswell.
Lauren: You can call me Lauren, I love when say my name. You know what, I like you a lot and maybe we can do a bit of sneaking around. No one has to know it. Let me love you.
Arizona: I'm going, it was nice to meet you dr. Boswell, but I don't like the way you're talking right now. I have to find dr. y/n.
Lauren: Listen, call me Lauren, that makes me more in the mood. You can have some fun with me. Just leave everything go and see what you can get. You can loose some control sometimes, so loose control with me tonight Arizona.

Lauren grabbed Arizona's waist and pulled her in and kissed her lips. Arizona leaned back in and they started to kiss again. They took each others coats off and Lauren pulled Arizona on the bed. Lauren started kissing her neck and sat on top of Arizona. After minutes they had quick sex and Arizona stood up from the bed putting her scrubs back on.

Arizona: This was a huge mistake. This shouldn't happened. No one can know this.
Lauren: It didn't felt like a mistake to me. Maybe we can see eachother more often.
Arizona: I don't want that. Please forget it and leave me alone. Don't tell anyone about this, do you hear me, am I clear?
Lauren: I will hope, you change your mind someday, because this was amazing. I love you Arizona.
*Arizona left the on call room*

*You are in a room with Alex working on a case*
Alex: This will work. So we agree on the approach for this surgery?
Y/n: Yes, with this plan we can remove the tumor of her liver.
Alex: It's been some time since we together in the OR.
Y/n: It's good to have this surgery with you. So I think we can go home. Get some sleep.
Alex: Yes, I see you tomorrow y/n.
Y/n: See you tomorrow Alex.

Arizona walked into the room when Alex left. You were packing your stuff so you could go home aswel.

Arizona: Hey.
Y/n: Hi, how did the surgery go?
Arizona: It went great.
Y/n: I'm ready to go home, are you ready?
Arizona: Uhm, were you here the whole time?
Y/n: I did rounds first and then worked with Alex on a surgery we have tomorrow. Why?
Arizona: I was looking for you and I texted you.
Y/n: Oh sorry, I haven't checked my phone, it is in the charger. Now I'm ready to pick up Belle and go home. Are you ready to leave?
Arizona: Yes, I will get my stuff. I really want to go home and be with you.

*You were walking with Arizona and she went to her office while you went to the daycare*
Lauren: Hey Arizona, are you leaving?
Arizona: Yes, I'm going home.
Lauren: That sucks. I thought maybe we could have some dinner together.
Y/n: Hey I got Belle. Oh hi dr. Boswell.
Lauren: Oh hey. So what would you say after our time together?
Arizona: Please leave it. I'm going home with my wife and daughter.
Y/n: What's going on?
Arizona: Nothing.
Lauren: I think she is just somewhere else with her mind. She is thinking about what happened.
Y/n: What do you mean? Now I'm getting confused. Tell me Arizona, what is going on?
Lauren: After what we did together.
Arizona: Y/n, can we go?
Lauren: We had amazing sex after our surgery. We celebrated it in the best way possible. She's amazing in bed.
Y/n: You are not funny. Arizona?
Arizona: I'm so sorry. It was a big mistake. The biggest mistake I've ever made.
Y/n: It's true?
Lauren: Very true, I still feel amazing. I'm getting my breath finally back after what she did to me.
Y/n: You, just shut up! And you... how could you.
Arizona: Can we talk please? Can we go home and talk about it?
Y/n: Talking will not fix this. Here take Belle. I'm not going home with you and I really don't want to see you or talk to you. I can't believe you did this after everything we've been trough. Even after last weekend. I can't look at you. I'm so so mad.
Arizona: Y/n, please don't leave us. I need you, Belle needs you.
Lauren: I can stay with you.
Arizona: You need to leave me alone, don't look at me and don't talk to me.
Y/n: I'm going, don't try to go after me.
Arizona: No, y/n. Wait.
Y/n: I'm done with you. I don't think I can forgive you for this. Bye Arizona. Leave me the hell alone.
Lauren: Maybe...
Arizona: No, you can't say anything. Because of you, my marriage is failing apart.
Lauren: It was your own decision. You didn't say no.
Arizona: Come Belle, were going home.

After coming home Arizona sees you have packed a bag and some clothes. She tries calling you, but you won't answer.

Arizona: How could I be so stupid? I don't think she wil forgive me for this. You will stay with me right, Belle?

You got to a hotel and went to bed. The next morning you wake up and feel like everything was falling apart. You got to the hospital and saw Arizona bringing Belle to daycare.

Arizona: Hey, can we talk?
Y/n: No, I have a surgery with Alex. Leave me alone!
Arizona: But, you need to know I love you and...

Arizona grabs your arm and give you a kiss.

Y/n: Get of me. You broke my heart and you will not fix it with saying sorry and a kiss. So leave me the hell alone. I will pick up Belle after work and bring her to daycare tomorrow.
Arizona: Don't do this.
Lauren: Good morning Arizona.
Arizona: Uhg bye.

After your surgery you see Arizona standing at the nurses station.

Arizona: Can we please talk?
Y/n: You know what. I'm so done with all of this. We are over, we need to figure out what to do with Belle, but I don't see us getting back together after what you did. After you cheated.
Arizona: It was a mistake and you need to believe me, when I say that I don't feel anything for her and she just played me and...
Y/n: Stop it. You are so unbelievable. I only have one question; Am I not enough for you?
Arizona: You are enough, you are my everything. You and Belle mean the world to me.
Y/n: Only when you want that to be. Otherwise you wouldn't fuck that women.
Arizona: I made a mistake and I don't even no why I did it.
Y/n: If you even don't know yourself, how should I cope with this. You need to think about what you did.
Arizona: That's all I do. Please let me know we still have a future. Is there still a chance?
Y/n: Honestly, you did that one thing I never wanted to happen. You crossed a line. You really broke me.
Arizona: Please come home so we can figure this out. All I want is to be with each other.
Y/n: I thought you were my home, but that was all an illusion. I'm not going home, so for now I want Belle every other day, we can switch.
Arizona: Don't do this. Don't walk away.
Y/n: Don't do this? You shouldn't have done sleeping with her. I'm going and tonight I take Belle with me and bring her to daycare in the morning.

It's almost two months after the cheating and you haven't really spoken to Arizona unless for work. You had a free day and had spend it with Belle at the zoo. You were going to bring her to Arizona, because you are on a nightshift.

Arizona: Hey princess, did you had a nice day with mommy?
Y/n: So here is her bag. We went to the zoo so she should be very tired.
Arizona: You can come in if you want and bring her to bed.
Y/n: Thanks, I will bring her to bed and read her a story.
Arizona: Do you have a moment after it to talk?

*You got Belle to sleep*
Y/n: So she is asleep. What is it you wanted to talk about?
Arizona: What are we? We aren't together and I want to now if there is still a chance for us.
Y/n: I still feel betrayed and you hurt me so bad. I'am not ready to forgive you and I don't know if I can ever forgive you Arizona. I just want us to be on good enough terms for Belle.
Arizona: Do you still love me?
Y/n: I can't stop loving you in a day, but my feelings have changed. 
Arizona: Do you want a divorce?
Y/n: I have thought about it and maybe it is the best.
Arizona: I don't want that, I can't live without you, I need you and I will do anything to earn your trust back. Please don't give up on us.
Y/n: It needs time. We only need to think about Belle right now, it's her birthday in three weeks and we need to celebrate that.
Arizona: Belle deserves all our love. What would you say if we organize a birthday party for her? We can invite the others.
Y/n: That's fine. We will text about it. Give Belle a kiss from me tomorrow when she wakes up.

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now