It's not funny

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Arizona: No, no, no! Is she awake?
Amelia: I'm so sorry Arizona, she isn't and it's been hours ago since the surgery.
Arizona: Amelia, why isn't she awake?
Amelia: We don't know. We have to wait. Wait and see what will happen.
Arizona: Something tells me there is something you're not telling me. Please tell me, I need to know everything.
Amelia: If she wakes up, we don't know if there are permanent damages. There is a chance she will not be the same as she was before.
Arizona: If she wakes up?!? You better make sure she wakes up!
Owen: Arizona, please calm down. You know we will do anything to get her back.
Arizona: Get me to her!
Amelia: You had a big surgery yourself and...
Arizona: And now you bring me to her or I go to her myself!

They eventually brought Arizona to the room where you were laying. They were very carefully because of all the wounds Arizona had.

Arizona: Can you leave us alone please?
Amelia: Of course, take your time.
Owen: We will be around. If you need us, call us please.
Arizona: I will.
Amelia: We are here for you.
Arizona: I can't believe this. Y/n, you saved me again and now you are here like this. You don't deserve this, you are to good for this world. But I need you, I need you so bad. I can't live without you.
Amelia: Hey, you okay?
Arizona: Does it looks like I'm okay?
Amelia: Arizona...
Arizona: Just go. You said to me to hold on and to get back. I did and now you need to do the exact same thing. Do it for Belle, Ivy and Ruby, they need you, we need you. I will not make it if you're not around.

It's been almost a month and you're still not awake. April and Jo are back at work for a week and seem to be all good. Arizona is just discharged, but never leaves your side. The girls are staying with all the others and they are there for Arizona. There is no change since the surgery.

Amelia: Hey Arizona, we need to talk about y/n. Its been almost a month and she is not getting better. We know that she made you the one to decide anything medically. As her doctor, I need to tell you to think about letting her go. We see on the scans that its like she's almost braindead, like 90%. Arizona, it's a hard decision, but please think about it as this can hurt her more.
Arizona: You really think I will give up on her? She never gave up on me, so I will wait for her. She will wake up, I believe in that.

*Two weeks later*
Arizona: Babe, why are you not awake? We need you here with us, I miss your laugh, I miss your jokes, your cuddles and your kisses. I think every time about you and how you were always there for me. You always had my back and would catch me when I fall. Please come back to me. I don't know how long I can keep going on without you.
April: Hey Arizona, I'm sorry, but do you want me to sit here with you?
Arizona: Yes, I could use some company.
April: What's on your mind?
Arizona: April, I don't know what to do anymore. It's been so long and medically everyone tells me to stop the support and to let her go, it would be better for her. Only I can't let her go April. I just can't and miracles happen right? She survived so much, this can be that one more time.
April: Arizona, I will not tell you what to do, but think about what she would want. Y/n would not want to see you like this any longer. She would not want you to worry more then you already did.
Arizona: But it's y/n. She is the one who makes miracles happen, so a miracle should happen to her. Maybe our true love will wake her up.
April: If that's the case, why didn't she wake up sooner?
Arizona: I don't know April. Can I just be with her?
April: Of course, page me if you need me.
Arizona: Y/n, if you can hear me please listen to me. Why are you not with me? We promised to stay together forever and always. We would see the girls grow up and get old together. Do you know our first date? Or the second date when you stayed the night and we made love. Just think about all those moments.

Arizona thought about all the beautiful moments you and her had together.

Arizona: Please come back to me.
*She kisses the top of your head*

Arizona: Y/n?
Y/n: Ugh ugh.
Arizona: Someone help! She is waking up!
Amelia: What?
Arizona: Look! Get her of the support right now!
Amelia: Arizona, you need to leave the room.
Arizona: I'm staying.
Derek: Please wait outside. We will have a quick look and after it we get you.
Arizona: Okay. Y/n, I'm right outside. Hold on, I will be back soon.
Amelia: So pupilreflex looks good and breathing sounds normal.
Derek: Y/n, pleas try and wiggle your toes for me. Okay, now push my hands away with your feet. Last one, squeeze my fingers with your hands.
Amelia: This is unbelievable. How is this possible?
Derek: I don't know, but it seems like she is back. Y/n, how are you feeling?
Y/n: My body feels heavy and I'm tired.
Amelia: We will comeback later to do some scans. Arizona, please come back in. She is all good.
Arizona: Thank god. Hey babe. I missed you so much. How are you feeling?
Y/n: I think sort of good. What happened?
Arizona: There was a car accident, but we are all fine.
Y/n: How many people were involved?
Arizona: We both were and Jo and April.
Y/n: Wait who are Jo and April?
Arizona: Okay not funny babe.
Y/n: Why do you keep calling me babe? Who are you?
Arizona: Stop it, I don't like this, it's the wrong timing to pull jokes.
Y/n: What is your name?
Arizona: Arizona and I'm your wife we have three kids. Three girls, Belle she is the oldest and our twins Ivy and Ruby.

She cups your face in her hands and kisses you passionately.

Arizona: Did this help you remember? Do you know me? Y/n, please say that you remember.
Y/n: I could never forget you Arizona. I could never forget our little girls. I love you.
Arizona: So you were playing with me?
Y/n: No, I wasn't. I promise. I really didn't know a single thing, but when you kissed me it al came back to me. Like I was hit by a bus.
Arizona: Really? You take hitting by a bus as an example?
Y/n: Maybe that wasn't the right choice of words.
*She kisses you again*

Arizona: I was so scared I lost you and had to let you go. I just can't live without you y/n.
Y/n: Maybe it's time to talk about this. When it's time, you need to let me go. You need to move on for our girls and for yourself. We don't know how life will turn out, but I want you to know that I would never be mad at you for making that decision and if I'm gone, I will actually never be gone, because I will always look over you and the kids and be there when you need me.
Arizona: Y/n, I think I will never be able to move on from you. You are my soulmate, my true love and best friend.
Y/n: Listen. One thing you need to remember, I will always be there in your heart. What I know for sure is that our love goes on.
*You kiss her cheek while she climbed into bed next to you*

Arizona: You're much more than a memory. Please know that I will never forget you. I will never forget who you were and are to me. There is a safe place in my heart, there you'll always be with me.
Y/n: Lets just hope we will never get in a situation like this ever again. Focus on us, the girls and our happy future.
Arizona: The girls missed you so much.
Y/n: How are they?
Arizona: They are really good. Everyone took good care of them when I wasn't able to.
Y/n: We should organise a big dinner when I'm out of here to thank everyone. Can you please stay here next to me, I need your cuddles.
Arizona: I would love that idea. So move your ass more so there is space for me to give you my best cuddles.
Y/n: I love you so much Arizona, you are the reason I'm back. You are my anchor and I promise to always come back to you.

You lean in to give her a ling and sweet kiss. She putts her arms around your waist and rested her head on your chest.

Arizona: I love you so, so much. Never leave ever again. It will be you and me till the end.

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now