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Miranda: Hi please take a seat.
Y/n: We are not the only ones here. Look around almost everyone is here.
Arizona: Yes most of the attending's and head of departments are here.
April: Hey you, how's your day been?
Arizona: Really good, y/n, it was good right?
Y/n: You are going to get your ass kicked tonight if you don't stop. It was a good day April, sorry for Arizona being like a child again.
April: Uhm okay. So any idea why we all are here?
Arizona: No, we just got paged, but I think she will make an announcement, because of all of us that are here.
Meredith: Lovely ladies overhere, I was thinking about ladies night next week. Are you in?
Arizona: If we can drop the kids, then we are in.
Meredith: We will arrange that. All the dads will hang out at my place so they can watch the kids.
April: If someone doesn't have to worry about their kids, it's you guys. You are raising little angels.
Y/n: They are angels, they get that from their mommy.
Arizona: And again, the flirt machine is back.
*You kiss her cheek*

Y/n: I was just making you a compliment.
Miranda: Okay can I have all of your attention please.
Arizona: What will it be?
Y/n: We will find out soon enough.
Miranda: So I'm going to tell you all that I'm stepping down as chief of surgery.
Derek: Wait why?
Miranda: It has been 5 amazing years but I feel like it's time for someone else to bring you all to a new level. I think with y/n winning a Harper Avery my job is done here. I also want to be more in the OR and doing more research.
Jackson: So when are you really stopping?
Miranda: In three months. I wanted to tell you in person and I also wanted to give you all the opportunity to apply first before we are going to bring this up to the world outside of this hospital.
Y/n: Just to check, you are staying at Grey Sloan?
Miranda: Yes, I will be back in general. I want to take this moment to thank you all for these years and I love you all.
April: Thank you chief. We love you too.

It was almost the end of the day when a trauma came in.

April: Okay there has been an accident right in front of the hospital with a bus. A lot of children involved. Bring all O-negative in here and bring patients up to rooms.
Arizona: Lets move people. Y/n, go outside and try to help out there. I love you.

Owen: Okay we need to be quick. April you stay here and help people who get out of the bus. Jackson and y/n, we go up there and try to get people out of the bus who are still in it. Be quick, but careful.
Y/n: Get it.
Jackson: Do we know how long the bus is here?
Owen: I only know that the fire started around 5 minutes ago.
Y/n: Lets move people. Hello, anyone in here?
Jackson: We need to go in. Give me your hand, we are in this together.
Owen: I have a women around 30 years old, I bring her to the ER.
Y/n: Jackson, I think I hear something in the back.
Jackson: I hear it too. Sounds like a crying kid.
Y/n: Jackson, it is a kid.
Jackson: No, it are two kids. Hey we are going to get you out and safe. We promise.
Y/n: So we both take one kid and run as fast as we can out of here. This bus will blow up soon.
Jackson: I go first follow me close.
Y/n: Jackson, she is stuck with her food between the bench. Go with that kid I try to work as fast.
Jackson: Y/n, there is no time left. Get out!

*In a few seconds there was an explosion and an even bigger fire*

Jackson: Get this kid to the ER. Has someone seen y/n?
Owen: No, she was with you.
Jackson: No No No.
April: Was she still inside that bus?
Jackson: She was. Another kid got stuck, she was helping to get her out. She told me to run and save this kid.
Arizona: Hey guys, anymore kids we need to help?  Hello, why is no one answering?
Owen: The bus just exploded. Jackson just got out in time with a kid.
Arizona: Omg Jackson, you really saved a life. For now and always a hero.
April: Arizona, Jackson wasn't alone inside.
Owen: Me, Jackson and y/n went in to find people.
April: No one has seen y/n.
Arizona: She wouldn't, no she is somewhere. She had to be around.
Jackson: She was inside when I got out in time. She tried to save a girl, who got stuck inside. Arizona, she...
Arizona: Shut up! She always comes back. She needs to be okay. Y/n, is probably somewhere inside helping that girl.
April: Arizona, we saw the explosion right in front of us. She was inside. No one survives that.
Arizona: Then I'm going in to look for her.
Owen: You stay here. Don't move and don't argue me on that.
Jackson: I'm so sorry, I shouldn't had left her.
April: Y/n, she was such a sweetheart and...
Arizona: Don't say was! She will be fine, we know y/n! She is smart enough to get out of it and save a child. I feel it.
Owen: Listen Arizona, no one can survive something like that. It's impossible.
Y/n: What is impossible?
April: Y/n? How? When?
Jackson: Did you just, I don't understand.
Arizona: Don't scare me like that!
Y/n: Huh? What do you mean?
Owen: We thought you died during that explosion.
Y/n: I'm sorry you guys thought that. But you should know that you can't get rid of me that easily. I got out just a few seconds after you Jackson. I saw the ambulance standing over there on the right and I ran inside to help the girl with her wound, because it was bleeding a lot. When I got there the explosion happened. I thought that it was the best option for my patient to go that way. I'm sorry I scared you all like that.
Arizona: I love you.

She pulls you close by the waist and gives you a long and passionate kiss on the lips.

April: I never want you to do something like that again. I can't miss one of my best friends. 

*Three weeks later*
Derek: So we have to be in the conference room again?
Cristina: Yes, Bailey asked us all here. Maybe they found a new chief already.
Jo: That would be really fast.
Meredith: We just need to wait and see.
Miranda: Thank you all for coming. It's been three weeks after I announced to step down as chief and asked if some of you wanted to apply for chief. Till now there are three people who applied and I want to let you know that from next week we will look for people from outside the hospital for the job.
Alex: So who did apply?
Miranda: That's confidential. Only if they are okay for it, I can tell.
Alex: Anyone against it? Put your hand up.
So no one? You can tell it Miranda.
Miranda: So Derek, Owen and y/n applied for becoming the next chief.
Arizona: You did what? Why haven't you told me?
Y/n: Why haven't I told myself is the question. I don't understand it dr. Bailey, I did not apply by myself.
Miranda: I got your letter and CV. So you are in the running.
Arizona: I'm sorry, I have work to do.
Y/n: Arizona, wait.
Arizona: What do you want? Or have you decide other things and forgot to tell me?
Y/n: Please listen, come with me to the on call room so we can talk.
Arizona: So you applied?
Y/n: No, I haven't. I really don't understand a single thing that happened. I never thought about it, I'm just so happy with everything the way it is. I love my job and work hard for the Tiny Humans project.
Arizona: But somehow dr. Bailey got your letter.
Y/n: I know and I'm so confused. I want you to know that I would never leave you out of something like that. You are the first person I would talk to if I was thinking about something like this.

Arizona jumps around and jumps on you wrapping her legs around your middle. She grabs your face in between her hands and kisses you long and deep.

Y/n: Uhm Arizona we need to stop, we have work to do.
Arizona: I love you so much. We better cuddle a lot tonight. I really want that.
Y/n: Cuddle time with my wife? I have to think about that.

Arizona kisses you again holding you close to her by your hips.

Arizona: Still need to think about it?
Y/n: No, you got me hooked.
Arizona: But are you thinking about the job of becoming the next chief?

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now