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Arizona: Look at the entrance. Do you know that person?
Y/n: Uhm I don't think so.
Arizona: I think he's at the wrong place. He isn't even dressed for this occasion.
Y/n: Maybe I should ask him.
Arizona: Don't. Something tells me we should stay out of it. Something is going to happen.
Y/n: What do you think?
Arizona: Something really bad. Like someone is getting hurt.
Y/n: Okay, I don't like you having that feeling. Where is he?
Arizona: I don't see him anywhere.
Y/n: Maybe he realized that he was at the wrong place and left.
Arizona: Yes, maybe. Only my feeling isn't going away.
Y/n: I know something that might work.

You pull her in for a passionate kiss only breaking the kiss because you both needed air.

Arizona: Nope. Still not sure about this situation.
*You kiss her again*

Arizona: Now we're talking.
Y/n: As you're my date. Can I have this dance? Take my hand, take a breath.
Arizona: Pull me close and take one step.
Y/n: Keep your eyes locked on mine. And let the music be your guide.
Arizona: I love you so much.
Y/n: I love you too. You did so amazing with all off this. I picked the right people for the job.
Arizona: Oh god that were gun shots. Y/n, y/n, are you okay? Do you hear me?
Meredith: Noooo, someone get help. Call 911 now!
Arizona: What the hell is happening? Y/n, talk to me please.
Meredith: We need to be fast.
Arizona: Y/n, talk to me! What is it?
*She kisses you on the lips*

Arizona: Y/n, you okay?
Y/n: Sorry. I'm totally fine. I just froze I guess. It came all back. Gary Clark, the shooting, I almost died and how he almost shot you. Is everyone okay?
Arizona: No, y/n. Someone got shot.
Y/n: Who? Who got shot?
Arizona: It is Richard. He got shot, twice. Meredith is with him, the ambulance got here really fast.
Y/n: Where is the one that shot him? Were the police on time?
Arizona: They were. They got him when he was running out of the street.
Y/n: Do we know who it was?
Arizona: It is that stupid intern Richard fired for working while he was still high.
Y/n: No way. I never expected that. People surprise you every time.
Arizona: I'm glad you're okay. It was like you were not here. It was so scary to see.
Y/n: I'm so sorry. I think I need help to process all that happened the past few years.
Arizona: We will get you all the help you need. I will not leave your side.
*She kisses your cheek*

Y/n: Lets go to the hospital to support Richard. He needs us all.
Arizona: We will. I will drive us. Hopefully they will safe him. It has to be. Richard has to stay alive.
Y/n: He is strong, he will get trough this.
Arizona: Do you think anyone has called Catherine?
Y/n: I will call her on the way to the hospital.
Arizona: Okay, we need to go. Everyone is leaving.
Y/n: Thank you babe. You're my rock. I can't live without you.

*Two weeks later*
April: Please take a seat. We can all have a look at your scans and the test results.
Arizona: Thank you April. So how does it looks?
April: From all we have, your breast looks perfectly healthy again and the tests came all back clear.
Y/n: Does that mean the surgery was perfect and Arizona is cancer free?
April: It does mean that. You only need to come back in two weeks for a look at the wound and in 6 months for another scan to see if you're still clean.
Arizona: This is such good news. Thank you so much April. Now we can move forward again. Hopefully this was the last time something so scary happens. Richard is doing fine and will get back to work soon hopefully.
Y/n: I say we need to believe in it. We survived another hard time. I love you Arizona.
Arizona: And I love you too. I love you more than anything.

You had a little break and went to daycare to see your girls. To your surprise Arizona was also in daycare.

Arizona was swaying with Sofia when you walked in.

Y/n: Hey honey, I thought you had a surgery?
Arizona: Uhm the girl died. She coded and I couldn't bring her back. So I came to see our babies, the always make me happy again. Why are you here?
Y/n: I'm so sorry to hear that. I have some free time and wanted to play with my girls. So now we can play with them together.
Belle: Mommy, can we read a story?
Y/n: Of course we can. What do you want to read?
Belle: The little mermaid. I love that story so much. I only don't like Ursula, she is mean.
Y/n: Oh baby, I don't like Ursula just as much as you don't like her.
Arizona: I love when you read stories to the kids. Zola, Bailey, Harriët, do you want to listen to the little mermaid?

It was later that day and you got back to work. You only felt not like yourself and walked around to try and clear your head. After a few minutes you walked into a supply closet and felt your heartbeat raising.

Arizona: Hey Nancy, have you seen y/n? We were supposed to meet in the lobby, but I haven't seen her.
*Before Nancy could say something a scream came out of the closet.*

Arizona: What is it? Y/n, you need to breath. Come listen to me, you need to get your breathing back to normal.
Y/n: I can't. I have a panic attack I think.
Arizona: Look into my eyes. Listen to my heartbeat. Y/n, you need to calm down.
Y/n: I just can't do it. I'm scared Arizona. Oh I can't breath.

She cups your face in her hands and kisses you deeply.

Arizona: Sorry that was that one thing I could think off to make you stop breathing like that.
Y/n: Thanks, it worked.
Arizona: Babe, what happened that you got a panic attack?
Y/n: Just everything. I can't do this anymore. It is all to much to handle.
Arizona: What are you talking about? When we were with the kids not long ago, everything seemed perfect.
Y/n: Me being chief, working in peds and fetal, taking care of my family, trying to hang out with friends, it is all to much. I just simply can't do it anymore.
Arizona: This isn't you talking. I don't know you like this.
Y/n: Oh then there is all the bad stuff that happened over the years. Think about it. We had Callie twice, we had Leah twice, there was Stacy and Lauren, the Africa situation, you having cancer, the plane crash, the car crash and that is still not everything. I'm so tired, I just can't go on anymore.
Arizona: Maybe we need to go home and relax a bit.
Y/n: You think this is easy? It is not easy do you hear me. I'm done with it. I'm done with you talking like it's nothing.
Arizona: I never said that.
Y/n: It does sound like that. You don't get it at all. This isn't working for me anymore. We need to make a decision to let it all go, to let each other go. It is for the best Arizona.
Arizona: You are not the one who decide this. We belong together, we are soulmates.
Y/n: We talked a lot about this, but this was all a dream, it was a illusion. We are never going to make it and to get our happy ending together.
Arizona: Y/n, you need to listen to me. We are together! You love me and I love you. That's what matters!
Y/n: And love means letting go at some point and that is right now.
Arizona: Did you forget about our girls? You can't walk away.
Y/n: Oh just look, I can. We will all be better off without each other. Bye Arizona.
Arizona: Noo, noo you will not abandon your family and your wife. We promised to be there in good times and bad times. Y/n, we just need...
Y/n: There is no we anymore. Just go and be happy.
Arizona: I will only be happy when you're with me and when you're with Belle, Ivy, Ruby and Sofia. I love you and you will the only person I will ever love.
Y/n: This isn't working anymore. Now just stop it and let me go. I need to leave and find a way to be happy again.
Arizona: Don't go, please y/n. I can't live without you. I need you. Please y/n.
Y/n: Forget about us. Move on. Be happy. Bye Arizona.
*You left the closet and walked out. Arizona stood there still crying.*

Arizona: No, this isn't happening. What happened that you think like this and just walked out?
*Arizona went to daycare to pick up all the girls.*

Arizona: Come on girls lets go home.

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now