We made it back home

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Jo: This is so hard. How can a person decide something like this?
April: So y/n if it comes to it, what do you want?
Y/n: Safe her, just bring her back to me.
April: I will, I love you.
Y/n: I need her. All of her, just my everything. Maybe thinking about her will help, we have such a strong connection.

You start thinking about your first date and the first kiss you shared with Arizona.

Y/n: I can't live without her Jo. I don't want to lose her and she needs both her legs. She is the one and only rollerskating peds surgeon in this country. Maybe even in the whole world.
Jo: They will do everything for her to keep her leg.
Y/n: She asked me to promise me to not let anyone cut off her leg.
Jo: She asked you that?
Y/n: Yes, but I told her that I can't promise something like that. I only promised her to do everything for her to try and keep her leg.
Jo: That's the only thing you can do at this point. So do you have a feeling about her surgery?
Y/n: Something deep inside me tells me that everything will be fine. I really hope that.
Jo: Lets stay positive and hope for the best outcome.
Y/n: We have to. We really have to believe in it.
Jo: Lets have some sleep, you need it.

*You dreamed about the crash*
You suddenly wake up after your nightmare. It has been two hours and there were no updates yet and you fell asleep again.

Arizona: Hey babe, wake up please. Y/n, please. They've put us in the same room. The others think we will be getting better faster. They all say its because of our connection. Y/n, I need you.
Y/n: Arizona?
Arizona: Baby, I'm right here next to you.
Y/n: Hey you. Wait how long did I sleep?
Jo: Just over two ours. I will help you get closer to each other and then I leave you two.
Y/n: Thanks Jo, for everything you've done.
Jo: Thats what friends are for, love you both. The girls are at daycare and we will look after them and bring them as many times as possible. See you later.
Arizona: I love you y/n.
Y/n: I love you too babe. Uhm, so do you still... do you have... I mean...
Arizona: Breath. I'm okay, at least I think. All because of you. You never gave up on me.
Y/n: You know I would never give up on you. I love you to much to just give up.
Arizona: And that's why they found a way to safe me and to safe my leg.
Y/n: So you still have your leg?
Arizona: Look for yourself. It will take some time to get back on my feet, literally. April and the others worked really hard and found a way to close the wound and Link used a metal to help fix the bone. The infection is under control and with some medication it will all go away soon.
Y/n: That's amazing. I felt deep inside that they would fix you. Maybe it was our connection.
Arizona: Before I went into surgery I said the exact same thing. I was thinking about you, about us, because I knew you could feel my love trough our connection.
Y/n: Scary, but good. A deep connection like we have, does no one else have.
Arizona: We are one. We are almost the same, but still so different. Only one thing I need to know, what exactly happened to you?
Y/n: So we almost got here, but you started crashing, probably because of all the blood loss. So I did CPR. After some time I got you back, but I felt weak and collapsed. I had some internal bleedings and my kidney was damaged. All because off the crash. That made me pass out. Bailey fixed it all with webber, so I need to recover.
Arizona: You really stayed strong for me, when you were injured yourself, but didn't knew you were. You will always safe me.
Y/n: Of course I will. You're my wife and mama of my three girls. I will always try and safe you, no matter what.
Arizona: Can you try and get here? Just be careful.
Y/n: Give me a second.
Arizona: We made it back home, back to Belle, Ivy and Ruby. Like you said, when we were out there.
Y/n: Love will get us trough everything life trows us. I love you.
Arizona: I love you too y/n, so much. 

You cup each others faces in your hands and kiss each other passionately.

*Two months later*
Arizona: Finally I get discharged today. I'm so done with this hospital bed.
Y/n: I can understand that babe. Its been almost two months.
Arizona: And I still need to recover, but at least I can be at home with all my favorite girls.
Y/n: Belle is already asking when you get home. All the time she asks when mama comes home. Its adorable Arizona. She is almost turning three in four months. Can you believe that?
Arizona: Our girl is growing up so fast. Maybe we can give her birthday party with a jumping castle in the garden. All the kids will love that.
Y/n: That's an amazing idea baby. Lets get you home, shall we?
Arizona: Yes, wheel me to the car y/n. Oh can we grab food on the way home?
Y/n: We can, what do you want?
Arizona: I want you, but I also would love to have a burger and fries.
Y/n: You little flirt. We will get that burger. The girls really love nuggets so they will be happy aswel.
Arizona: And I love you so much, thank you for taking such good care of me even with you just getting back to work after the injuries.
Y/n: All for my perfect family and the most loving wife I could ask for.
Arizona: Go, I'm getting so hungry.

*It was 1.5 months later and it was Arizona her first day back at work*
Arizona: I'm so happy to be back at work and help the Tiny Humans again and helping out in the clinic.
Y/n: Everyone missed you around here and I missed my dreamteam partner in the OR.
Arizona: I missed that too babe.

She pulls you in for a kiss while holding your waist.

Arizona: Oh wait there is something on your lips.
Y/n: What?

She kisses you again and wraps her arms around your neck.

Arizona: My lips.
Y/n: Oh you never change will you? Still a dorky.
Arizona: Apparently, you love a dorky women.
Y/n: I do, the most beautiful dorky there is. So today we will meet dr. Herman, she will teach us everything about fetal surgery.
Arizona: I'm so excited to learn a new specialty, like fetal surgery is so new and not many people are certificated. Oh and we will both work together during this fellowship and that makes me even happier.
Y/n: It will be great.
Arizona: Do you know her? Dr. Herman.
Y/n: I worked with her for two years at the last hospital I was before coming to Seattle.
Arizona: Is she nice or grumpy like you?
Y/n: I'm not grumpy. Only for a few minutes after waking up, but I'm not a grumpy person.
Arizona: I was kidding. You're a sweetheart, that one person who cares the most. So tell, how is she?
Y/n: She is hard in the beginning and will not let you in easily, but after some time she lets her guard down and then you will see that she is funny and nice.
Nicole: Funny and nice? Are you talking about me y/n?
Y/n: Hello dr. Herman, it's nice to see you again. How are you?
Nicole: You can call me Nicole. Others call me dr. Herman. I'm really good enjoying the time at the moment and looking forward teaching two surgeons this specialty and looking forward working with you again.
Y/n: We are both excited for this fellowship. So Nicole this is my wife; Arizona. Dr. Robbins is one of the best and is really good.
Arizona: It's really nice to meet you.
Nicole: So I see, this is the one, right y/n? She is very pretty.
Y/n: Yes the one and only. Soulmate, best friend and love of my life.
Arizona: Stop it. You're making me blush.
Y/n: You like hearing me say this to others. You love that.
Arizona: Maybe I do. So Nicole follow me, I will show you around. Y/n has some chief things to do. I see you later, love you.
*She kisses your cheek*

Y/n: Love you too babe.

*At the end of the day*
Arizona: Hey you. How was your day?
Y/n: A lot of meetings, I've barely seen the other surgeons or a patient. How was your day?
Arizona: Good, had an emergency surgery and showed Nicole around. She is a women with a strong voice if you know what I mean.
Y/n: You will get along with her. Give it some time.

*At home*
Belle: Mommy, will you play hide and seek with me after dinner?
Y/n: Of course I will. You know that I'm really good at that game? Maybe mama will join us.
Arizona: But I'm not that good.
Belle: I will help you mama, we can play together.
Arizona: We can be a team and win from mommy.

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now