You're really pretty

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Miranda: What did you say? A gungina?
Y/n: Yes, it is a gun in a vagina. So if you putt these words together you get a gungina.
Miranda: I see. I never thought I would herar something like this in my life. 
Arizona: So uhm, I will get her to the OR and deliver the gun.
Miranda: And that is also new to my ears.
Arizona: I will see you in the gallery. Love you.
Y/n: Love you too dr. Badass.

Arizona was performing the surgery with the gungina girl while you were sitting in the gallery.

Y/n: Oh Richard. Are you okay?
Richard: I just need time to process what I just heard and saw.
Carina: This was amazing. Never saw this before.
Y/n: Carina how is everything with your girlfriend?
Carina: Great, she will have lunch today. Come and meet her. She will love you.
Y/n: I will. I will bring dr. Badass with me.

*At lunch*
Carina: Hola y/n and Arizona. Please take a seat.
Arizona: Where is your hot girlfriend?
Carina: She will be here any minute. So what a surgery was that?
Arizona: Crazy right? Who putts a gun in her own vagina? She needs to be glad she's still alive.
Y/n: It was very impressive what you did in that OR.
Arizona: Thank you honey.
*She kisses your cheek and hold your hand*

Carina: Oh there she is. Hi bambina.
Arizona: Hi there, nice to meet you. I'm Arizona.
Y/n: Hello, I'm y/n. Please come and sit. What do you want to eat?
Maya: Hello, I'm Maya. I don't want to be a burden, you don't have to get me something.
Arizona: You're not a burden, she does this because she wants to. So what do you want?
Maya: Okay thank you. Can I have a salad and a sparkling water?
Y/n: Of course. I will be back. Anyone else wants something?
Arizona: No I'm good.
Carina: Can I have a smoothie?
Y/n: You can have a smoothie.
Arizona: It's really nice to meet you Maya. You make Carina like super happy.
Maya: I'm glad I can make her happy, because she makes me a very happy girl.

You had lunch and you all got back to work. You had a teaching moment planned for most of the surgeons later and you were waiting for everyone to arrive. Arizona walked in with a tin full of cookies. She handed it out to everyone who wanted, you didn't took one, because you were about to start your speech.

Arizona got paged and left while you went on with everything. After about 20 minutes she got back into the room and talked to Meredith and Jo. After it Meredith walked towards you and asked if she could say something.

Meredith: Hello everyone, I have a question. So please raise your hand if you ate a cookie out of the tin on the table. There is something wrong with them and we need you to go with us to another room where we can have a look at how we will fix this as the cookies had rat poison in them.

Everyone was shocked and left the room. You asked all the others to leave aswel so you could go and help the others. You got to the conference room after what Meredith told everyone.

Meredith: Okay people listen. It wasn't rat poison. The cookies had weed in them.
Y/n: Okay that is better to hear actually. So everyone is not working any longer today. You aren't aloud to practice medicine today. I will cancel all surgeries and keep an eye on each other. Thanks Mer for helping out.
Meredith: So me, you and Jo are the ones who hadn't had a cookie?
Y/n: That's true.
Jo: Lets bring people home so they can sleep.
Meredith: Yes, that's good. Lets start, uhm I don't see Arizona and Alex here. Go look for them and bring them home. I will be here to make sure no one else leaves or tries to work.

You were looking for Arizona when you heard her speaking to someone in the MRI scan room. You waited outside and listened.

Arizona: We can't do this.
Carina: Just quick.
Arizona: You never said anything.
Carina: Because you were with y/n. She is my friend and I love the both of you. That's why I never told you.
Arizona: We are both really high. This isn't us.
Carina: You know they say that you're telling the truth when you are high.
Arizona: Pleas stop Carina, you have a girlfriend.
Carina: She doesn't need to know this. Neither does y/n. It can be our little secret bambina.
Arizona: Carina, you are very beautiful, but this can't happen. I'm happily married.
Carina: That's why we need to keep it a secret.
Arizona: I love y/n so much. I screwed up before and I can't hurt her again. I don't want to hurt her at all.
Carina: I just want to kiss you so bad and feel your body. That's all I wanted for so long.
Arizona: No, this isn't good. I need to go and find y/n. You need to go home and sleep. Forget it all please.
Carina: But, Arizona....

You have heard it all and open the door and walked in.

Y/n: Oh hey here you are Arizona. Lets bring you home. Hey Carina, feeling okay?
Carina: It's okay. I need to call Maya to take me home.
Y/n: That's a great idea. Being home cuddled up to Maya, that will help you from being high.
Carina: I hope. Thank you.
Arizona: You look like a cartoon.
Y/n: Really?
Arizona: You are so pretty. You are like a pretty lady. Very pretty and mine.
Y/n: I will get the girls so we can go home and you can sleep.
Arizona: Can we have a burger tonight?
Y/n: I will get you everything you want when we get home.
Arizona: I want to skinny dip with you. I want to have more fun with you, I just want you so bad. I even want to do bad things with you. Really bad things in bed.
Y/n: We are going home now. You won't remember this hopefully.

When you got home you brought Arizona to bed and in a few seconds she fell asleep. You played a bit with the girls on the trampoline and told them the story of the Sleeping Beauty. You brought them to bed and are now cleaning the house a bit.

Arizona: Hey you, what are you doing?
Y/n: Hey my sleeping beauty. I was cleaning the kitchen and then I was coming to bed.
Arizona: Oh to bed to do what?
Y/n: Sleeping. How are you feeling?
Arizona: Better, thank you. So I want to have some fun.
Y/n: What would be fun?
Arizona: Something that involves this.

She starts kissing you passionately and pulling you close. You pulled away and looked her in the eyes.

Y/n: First I need to ask you something.
Arizona: Uhm okay.
Y/n: So Carina?
Arizona: What about Carina?
Y/n: Let me putt it in a different way. Do you remember everything that happened today?
Arizona: Uhm I do remember it all. So I don't get it.
Y/n: When I was looking for you I could hear the both of you talking to each other.
Arizona: Wait. For how long had you been there?
Y/n: Long enough for me to know that Carina loves you.
Arizona: Y/n, I never wanted to do anything. I only wanted to find you, because apparently when I'm high I'm really turned on. With that I mean I really wanted to rip of your clothes and have multiple times sex with you.
Y/n: Okay, so you don't like her?
Arizona: I'm going to be honest. I don't like her besides as a great friend, but she's beautiful. I think that's okay, is it?
Y/n: Of course that is okay. As long as I'm the only one you want to lay next to in bed at night.
Arizona: You are my only cuddle partner. Your cuddles are just the best ones ever. So I have to ask you. Who do you like, in a beautiful way?
Y/n: I think that actress who plays a doctor in that tv show is like really hot. In some way you look like her. Jessica, Jessica Capshaw is her name.
Arizona: Oh yeah, she is hot. You're aloud to think she's beautiful. I even think she's damn hot.
Y/n: Only one person on this planet is the one I want to hold and kiss.
Arizona: So what would happen if I do this?
*She nibbles your ear and kisses your neck multiple times*

Y/n: Right now, I'm in for some fun you were talking about earlier.
Arizona: Then follow me to have some fun together.
Y/n: I love you Arizona.
Arizona: You y/n are so pretty. I love you to the moon and back.

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now