Mae then walked slowly around Vanessa, as though about to perform a spell or offering, "But today, I opened my eyes, removed this blanket over my sight and saw you for what you really are," she came face to face with a bewildered Vanessa but that look soon was replaced with amusement as Mae smirked, "I saw an insecure nobody!"

Something passed through Vanessa's eyes, a dark emotion before she tried to play it off, clinging tightly onto her perfume, "It's about time you give me a worthy fight!" Vanessa grinned.

Dustin flew behind Vanessa, his body landing on a pile of pots making a loud noise. She turned to look at the body that left the reminents of a cold wind, distracted, that she didn't notice Mae charge at her with might causing her to fall onto the dirty tiles with a smack.

Dustin lifted his head, his eyes hot from the feeling of anger within him. He growled as he stood up, focused on Kingston who stood at one end of the kitchen. His fingers grew longer in time with his toes as brown fur escaped his skin. Dustin screamed in agony as his bones shifted, enlarging to form a hungry wolf that stood at 30 inches and was 6 feet long.

Dustin shook his head whilst snarling then he raised his tail up before baring his teeth, all the while his yellow eyes focused solely on Kingston. He charged at him and Kingston swiftly moved to one side, watching the wolf bulldoze through the wall, landing him outside.

Kingston exited through the hole created by Dustin, making sure to avoid the bricks that fell like raindrops at the beginning of a light storm.

Dustin stood up, not wasting a second on the grass he landed on and ran towards Kingston with a speed fueled by survival.

Kingston jumped high, black silky fur immediately covering his body. His human form being replaced by a wolf that looked larger than Dustin's before he landed on all fours. The wind suddenly appeared as though to create an aesthetic around Kingston because his fur swayed beautifully to one side and a hint of blue colouring his eyes.

Dustin saw this and halted in his steps, in awe of the beast he was about to take down. He recovered and prowled towards the black wolf. The animals growled at each other, moving in a circle, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Inside, Vanessa flinged Mae's body over the counter and followed it to land on her and slap the living lights out of Mae. She voraciously attacked Mae, who placed her forearms over her face, to block the consistent blows.

Mae then lifted her legs from underneath Vanessa and double kneed her lower back which faltered Vanessa's movement. She took this as an opportunity to pull Vanessa down by her hair and hit her forehead against the floor right beside her own head. Quickly getting off her own back, she climbed on Vanessa with her arms around the small neck.

Vanessa squirmed and tried to push Mae off, eventually succeeding by standing up and running backwards into the stove. The stinging on Mae's back loosened her hold on Vanessa.

Vanessa switched the gas stove on high after turning around to face Mae and four blue flames sparked.

"You're nothing, and I'm about to end you," Vanessa spat venomously and grabbed the back of Mae's head, "Kingston is mine, and he'll see that once you and that bastard son are out of the way," she pushed the head in her hand towards the stove but Mae fought. They played reverse tug of war. Mae screeched, her hands at the edges of the stove to help her push against Vanessa's force.

She felt heat on her one cheek, as her whole face went moist. Her fingers were slowly burning from the hot surface she held onto but she fought. She shut her eyes, as the water vapour attempted to obscure her sight and an image of a happy Kieran eating ice cream flashed in her mind.

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