She popped out from around the corner. Goggles covered her face. It was clear by her hair that she hadn't showered in a few days. She pulled the goggles back from her eyes. They were crooked. She grinned when she set her sights on Lynnette.

"How are you, darling?" She hugged her quickly. "I've been working on these wings for fae who can't fly. I almost have them done."

"I know someone who would like those very much," I watched as she unfurled the metal contraptions, thinking of Kara.

"Charlotte, Char, if you please," she extended a hand to me. 

"Seth," I shook her hand. "I'm Lynn's second mate."

"Oh and our darling Sky Rose!" Char moved quickly.

"Mum, when was the last time you slept?" Lynnette deflated.

"Doesn't matter," she waved it off. "I'm glad to see you again. What are you doing here?"

"I attempted to fix Seth's leg as you fixed me, but my metalwork isn't as sturdy as yours."

Charlotte shoved me into a chair I didn't even see. She pulled glasses from her pocket, slipping down a lens attached to the side with a few colored lenses. 

"You messed up the nerve linings, and your bolts are too tight," she leaned back. "Dear, when will you ever learn?"

Lynnette huffed. "Can you fix it?"

"Of course, there's nothing I can't fix at this point," Char smiled at me. "Don't worry, Seth, we'll have you walking like normal in no time. Besides that, I'm sure it will hurt far less."

"Thank you," Lynn nodded. 

"Give me two hours," she stood. "Oh, and maybe another pair of goggles. I wouldn't want to ruin his eyes too."


I crossed my arms. I checked to make sure the doors were still locked. Domascus finished his alchemy circle, standing once again. I felt my stomach twist. We were plotting behind closed doors. Lilith, Persephone, and Domascus were standing in my little office.

"I knew he needed more," Domascus smirked. 

I peered into the diary. The alchemic circle. The gold that dripped from Argus' hands. Titania's crystal ball. The diary. That's all I thought I needed for this. But I missed a line. The gifts from the gods. It meant we needed more. Something only the gods he affiliated with could offer.

Lilith placed her swords into one section. But then set down two more items I didn't expect—a long black knife in a sheath and an earring. 

"Is that Black Daliah?" Domascus raised a brow, placing his gloves down in one placement.

"I borrowed it from Arn," she crossed her arms. "The spell requires a piece of Arn and a piece of Orpheus, does it not?"

"You could have asked him, mother," Persephone opened her hands, a little butterfly flying into her designated piece. "Or perhaps it would have been better for Arn to be here."

"Arn is dealing with his own trials," Lilith huffed.

"She's right, dear," Domascus nodded. "Besides, he might be infuriated by what we're doing."

I didn't say anything. We couldn't tell them. Not with how things were about to play out. It was better to shed as little light on this as possible. I placed the diary and Titania's crystal ball in the marked spots. We just needed one more thing.

I slipped out of the entrance door. My palms were drenched with sweat. We weren't doing anything wrong. It wasn't the time or place. This wasn't supposed to be realized yet. We were moving ahead of actual events.

"Afternoon, darling," Argus ascended the stairs. 

I watched Silver exchange a very concerned look with me. Maybe not concerned. Disappointed. Hurt? I couldn't tell. 

But then I noticed who was beside him. Another Mercury Eltmer. Except he looked strikingly like Ezra. The only differences were his longer hair, outfit choice, and the fact that he was made entirely from metal. 

"You brought Vetelguize with you?" I hissed.

"I saw no harm in it," Argus shrugged. "If anyone can watch Ezra, it's him. Besides, I thought Quicksilver could use some mentoring. He hasn't learned much at all about himself."

"I didn't know much," I sighed. "Come along then. Thank you, Silver, for all your work."

"Yeah," he answered, but he just as soon looked away.

"Vetelguize," Argus extended a hand. "You can come to visit Quicksilver later."

Vetelguize gave Silver a wave before ducking into the room behind me. I wanted to say something. Warn Silver not to tell Nox. Threaten Silver to cease any exploitation of what we were doing. Apologize to Silver for not saying anything.

Instead, I went back into my office. 

And locked the door again.

"Your turn," Argus placed his hand back in his pocket.

I took up the paper I had hastily scribbled words on—one shaky breath. 

"Revenite. Resurrexi. Vivite," I stated. "Revenite. Ressurrexi. Vivite. We reach beyond the veil and summon forth the Great and Glorious Ezra. Revenite. Ressurrexi. Vivite."

The room was filled with stunning electricity. We were silent as energy sprouted between us. From the center of the alchemy circle, a head rose. His black hair was visible as he grew from the floor. When his body had come from the wooden floor, his feather wings unfurled in full. The magenta and blue feathers flashed purple.

He fell to the floor atop all of our gifts. Lilith tossed an ancient-looking robe and glasses down at him. Ezra scrambled to grab them. He put the robe around himself before sliding the glasses up his nose. He scanned over everyone with his teal eyes. When he landed on me, he hugged me tightly.

"Thank you, dear," he whispered.

"I am just fulfilling the path you laid before me," I answered. 

"I didn't know my path would require this once again," he gave me a slight grin. "You were the one who saw that."

"Ezra," Argus stepped forward. "Are you...all right?"

He nodded, understanding what Argus meant. "I am together for now. I suppose I am to be careful. And," he kept his gaze on Vetelguize, "heavily monitored."

"It's great that your back with us, Ezra," Lilith picked up her swords. "I should return what I had borrowed."

"We should move before I lose my wits," Ezra wrapped the robe tighter around himself. "I wouldn't wish to lose myself in a place like this."

"Yes, let's," Domascus straightened. "I have rooms prepared for you in the Underworld. We can also get anything you would need."

"Some proper dress would be much appreciated," Ezra laughed.

"I will see you another time," I bowed my head.

Ezra turned towards me. "Thank you, again, Thalia, darling, for everything you have done for me. I hope like this, I can work with you more. I want to assist you in solidifying your true power. However, I will need to be put back together before that is possible."

"I understand," I finally cracked a grin. "Best of luck."

"I don't believe in luck," he smirked, taking Argus' hand. 

I stood in my empty office, an alchemic circle glaring at me from the floor. I couldn't help but feel I had done something very wrong.

Futures Unseen (Chasing Titania #2)Where stories live. Discover now