Chapter Nine: Rules, Choosing and other things

Start from the beginning

"His name is Xavier, and that is what I will call him. Are you sure you didn't need anything?" Frank chuckled slightly.

"Whatever you say Reyna. While I didn't need anything, the voting table is up for the championship." Frank gestured to our right. Two tables were surronded by students. From what I could see, there was two tables. One with a dark purple cloth, and the other with a bright gold one.

One for Villains. One of Heroes.

"There's five boxes on the table, with clipboards listing student's names. Three of the other classes have already been chosen, as there isnt as many of them. Demigods can only vote for demigods, and you have to write the original camp that they belong to on the paper. Or if their Greek or Roman. Whichever one works." I nodded.

"You wanted me to go first?" I asked. Frank nodded.

"I'll vote for whoever you vote for. I'm sure you have the perfect students in mind." Did I? I hadn't thought about the competition since this morning.

I looked at the crowd of students. Many were pokking each other with pencils, trying to get through the crowd. Heroes with super strength pushed through the crowd easily. Others, not so much.

"Better than going last." Frank added. I sighed and started walking forward.

"Sit." I ordered the dogs, turning my back and squeezing through the crowd.

Students were throwing their ballots and watching them soar into the correct box. Apparently there was a charm cast, so I guess that's everyone was so fascinated with voting.

Who did I want representing Camp Jupiter? Jason, Frank and Hazel would be helpful. That is, if the Greek didnt't claim them. Jason did have a weird necklace thing. Dakota maybe helpful as well. However, he may be too drunk on Kool-aid to help through...Hmmm.

I took a pen from the table and a piece of paper, then using a students back (he was a guy, so he was happy to help), wrote down the name.

I placed it in the Camp Jupiter box and walked off to Potions.


"Did you vote yet?" Hazel asked, as I sat down next to her, leaving Aurum and Argentum at the door as alwasy.

According to everyone else, Professor Slughorn was a new Professor, taking the spot of Professor Snape, who was nowhere to be seen. Some claimed he was fired. Some claimed he was undercover for Professor Dumbledore. Other claimed he was dead, killed by "You-Know-Who".

"Yes, as did Frank after me. Did you?" Hazel nodded.

"Yep. Jason said he was going to do it later when the crowd died down." Smart of him.

Professor Slughorn walked in, only a few mintues late.

"Sorry class, I had help die down the crowd for the voting. Everyone's excited!!" He said chuckling. I raised an eyebrow. Whoever Professor Snape was, I bet he wasn't as nervous as this guy was.

"Even through this is your second year of potions, for some of you of course, I would like to start off with something simple. First, partner up." Foolish instruction, mainly because most of us were already partnered up.

"Now, you and your partner will be making a simple Cure for Boils. The ingredients are up front, and the instructions will be om the board. The partnership with the best Potion will get a little prize." I wasn't sure I wanted to know what that "prize" was.

Professor Slughorn waved his wand and the instructions appeared on the board. In English and......Greek.


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