Chapter 27: Wedding Plans...

Start from the beginning

"Yeah." I blush. "To who?" Camden questions. "To Ty Pedrad." I say. They all make "awwwe" sounds. "Zeke's kid?" Camden says. "Yeah." I say.

"You're going to be Ashton's sister-in-law." She gushes. then she laughs. We all laugh. "But isn't Ty like seventeen?!" Noelia says.

"He just turned nineteen a few months ago." I shrug. "Way to go for the older men," Abby winks.

I'm eighteen, and Abby knows that. He is an older guy though. But, as they say here in Dauntless: Age Doesn't Matter.

"I can't believe you're already getting married! You've grown up so fast. Need I remind you how scrawny you were before the Choosing Ceremony." She jests.

I laugh. "I was tiny," I say, pinching my fingers together. Everyone laughs. "So, we should get started planning?" Abby suggests.

"Yeah." I say, smiling. Ty is going to love the wedding plans.

We all sit down at the dining table, which is clean from this morning's incident with the milk. Noelia pulls out a planner, and flips through it, looking for the calendar.

"So I was thinking... June 8, August 13, or September 23. Which day would you like?" She smiles.

I think. Well, I want Ty to be mine as soon as possible, and today is May the sixth, so I guess I like the one in June. "The one in June is fine," I say.

Olivia taps my shoulder. "So," she smiles. "I just wanted to let you know that I was right. I guessed that perfectly. Remember the night of your first date, I told you that you two would be getting married soon." She winks, and I blush.


A few minutes have passed, and we have decided the colors: White and Black with Gold and Silver accents and decorations.

We have also decided that Ashton will be the best man, Jason, Josh, and Hunter, Ty's friends and my brother will be the groomsmen.

Now we're deciding for the Maid of Honor and bridesmaids. "Ariana," I say, "Will you be my Maid of Honor?" I ask.

"Yes!!" She shouts. "Ouch, my ear," Abby groans. "Sorry." Ariana says, laughing.

"Abby, Camden, and Olivia will be the bridesmaids." I say. Noelia jots that down. "Okay." She says. "I think you're ready to find the dress," she says.

"Come into the shop tomorrow and I'll help you find your dresses." She grins, walking out the door.

"Yay!" Abby says. "So," Ariana says. "When did this go down?" She says. "When did what go down?" I ask. "When did you meet Ty?" She says, annoyed.

"Well, I met him at the tattoo parlor, when he got a job there. I fell down, and he had to pick me up, and that's when I was like, 'I'm in for it now.'" I say, putting air quotes around the last phrase. They all make "awwwwwe" sounds again.

I hear the doorknob turn, and Ty walks in. "Hello," he says.
I smile at him.

"Hey." I say to him. He looks at all of the girls and then back at me. I nearly laugh.

"You know, I'm just gonna go find Ashton." He says, "He actually did want to talk to me." I laugh. Ty kisses my cheek and then walks back out of the house.

"Whoops." I say, "I feel like we sort of scared him off. Oh well." Everyone laughs and I look around.

"It was great, but both Ty and I think that it would've been better if it would've been more private." I say. They nod.

We continue to talk, until I finally get tired and decide to make the girls go home, even though they aren't even close to being done talking. At some point Ty came back and decided to just go and lay down. "Alright. Get out." I shove the four of them out.

"Don't get too Restless." Ariana says. "I'm not sure that Ashton is ready to be an uncle yet."

"Oh get out," I say, slamming the door. I open it back up. "See you tomorrow!" I yell, and then shut it again.

I walk upstairs and find Ty asleep. I quickly change my clothes, and slip under the covers.

I slide my thin, fragile arms around his large, muscular torso, and drift off into a world of sleep.


A/N: So we're just going to pretend that Ty is Zeke's kid and has been all along. I didn't want to think of a new last name, so I'm just going with Pedrad. But it won't be Uriah's kid, because that's Jordan.

And Jordan, as I remember, is with that girl, Angela.

So, just pretend.

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