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"You bitch!", I ran towards Seri as she wrapped her arms around me tightly.

" Daebak!",she laughed.

"Where were you?Why didn't you pick up my calls? ", I said.

My eyes moved to the man next to him.My blood boiled.

" Kim Myung Soo!! ", I gritted my teeth.

" What's he doing with you?",I yelled at Seri but my eyes were fixed on him.

"Paboya!!!", Seri yelled back as she hit my head with her expensive Gucci handbag.

Kim Myung Soo was giving me that it's -not-fair look as I fumed at him.

" He helped me.This area is a confidential area now. So,the security wasn't letting me in & when he saw me, I told him about my bestfriend Kanuah pabo and he said he met you and he helped me get here",she smiled at him as he smiled back.I waved infront of his eyes.

"You can go now", I said rudely and Namjoon put a hand on my upper back as he stood beside me.

" Aniyo!",Namjoon chuckled.

"You don't say that to your guests!", he muttered to me as he chuckled at Kim Myung Soo oppa.

" She didn't mean it!Come and have a seat",he told him.

"He was so mean to me!Why are you-", Namjoon put a hand over my mouth.Kim Myung Soo went to sit on the couch with Seri and Jin,Kookie,Hobi,Jimin,Yoongi, Tae as Namjoon dragged me there.I sat beside Namjoon.

" I'm sorry",Kim Myung Soo said to me as Hobi did a handshake with Seri.

I turned my face away and Namjoon turned my face straight again.

"Come on!", he muttered. He really was handling a mannerless girl now.

" You've a really good bonding with Exo now and that day, I left you like that cos I knew they would never really kidnap you!Besides, they were huge in number and I was an One Man!I was scared to death! ",he apologised.Yoongi asked me what happened and I spilled the tea.

" Now you really have a strong bonding with Exo.So what's the point of being mad at him?",Tae said.

"You should forgive him", Namjoon suggested.

" To be honest, If I were you I wouldn't have ran away like a coward ",Yoongi wheezed.

" I have abs!I would've protected my Kanuah",Kookie winked at me.

"You're not helping ", Namjoon threw a death glare at them.

Tae was right though.

" Okay ",I said and Kim Myung Soo's face lit up.

" Really?!Will you invite me often now?",he widely smiled.


"Yeah", what else could I say?!

" If I were you, I would've just winked at her",Jimin laughed.

"How could your 'wink' help her in that situation? ", Jin laughed.

" She would've melted easily due to the heat of my wink and she would've turned into water and Exo couldn't have caught her",Jimin gazed at me seductively.

This man!His 'flirt ' mode is always on.

"Jiminah, do you learn these pickup lines from the dustbin?Cos they're so disgusting ", Jin laughed.

" Hyung, you should focus on your dad jokes",Jimin grinned.

"You two are wild as bestfriends", Hobi told me.

Dreamland || [BTS X EXO] ||FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora