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"Kitchen buddy you look so beautiful! ", Kai booped my cheeks as Sehun looked at me.

" Yaa!Is there any way to cast off evil eye?",Chen was concerned as I chuckled.

"There are so many! ", Baekhyun said.

" Xiumin,Kai,Sehun and Tao will go with me",Suho said as he fixed his wrist watch and he was looking so handsome.

"Chen,Baekhyun,Kyungsoo and Lay will go together in another car", he added while smiling at all of us.

" What crime did I do that you’re leaving me out of this?",Chanyeol entered as he ran a hand through his hair while his left hand was in his pocket.

" What crime did I do that you’re leaving me out of this?",Chanyeol entered as he ran a hand through his hair while his left hand was in his pocket

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Park Chanyeol in black suit is the only thing on earth which can make go breathless!

Park Chanyeol in black suit is the only thing on earth which can make go breathless!

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"Hmm?", he seriously asked Suho. Suho patted him on the back as his bandmates told him how handsome he looked!

Kai was looking at me to see my reaction.Sehun pressed his lips together while crossing his fingers.Baekhyun looked at me as he gave me the  please-say-it look.

Chanyeol  looked at me. As soon as his eyes fell on me,his mouth was slightly open.He kept looking at me with a blank expression.

" Chanyeol-shi..",I said while locking eyes with him.

"Deh?", his deep voice sent shivers down my spine.

" What time is it now?",I said.

"Oh no!You ruined everything! ", Kai cried.

" We were expecting you to tell him how handsome he's looking and you just- Oh no!",Sehun punched Kai's arm while greeting his teeth.

"Wye? Why will I say such a thing?", I rolled my eyes.

" Isn't  our   brother   looking   good"  ,Baekhyun asked me  while winking at Chan.I shook my head and Chan's jaw dropped.

"You are being cruel now!", Suho chuckled at me.I shrugged and said-," well,I'm just stating the facts!".

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