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I sat on the wooden bench with Kang Daniel.He had  asked me if I'd like to come to this park with him.

It's been a week since Chanyeol showed up at my place.He didn't call me or come to meet me since the day he had an arm-wrestling with Taehyung.

''Umm...I couldn't talk to you that much.Eun Wo talks about you all the day",Daniel chuckled as I looked at the night sky which embraced the shinning stars.

"" Yeah..",I murmured. He was my crush and I don't know how to keep calm when I'm sitting with him.

"You guys recommend books to each other", he said.

" Umm..I want to ask you something ",he asked nervously and I nodded.

 " Do you have a boyfriend? ",he looked at me.

" Why?'',I asked.

"Sorry .I didn't know you'd mind.Forget it", he was embarrassed.

" I don't ...",I looked at him.Before I could finish my sentence ,someone came running while yelling my name.I got up to take a look at the person and Chanyeol stopped in front of me.

He was panting and sweating.He looked at me and his eyes were about to pop out when he saw Daniel beside me.

"Daniel,if you don't mind can I have some time alone with her?It's urgent", he looked at Kang Daniel.

Daniel seemed to be mad at Chan but put on a smile somehow.

" Sure.I'll wait at the gateway",he nodded ,pointing out to the fact that he's going to come back again once Chan is done.

"Actually, It would take really long....Would you be able to wait?", Chan indirectly was asking him to leave I guess.

" Come on,man!I was the first one to come here with her and yes,I can WAIT",he chuckled but something didn't feel right.

"Really? Can you wait for the whole night?", Chanyeol laughed.I can see where is it going.....

" Guys !Guys!",I decided to interrupt. "No need to argue!!", I said.

" Kitchen princess, why doesn't he just get it through his thick skull that I want to talk to you!?",Chanyeol smacked his lips.

"Cheeky", Chan murmured.

" YOU are cheeky",Daniel said.

"Yeah,yeah!whatever!", Chan rolled his eyes and I burst out laughing. Daniel was offended. He was throwing death glares at me.

" Sorry",I apologized but Daniel turned on his heels.I was about to go after him but Chan grabbed me.

"Daniel!!!!Sorry!!!!I'm so sorry!!!I've a disorder and due to that I tend to laugh in serious situations-", Chanyeol put a hand over my mouth and laughed.

" you're too cute",he chuckled. I bit his palm hard and he winced .

"Aww!!You got sharp teeth", he rubbed his palm on his jeans.

" What did you want to tell me?",I asked.

"Let's sit ", he sat and made me sit too.He rubbed his palms together and looked at me.

" what?",I asked blankly.He laughed and cupped my face.

"You're cute", he chuckled.

" You were about to tell me something ",I frowned. He picked a fight with Daniel for no reason?! Seriously?!

" Ahhh,we've the whole night to talk about it. Let's chat",he winked.

"No way!", I put on a cruel expression.

" You are being mean.May I know why?",he brought his face a bit closer and I moved mine.

"I've to sleep!", I looked away.

" You'll be dreaming of me like you always do.So,it's better to be with me in reality than in a dream!",he smirked.

What the-

"Hey!Who told you?I told you once that I dreamt of you once !", I lied.

" I read the journal ",he pinched my nose gently.

" But you said....",I couldn't speak.

"Yeah.You used to dream of me almost every night.Do you still have dreams about me?", he smiled.That's it.

I got up to go away from him but he grabbed me.

" I did lose the arm-wrestling on purpose",he wheezed.


" Cause I knew how hard it's for you choose between us and another part of me felt bad that you didn't cheer for me",he gazed into my eyes.My hand was still in his grip.

"Ohh", I was about to go but he didn't leave my hand.

" Why are you pushing me away?",he smiled.

"Well,you're the one to do that", I scoffed.

" I love you ",he grinned.

" As a fan.I know",I acted cool.

"No.As a guy ,I love you and want to be with you", he grinned wider .

" Listen Chanyeol, if you think you can fool me then you're wrong!!",I yelled.Enough is enough!

"Woah!Woah!Don't scream like that !People will get the wrong idea.I'm just confessing about  my feelings to you", he chuckled nervously.

" Move away",I glared at him.

"If you want to go then go.I can't stop you but yeah,I love you", he let go of my hand.

" you were playing around with my best friend and here you are?Telling me that you love me?Such a disgusting man you are,Park Chanyeol!I never knew you're such a good player ",I yelled.

" Wait...Seri?Oh my god!!!!",he laughed .

"Just call her now", he told me.

" Call her and she'll tell you ",he laughed.

" Tell me what?",I asked.

"I told her that I love you when she was here and she said she'd help me.So,we decided to put on an act to confuse you n damn!You were jealous", he pinched my cheek.

" What?That traitor already told you that I like you?That traitor broke the bestie-code!",I screamed.

"Well ,you are the one to break the code cause she didn't tell me anything about your feelings .You just did it yourself", he smirked.

" Whaa-what?!",I put a hand over my mouth.

I turned on my heels.He kept on calling me but I didn't stop at all.

That's it!I'm gonna call Tabu tonight and then Seri...

Dreamland || [BTS X EXO] ||Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن