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I called Seri again.This time she received gladly.Sometimes I feel like to kill this pabo!

"Annyeong-", I cut her off.

" Shut up!Where did you put me huh?Am I a joke to you?",I angrily said.

"Jal jinaessoyo ( how have you been)?", she laughed.

" Cold bitch!I'm gonna leave this place okay?You don't have to ask me how have I been!",I spat.

"How did the Breakie time go?", she laughed. 

" Ajik an-mogossoyo ( I haven't eaten yet)",I said.

"Wye-", I cut her off again.

" Hey pabo!Listen,you won't have to worry about me or my breakfast?! Tonight's dinner is gonna be my last dinner here!",I fumed at her.

"I'm hanging up-", she cut off me.

" Jae-bal!",she cried.

"Mwe?", I asked.

" Myung Suk wants you to atleast live there for a month?",she requested.Myung Suk is the   owner of the house I'm currently living in.She owns the Property. 

"A month?I'm feeling suffocated already and it's been just five days!No way I'm living in this hell for a week let alone a month!", I retorted.

" Where do you think you can go now?huh?",she scoffed.

"If you remember only,the hostel authority offered me to stay there even during vacation because I'm an international student", I told her.

" Kanuah pabo!",she laughed as she called me a fool by calling me by nickname. 

"You forgot when I told you about the place, you were happy and expected too much?Also you proudly told them that for this 3 month winter vacation you will be living there and signed on that damn paper?", she laughed in triumph. 

Shit!I did!

" umm..do you even know that this is even more worse than country side inspite of being a town!Tranquil ",I smacked my lips.

" That place is close to the country side but a  bit far from Seoul! Kinda country side and why do you care?Ain't you an introvert? Shouldn't you be happy that there are less people, less noise?",she said.

"Hello?!Do you know I had to go the market to buy groceries and for that I had to walk 1 kilometre!", I said.

" Buy a cycle then",she suggested. 

"Buy me a cycle!You are suggesting as if I own a huge property here and I can afford one!", I yelled.

" Gue ray!Gue ray!",she told me.'Myung Suk said she'll give you anything you need'.

"Excuse me?Don't I have self respect? ", I said.

" Aniyo,you can pay rent for the cycle too?Listen Kaienath eyo!The house where you are living in is enough big for a single person and is well decorated with all the facilities like-electricity,water supply,a porch etc yet you are living there by paying a cheap rent.You won't find the opportunity again.Myung Suk is a kind women that's why she didn't push you out!I don't know why she wants you to live there!She believes that if you adjust there for more 3-4 days,you yourself will love it there!She believes you'll even wish to live there forever. That women is like your mother. Please try to tolerate it if she's insisting you to!She literally begged me to make you understand. What kind of a person are you if you can't keep an elderly person's heart?And also there's peace then what bothers you?!",she was angry. 

"Speaking of peace,only if I could make you hear.Since the morning, all the houses around me and in this area are being renovated and kinda re-constructed. The sound! I'm misophonic!", I said as I taped my forhead.

" Not a single person is in this area!Yesterday, every house here was vacated! All families left the area.I'm the only person here except for the workers and masons!I feel scared now.What if someone kills me?",I said.

"Wye?Keep the door locked.I'll talk to Myung Suk about this and try to arrange a new apartment for you.I got goosebumps! ", she must be rolling her eyes.

" Aniyo!",I said.

"What?", she asked as if she doesn't know my answer. 

" Drama queen!I'll stay here",I shouted and hung up the call.

My mind went to the expectations I had before moving to South Korea. Since I was a teen, I was a k-pop fan specifically ARMY.Yes,Bts Army.I cried for them. I laughed for them.I smiled for them and they helped me to have the taste of life.They gave me a hope.All I did by saving money was buying BTS merchandise and...

And Chanyeol's  photos,posters,mini posters,Notebooks etc etc etc.

My dream country was the United States but my destiny brought me here.I applied for U.S universities (including ivy leagues), some Canadian universities,Turkish universities and South Korean....

A part of me dreamt of getting into Harvard or Stanford and guess what?I was accepted into Stanford but I moved to South Korea cos I got to study medicine here and my mother dreamt of her daughter being a doctor. So I chose SK.

Before moving here,I thought I'd meet my idols but I couldn't go to fansign.Sure I went to BTS concerts but I just saw them from far away and as for EXO...I didn't go to their concerts.

I don't have the courage to look at Chanyoel.I know if I ever meet him, I'll burst into tears knowing....... 

I'll get nervous.I'm fine this way, watching him from far away.Loving him from far away.

At the end,I'll have my heart broken anyways.

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