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I packed my clothes and books as Chanyeol helped me.None of us talked as we silently packed my clothes.

"Mianhae", I finally said and he acted as if he never heard me.

" I said I'm sorry!",I widened my eyes at him for ignoring me.

"Good to hear", he said as he took my books from the shelf and put them into the bag.

" Are you mad at me?",I dared to ask.He stopped as he turned to look at me.

"Why are you mad at me?", I asked again as he looked deep into my eyes.

" Is it bothering you?",he asked.

"No...I-I mean,I was just curious", I took the bag and to keep it beside my bed.He took a few steps towards me as I moved back.He came closer while towering over me.No matter how tall I am but I'm nothing more than a petite body infront of this giant man.

" You hugged everyone.You exchanged words with them.You simply shared your feelings with them but-'',he grabbed my wrist, not letting me go."Have you asked me how I felt?Even once?",he looked sullen.He pressed his lips while fuming, closing his eyes shut.That expression made his dimples looks even more deeper.

"Mianhae!", I said.He let go of me.To be honest, I didn’t want him to let me go this easily.

" I'll drive you to Seoul ",he said.

" No thanks.I can take the bus",I chuckled.

"Did you take an oath to not listen to me ever?", he frowned.

" You rejected Namjoon and Taehyung to save BTS",he sighed.

"Yeah.That was the first reason", I looked down.He ran a hand through his hair while grabbing a fistful of his hair strands.He looked up as if he was breathless.

" Why are you behaving like this today?",I asked.

"I've been noticing you since the last grand party of KPOP reunion ", I looked at him as he looked down.

Kai knocked the door which wasn’t even closed.Baekhyun had a hand over his shoulder.

" Come down to have dinner!",Baekhyun grinned.

"Jungkook and I cooked together ", Kai said. I nodded.

They left and I turned on my heels.I looked over my shoulder to see Chanyeol still standing there.I asked him to come downstairs but he was silent.

" Yaa!",I turned around to face him.

"What is bothering you?Why are you behaving like this?", I tried to be as soft as possible with my words and expression.

"I'm not bothered by anything about you,not even your absence", he said with a straightface.I nodded letting him know that it was obvious.

" I know",I smiled normally and he fumed a bit at that.

"Now,come with me.Let's have our last dinner together", I smiled at him.Deep down, I felt like smashing my head against the wall.

" I never said I'll have my last dinner with you!",he angrily left.

After a while, I turned on my heels.


Kyungsoo's POV:

Kaienath-sshi came down after Chanyeol.
I took a look at Chanyeol's face.He was pissed off for some reason.

Kaienath-sshi came and sat beside Beomgyu, who gave her the chopsticks and she thanked him.

Does she ever express herself?

No one can know what she's going through until she herself breaks down.She's always busy caring about how others feel but won't care about her ownself.How can a person be this selfless?

I've been in love with her ever since I laid my eyes on her.Wasn't my love obvious?Was I so good at hiding my feelings, just like her?

To be honest,I wanted my love to be obvious. I wanted her to know it.I saw Chanyeol bossing around her as if he had a right to do so.He was always expressive  with his love.

She can hide everything but her eyes lights up whenever she's around Chanyeol.I could have asked her out before everyone but I didn’t. I kept waiting for a good time to do so and turns out,Namjoon and Taehyung are head over heels for her.

If it was just about Nam and Tae,I wouldn’t have cared and go for it.

It wasn't about Nam or Tae but Chanyeol.Yes,it’s about Chanyeol. That's what stopped me from approaching her.On top of that,she went missing for days just because she was guilty of something that wasn't in her hands!

I almost died when I heard that she eloped. Without a single word,she left.I love her so much and I can't put her in the same situation again.I know that she's going to accuse herself for the rest of her life for rejecting Namjoon amd Taehyung.

If I confess now, she'll be devastated again.She'll end up dying. I don't want that.Besides,Chanyeol loves her and she too has the same feelings for him.

I want to let go of my love. I want to heal in silence and secret.It's about Chanyeol and I chose to not go for it anymore.

I wish it was only about Tae or Namjoon,I'd have burnt down the entire
world for her!

At times, I hated Chanyeol for no reason.I
sometimes saw in her eyes how hurt she was because of his behaviour!

I swear I wanted to punch him for hurting her.I wanted to let her know that I'm always there for her but she never got the chance to even look at me because she was busy looking at Chanyeol.

When I got to know that Chanyeol had a journal she made for him,I hideously took it when he was busy sleeping.

I opened it and the first page had a poem about him. I read it and couldn’t muster up the courage to move to the next page!

That poem had so much power and compassion! She expressed her love in such a way that anyone could tell what she had for him was not a mere  celebrity crush?!

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