Kyles Joi's Fanfiction Corner (School Day Sorrows)

Start from the beginning

'It's my fault...'

After Jake returned home from defeating Manwol, he fell to his knees and finally broke down into tears.

'Manwol attacked him because Kenny refused to let them recruit me...'

Kenny's dreams were crushed because of him. 

-Jake the Dog: It's true

-Jake the Dog: 😭😭😭

"Jake, it's not your fault!" Kenny firmly told his brother. "It's Changyeon and the rest of Manwol's fault, not yours! You did nothing wrong, okay?"

-Jake the Dog: But...

"You did nothing wrong!" Kenny repeated. "It's not your fault! You were only minding your own business. And...if it's anyone's fault, it's my own since I chose to join Manwol,"

-No it's not your fault!

-Yeah, it's Changyeon's!

-Changyeon: I was only going by the rules of the gang!

-Bitch, you could've changed those rules since you're the leader!

"Let's skip over to the fifth chapter," Kenny said. "It's called Disappear,"

During winter break, Grape had mysteriously disappeared. 

Forrest, Robin, and the rest of Hyeongshin all looked for him. Eunchan, who considered Grape to be his friend no matter how tsundere the latter was, got Jake, Dean, and Timmy to also aid in the search. After a few days and no sign of the boy, Grape's parents even got the police involved.

But they never found Grape.

-🐺: Fuck

-Jake the Dog: Is that worry I sense, Little Wolfie?

-🐺: Nope

-🐺: But if Sam were to disappear, I wouldn't be able to bully him

-Vampire Overlord: I thought I said no fighting within the Union?

-🐺: I don't beat him up

-🐺: I just verbally abuse him

-🐺: I tell him that he looks like Mineta from My Hero School

-🍇: I do not!

-Myles Juice: The Webtoon readers' comments say otherwise

-Alligator: Stop breaking the fucking fourth wall!

Months passed. Winter became spring.

Wolf Keum was out on a night walk, smoking a cigarette. He enjoyed the cool breeze on his warm skin. He noticed a figure standing still in the middle of the road. Wolf smirked, deciding that whoever the hell that was, they were unfortunate to be his victim.

But when Wolf got closer, he immediately knew who the person was. "Hey Sam, you sure caused a ruckus with your sudden disappearance. I bet you were just scared and ran away, right?"

Grape didn't flinch. He didn't tremble in fear. He didn't have the urge to run away. Instead, he stared at Wolf with dull eyes filled with confusion.

"The fuck's wrong with you?" Wolf punched Grape in the stomach to get him to stop staring.

Grape winced, but he still showed no signs of fear, just even more confusion.

"Fuck, it'd be too boring to just beat the shit outta ya," Wolf mumbled. "It'd be a pain in the ass if you got hit by a car and died,"

So, Wolf dragged Grape all the way to the hospital and ditched him there.

-🐺: Nah, I would've just left him to get hit by a car and die

-🐺: Maybe I'd be able to get away with beating him up and blaming it on a hit and run

"Grape...has amnesia in the fic," Kenny said once he finished the chapter. 

-🍇: I wish I had amnesia

-🍇: I'd be able to forget about my trauma

-🐺: I'd help you remember your trauma

-Leave Grape alone!

-He's too adorable to be bullied!

-He's so cute I just wanna pinch his cheeks!

"I wanna adopt Grape," Kenny said.



-Myles Juice: Okay

-Changyeon: NOOOOO

-Jake the Dog: Grape is only KENNY'S son

-Jake the Dog: Myles can go and die in a ditch

-🍇: Do I get a say in this?

-Jake the Dog: Nope! You're now my nephew! 

Kenny and Myles have now adopted Grape as their child.

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