Chapter 50 - Her Bestfriend

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David was listening to Tom and his friends talking about ice fishing

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David was listening to Tom and his friends talking about ice fishing. They were animatedly sharing stories about their biggest catch.

"Do you fish, David?" Tom's next door neighbour, Paul, asked.

David shook his head. "No, I don't."

"Well, you should come back in the winter. We can plan a trip, just us boys. What do you say?"

David chuckled and nodded his head. "I say that sounds great."

He looked around the crowded backyard. Ally's parents sure have a lot of close friends. As per the famous reputation Canada has, they were all very friendly and easy to like.

David saw Ally across the yard. She was standing with Jenny, the girl from the picture he saw in her room. Ally was carrying a little boy in her arms. David watched as she played with him, tickling his belly and his neck, making him squeal with joy. It was clear that she adored him and he adored her.

David excused himself from the group and made his way to Ally. As he got closer, Ally saw him and smiled.

He stroked the top of the boy's head. "Who is this handsome guy?"

The boy shyly leaned into Ally, hiding his face in the crook of her neck. Ally rubbed his back gently. "This is Ryan. He's Jenny's son." Then she turned to Jenny. "Jenny, I'd like you to meet David."

David smiled at Jenny. She was openly staring at him, her mouth slightly gaped. "It's nice to meet you," David said to her, extending his hand out.

Jenny snapped out of her reverie and shook his hand. Then she unexpectedly hugged him. David patted her back awkwardly, glancing at Ally. Ally turned away, trying to hide her laugh.

Jenny pulled away and laughed nervously. She and Ally exchanged looks, and she mouthed, "Wow!"

David pretended he didn't see it. He cleared his throat. "So, is your husband here? I'd like to meet him," David said to Jenny.

She looked at him and paused before she answered. "Uh, no, no, my husband is not here. I don't think he would want to be here if he saw you."

David frowned and Ally laughed. He raised his eyebrow at her.

Ally chuckled and said, "She's just kidding. Alan is at the hospital."

Then a little girl approached them. She hung on Ally's skirt and peered up at David shyly. Ally stroked her hair and softly said, "Uncle David, meet Sarah."

Jenny looked at her kids, with her hands on her hips. "Now that Aunt Ally is her, I'm invisible?" she asked in disbelieve.

Ryan sneezed and Ally stepped away to grab him a tissue.

When she was out of earshot, Jenny tapped David on his shoulder and he turned to her. She smiled at him, tilting her head. "You really love her, don't you?"

David glanced at Ally and then back at Jenny. "More than anything."

Jenny nodded her head and looked at Ally with her kids. Sarah was tugging at Ally's skirt, and she passed her a cookie. "I've never seen her so happy. She's glowing." She took a deep breath and looked at David squarely in the face. "Please take care of her."

David nodded his head and said, "With my life."

Jenny smiled at him and then at Ally as she returned to them. Sarah showed her the large cookie she got and Ryan had one too. Jenny grumbled about giving the kids too much sugar. Ally procured another two cookies and laughed at the horror look on Jenny's face.

David watched Ally with a smile on his face. She was a natural with kids. She handled them so easily.

Tom called out to David, asking him to come back. So he excused himself from the ladies and walked back to rejoin the men.


Continue in Chapter 51


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