Chapter 10 - New Rules

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Ally yelled and moved but Angel instantly grabbed her by her shoulders. "Don't you dare hurt him!"

Both David and Enrique turned towards her. David frowned, in the middle of rubbing his chin. Enrique looked at her, blinking innocently.

David looked at her, then at Enrique, then back at her. A smirk appeared on his face. He said something to Enrique, then ruffled his hair. Enrique nodded and walked away towards the door. As he passed Ally, he glanced up and smiled at her. Ally watched him as he left the room.

She turned around and saw that David was watching her. He stood there, with his hands in his pockets, and a smug look on his face.

"Leave us," he told Angel, and Angel did as he was told, letting go of Ally and closed the door behind him. Ally knew he will be waiting outside the room to escort her back.

She took a deep breath and mustered all her courage. She moved into the room and closer to David. She asked him, as calmly as she could, "Were you going to hit him?"

 She asked him, as calmly as she could, "Were you going to hit him?"

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David tried to control his amusement. Ally's earlier outburst was unexpected, but he'd rather enjoyed the spectacle.

She had marched towards him, taking long strides, clearly angry. She asked if he wanted to hit Enrique.

David moved towards her, taking his sweet time before answering. He stood in front of her, towering over her, peering down over his nose. She stood just below his nose level.

Ally held her head up, her chin up, stubbornly.

He smirked and started to circle around her slowly. "What I do," he said softly, just above a whisper, "Is none of your business."

He stopped behind her, looking down at her body. She was wearing a thin white cotton night gown, and from the light of the fireplace, he can see that she was wearing nothing else. He can clearly make out the shape of her bare ass. He smacked his lips quietly.

David continued moving to her other side. He inhaled sharply. From where he stood, he can see the shape of her hardened nipples pushing against the thin fabric of her gown. She was breathing hard, and her chest was moving with her breathing. He found the movements to be mesmerising and his body was responding.

Ally looked at him and followed his gaze. She gasped and quickly covered herself with her arms. She turned and moved further away from him. In the heat of the moment, she must have forgotten about the state of her dress. He couldn't help but grin.

She turned around and caught his grin. She threw him a dirty look.

David chuckled and bit his bottom lip. This tiny lady with the Goddess face and body was turning out to be as interesting as he was expecting. She's challenging, but he knew he will be rewarded in the end for his patience. He smacked his lips and sauntered towards her. He notice her arms tightening around her body, but her chin raised higher in defiance. What he would do to grab that chin and ravish those plump lips.

He moved closer to her. He noticed her bravery waver and she took a step back, only to find herself pressed against the wall. David put his right hand up against the wall right by her head and leaned down, so his face was level with hers.

He tilted his head sideways. "What you must remember, senorita, is people like me, we always get what we want," he said, in the same soft tones. His eyes wandered down her front and she pulled her arms tighter around her. David smirked and looked back up at her face. He licked his lips. "So this is what's going to happen," he said slowly, making sure she heard every syllable. "If you don't eat, Enrique don't eat."

Ally's eyes widened. She was clearly surprised by his words. David smirked in satisfaction.

"Good night, senorita." 

He pushed away from the wall and walked away from her, disappearing into the shadows deeper into the room, leaving Ally speechless and alone in the outer room.


Continue in Chapter 11


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