Chapter 45 - Mafia Boss

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They were having dinner at a nice restaurant in town

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They were having dinner at a nice restaurant in town. David dressed down for the occasion, wearing a light blue jacket over khaki pants and white shirt. Ally was donning a greek style white dress, accessorised with gold bangles and gold hoop earrings.

They were chatting easily over salads and sipping on Chablis.

"You look very beautiful tonight," David said to her.

"Thank you," she replied earnestly. Then added, "You look beautiful too. That blue jacket really brings out your eyes."

"I should wear it more often," he commented and grinned, before taking another sip of wine.

Ally giggled. She was having the best time. Italy had always been one of the places she wanted to visit and David had made this trip very memorable for her.

The server came and placed down their entree on the table. Ally ordered the local specialty; Pasta alla Norma. David ordered prawn linguine. She dug her fork into the pasta and took a bite. She gave an appreciative moan. The pasta was so delicious. She can taste the freshness of the tomatoes and the eggplants. The creaminess from the Ricotta cheese made the dish perfectly balanced. The handmade pasta was slightly chewy, just the way she liked it. She took another large bite.

Then she noticed that David was not eating. He was just watching her with smile on his face.

She covered her mouth with her hand instinctively. "Do I have sauce on my face?"

"No," he said, leaning forward with his elbows on the table, "I just like watching you eat." Then he gave her a smouldering look, and said softly, "And those sounds you were making..." He bit his bottom lip suggestively.

Ally leaned forward and asked in disbelieve, "I'm eating here and you're over there thinking about sex?"

He pretended to look offended, raising his eyebrow. "I never stop thinking about sex with you."

Then they laughed and Ally shook her head. He's so ridiculous.

Then she saw his gaze moved to somewhere behind her and slowly the smile disappeared from his face. She was about to ask him what was wrong when someone approached their table.

"David, what a surprise."

Ally looked up at the tall man. From his accent, Ally could tell that he was local. He was dressed all in black, from his shirt, to his vests, to his pants. He had tattoos on his hands and she could see it on his neck too. She could sense that he was bad news.

"Massimo," David greeted him simply, a mirthless smile on his face.

"And who is your lady?" Massimo asked.

Ally looked at David but she couldn't read his expression. But she could see his jaws clenching.

"This is Ally," David said, keeping her gaze.

Massimo turned to her and Ally glanced up. He extended his hand to her and she reluctantly took it. He bowed down and kissed the back of her hand, lingering longer than necessary, making her uncomfortable. He gazed at her with his brown eyes over thick lashes. "It is very nice to meet you, Ally," Massimo said to her thickly, with a lopsided smile.

Ally just nodded her head.

Massimo let her hand go and straightened up. He turned his attention back to David, whose body language has now changed. He was leaned back on his chair, looking at the room, his chiseled face serious, his whole persona exuding power and control. You could sense the tension in the air between these two Alpha males.

Massimo smacked his lips and said, "Mario told me you have been meeting with Luca."

David just gazed up at him, not saying or giving up anything.

Massimo chuckled to himself. Then he exhaled and said, "Come, let's talk." Then he turned around and went to the back of the restaurant.

David's gaze followed Massimo's retreating back, and his face darkened. He exhaled and got up from his seat. He leaned over Ally and said into her ears, "Eat up. Then leave." He planted a quick kiss on her cheek before he followed Massimo into the back.

Ally was speechless. She didn't understand what was going on.

Then Angel appeared and he took David's seat. "Come on, eat up," he urged her.

She looked down at her plate and her stomach churned. She had completely loss her appetite. "I'm not hungry anymore," she told him.

"Okey, let's go," he said to her. He placed a wad of cash on the table and they left.

Just as they were leaving the restaurant, two men came in. Ally didn't pay too much attention to them. They were at the car and Angel was holding the door opened for her.

That was when they heard the gunshots. Her head snapped towards the restaurant. More gunshots rang out. It's coming from in there! David!

Ally started to run for the restaurant but Angel had faster reflex. He grabbed her by her waist, and pulled her back to the car, ignoring her protests, forcing her inside and slamming the door shut. Then he climbed into the front seat and barked at the driver to move the car. They were out of there in mere seconds.

"Angel! We have to go back! David could be hurt!" Ally shouted from the backseat.

Angel ignored her.

"Angel, please!" she pleaded. Fear overwhelmed her and she started to cry uncontrollably.

Angel still kept quiet but his hands were balled into tight fists on his laps. Suddenly he reached into his pocket and held up the phone to his ear. Then he slowly put it down.

"He's okey," he said, glancing backwards at her, "David will meet you back at the hotel."

Ally gasped and thank God under her breath. She looked at Angel and she could see that he was visibly relieved as well. He leaned his head back against the headrest and his hands relaxed. He loved David almost as much as she does. Ally sobbed.

Back at the hotel, Ally quickly undressed and took a hot shower. She couldn't stop shaking and the shower wasn't helping. Afterwards, she wrapped herself in a thick bathrobe and curled up on the bed. The fear consumed her once more and she cried into her pillow.

She didn't know how long she stayed that way. But when she heard the sound of the door unlocking, she jumped off the bed and rushed to the door.

David stood there, with jacket in hand, looking disheveled and tired. His sleeves were rolled up to the elbows and there were blood spattered on the side of his collar and neck.

Ally ran and threw herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. He dropped his jacket and hugged her. She felt her emotions running high again and tears started to pour down her face once more. He's here and he's safe. She shut her eyes and thanked God for keeping him safe.

He buried his face in the crook of her neck. "Are you alright?" he asked her softly and she nodded furiously.

He lifted her legs off the floor and carried her back into the bedroom.


Continue in Chapter 46


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