Chapter 47 - Her Home

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They arrived at her parents' home and David parked the car on the curb

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They arrived at her parents' home and David parked the car on the curb. Earlier at the airport, David had asked the men to head to the hotel and the two of them got in the car. This was the first time she rode alone in a car with him.

He didn't turn off the engine. Ally gazed up at him questioningly.

"Do you want to go in alone?" he asked her.

She frowned, taken aback by his question. "Why?"

David clenched his jaw and looked around outside. "I'm not really the kind of man you bring home to introduce to your parents."

Ally sighed. He was definitely different from her other boyfriends, but she loves him, so everything else doesn't really matter. She turned to him and said, "I want you to meet my parents. And," she smiled at him reassuringly, "They will love you."

David exhaled. He smiled at her then proceeded to turn off the engine. They both climbed out of the car. Holding hands, they walked down the driveway together up to the front door. Ally pressed on the doorbell. Her heart beats excitedly. She can hear her mother's voice inside. Then the door swing open and there she was.

"Ally!" her mother shrieked happily and they hugged. Ally felt her heart swell. She couldn't believe she was hugging her mother for real.

"Hi, Mom," she said, squeezing her tighter.

"I didn't know you were coming back. Why didn't you tell me?" her mother went on. Ally chuckled happily. She missed her mother's long rantings so much.

She pulled away and explained, "It was kind of unplanned."

"Well, I'm so happy you're here," her mother said. Then her gaze went to David.

Ally turned to him, then back to her mother. "Mom, this is my boyfriend, David," she introduced.

David shook her mother's hand, smiling. "Hi, nice to finally meet you."

Her mother shook his hand, gaping slightly. "Ally, he's very handsome," she said to Ally. 

Ally chuckled and she looked at David. He was grinning at her. She was glad to see that he was relaxing a bit. 

"It's so nice to meet you," Ally's mother said to David. "I'm Sally." Then she ushered them inside. "Come in! Come meet my husband, Tom. He's in the kitchen."

They went inside and David closed the door behind him. Sally bustled away to the kitchen while they hung their jacket in the hallway closet.

"My mother thinks you're handsome," Ally teased him.

David shrugged and raised an eyebrow. "I didn't think she would notice."

They laughed and then walked down the hall into the kitchen.

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