Chapter 40 - The Truth

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Ally walked around aimlessly

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Ally walked around aimlessly. She felt heavy, like she was carrying a boulder on her shoulders. She decided to walk towards the water. She found an empty bench and she sat there. She looked straight ahead but in her head, the images from last night kept flashing in front of her eyes. Then the tears started to roll down her face.

Angel appeared suddenly beside her and he sat down. She felt the bench lowered from his weight. He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her.

Ally took the cloth and dabbed away her tears. She exhaled loudly and shook her head. "How could he do that to me?" she asked quietly.

Angel sighed. "David would never cheat on you."

Ally turned to look up at him in disbelieve. "But you saw what I saw."

"Yeah," Angel agreed, nodding his head, looking down at her, "But I believed him, it didn't go down like that."

Ally snorted and roughly wiped her nose. "What makes you so sure?"

Angel looked at the ocean in front of them and he sighed again. "Because of Luisa."

She thought she heard him wrong. "His wife?" she asked for confirmation.

Angel looked at her and nodded.

Ally frowned. "What do you mean?"

Angel cleared his throat and said, "Look, I don't mean to speak ill of the dead. I'm telling you this because I think you have the right to know, alright?" 

Ally nodded and Angel sighed heavily. 

Then he said, "Luisa was cheating on David."

Ally gaped in shock. She was not expecting this. She thought they were madly in love. Young love, as David had said. "With who?" she asked.

Angel shrugged. "She had a string of lovers, I can't really say who they were. When David found out, he was crushed. Their marriage ended long before she died." Angel exhaled deeply and he looked at Ally, "So that's how I know. David will never cheat on you. He loves you. More than he ever loved her."

So that's his real story. David's wife cheated on him. Brad cheated on me. Maybe we were meant to find each other.

Angel watched her as the truth finally sinked in. "Are you ready to go back to the hotel?" he asked her.

Ally smiled sadly. "I want to stay here a bit longer," she said.

"Okey," he replied and turned his gaze back to the ocean in front of them.

Ally wrapped her hands around Angel's arm and rested her head against him. They sat there in silence, watching the waves rolled in.


Continue in Chapter 41


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