Chapter 55 - Precaution

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Ally woke up from her nap

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Ally woke up from her nap. She looked around, slightly confused. She was still in the cinema. Then she remembered she was watching a movie before with David. She must have fallen asleep.

She got up and went looking for David. He was not in the bedroom. So she tried looking at his office. And she found him there.

He was standing out on the balcony, gazing out into the night, legs slightly apart, his arms folded in front of him with one hand rubbing his chin.

Ally went to him and slowly wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. She rested her face against his back and inhaled his wonderful manly scent. "Where did you go?" she asked him softly.

She waited for his reply but he remained silent. She thought he felt a little tensed.

She loosened her grip and stepped to the side, trying to see his face. He was just staring ahead, with a stoic expression on his face.

"David, are you okey?" she asked, concerned. 

It was clear that he was distraught but was hiding it from showing on his face. But she could see it in his eyes.

Ally stood in front of him and held his face. She forced him to look at her. "David?" she called his name softly.

It was like he suddenly thawed out of an iceberg. He dropped his arms and pulled her into his embrace. She hugged him back. She didn't understand what was going on with him but she hoped she could make him feel better.

"Let's get inside," she told him softly. She took his hand and led him back into the office and to the couch. She pulled him down to sit beside her on the couch.

He leaned forward, and covered his face in his hands, with his elbows on his knees. Whatever it was that was bothering him, he was trying to avoid from telling her. Which made her think that it was really important for her to know.

So she waited patiently. She rubbed his back in the hope that it would calm him down.

It felt like ages when he finally raised his head from his hands and rested his chin on them. He was still deep in thought, trying to figure things out. But what? Ally thought.

She leaned towards him and kissed his back. She wrapped her arms around his arm and rested her forehead on his upper arm.

David cleared his throat and Ally immediately looked up. She was looking at the side of his face and he was clearly in internal pain. His jaws was clenched tightly.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me," she cajoled him softly.

He snorted and then exhaled.

Ally wondered if he will ever tell her what was wrong. She was thinking maybe she should just leave him be.

"You need to go back to Canada."

She was caught off-guard by his sudden remark. "Why?" she asked sharply.

He exhaled and rubbed his forehead hard. "It's not safe for you here anymore."

Ally released his arm and stood up. She walked a few steps and paused. She turned around to face him. "Why is it not safe anymore?"

David looked up at her, with half his face still hidden behind his hand. He lowered his hand and rubbed his chin. "There are people who wants to hurt you."

"Hurt me?" she asked incredulously.

David got up and stood in front of her, his expression grief stricken. "To get to me."

Ally finally understood. This was the kind of world he was involved with. People get hurt.

"So you want me gone?" she asked quietly.

"No!" he said hoarsely, pulling her into his arms, resting his forehead against hers. He swallowed hard. "But I need you to be safe." He splayed his hand over her belly. "I need our baby to be safe."

She shut her eyes and shook her head roughly. "No, no, there has to be another way. I'll be safe here, Angel can protect me. I won't leave the house. I'll-"

"There is no other way!" David bellowed suddenly, making Ally jumped and took a big step away from him.

David was breathing hard, his teeth clenched, his neck veins popping, his eyes bloodshot. Ally had seen him like this once before. She took another precautious step back.

David turned away from her and ran his fingers through his hair roughly. He stood still and said, "You leave in three days."

Then he marched away, leaving her there, lost and speechless.


Continue in Chapter 56


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