Chapter 13 - The Blowout

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Ally went into her room and closed the door behind her

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Ally went into her room and closed the door behind her. She felt burning rage spreading inside her. How could he lie to me like that? He is so spiteful!

She paced around the room angrily. He lied to my face. He manipulated me. And I fell for it.

She sat on her bed and pulled her legs up to her chest. She felt angry and tired. She closed her eyes and tried to think of wonderful things to help curb her anger.

She didn't realised when she fell asleep. She was rudely shaken awake.

She opened her eyes and Angel was standing by her bed. "Dinner."

"I'm not hungry," she replied coldly, turning away.

Angel exhaled sharply. Then he said threateningly, "Walk, or I will carry you on my shoulders."

She believed him. She climbed off the bed grudgingly and threw him a dirty look.

As usual, David was sitting at the opposite end of the table, his eyes glued to his iPad.

Ally sat down, and crossed her arms tightly in front of her.

After a few moments, David noticed she was not eating.


Ally looked up at him, her chin high in defiance. "Not hungry."

David shifted in his seat and looked at her in disbelieve, "Are you forgetting our agreement?"

Ally faked a smile. "You mean the one where you lied about Enrique being denied food?" Her tone was crisp and dripping with sarcasm.

David looked dumbfounded. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. She has made him, she knew it. What will he do next? she wondered.

Finally, he chuckled and admitted, "Fine, I lied."

Ally exhaled sharply. He admitted it. "Why?" she asked.

He tilted his head to the side, an amused smile on his face. "To get you to eat. To stop you from starving yourself," he said matter-of-factly.

Ally looked down at the table and asked angrily, "What's the point of this?"

"Excuse me?"

"This!" she exclaimed angrily, gesturing at herself and him.

He leaned back and replied easily, "I like company when I eat."

She chuckled drily. "You expect me to believe that, when your eyes are glued to your iPad the whole time?"

His face fell. She knew she had hit a nerve. She didn't mean to sound so rude, but he pushed her to it.

David abruptly pushed his chair back and got up. He shoved his hands inside his pockets and looked down at the table. Then he nodded to himself and walked towards the doors behind her. As he walked past, he said, "You can go."

Ally stayed in her chair for a few minutes. Did I go too far? She exhaled tiredly. She got up and made her way back to her room, with Angel in tow.

The next morning, Ally waited for the usual pick up by Angel to get her to dine with David. But he didn't come.

She waited for an hour, after which, she decided to wander to the kitchen. She met Angel in the hall.

"Hey, David didn't ask for me?" she asked him.

Angel glanced at her and replied, "He left."

Ally wanted to ask more but Angel already walked away. So she made her way to the kitchen. She found Enrique there, having breakfast with Maria. So she decided to join them.

After breakfast, she spent some time with Enrique. They read books together and played a little. After lunch, they spent some time outdoor.

Then as Maria was getting Enrique clean, Ally decided to roam the house a little. It was such a big house. She barely had seen any part of it. So she walked around, trying doors. Most of them were locked. Then as she walked on, she found an opened door and she walked in. It was a media room with 8 luxury cinema seats. The walls were filled with Blu-ray discs from floor to ceiling. Ally selected a title and popped it into the player. "The Lord of The Rings: Fellowship of the Rings" started playing on the huge screen. She sat down to watch.

The next few weeks went by the same way. David no longer calls her to dine with him. She spent her meal times with Enrique, Maria and Betty. Maria was learning English slowly. Ally was also helping Enrique to improve his reading.

Once in a while, Ally would see David, watching them from the higher floor windows. It was only for a few seconds, before he would walk away. He also has been away from the house a lot.

Ally remembered her conversation with Betty in the kitchen. She asked if it was normal for David to be gone from the house.

"Si," Betty replied, as she rolled the pin over the dough, "His business takes him away a lot. He goes everywhere."

So this is normal, Ally thought.

"But usually, Angel would go with him. It is unusual for him to be here," Betty said.

Ally thought about it, and said, "Maybe he's here to watch me, to make sure I don't run?"

Betty smiled and chuckled, "No, no. To keep you here, he can ask anybody to look after you. But, to keep you safe, David trust only Angel."

Ally has been thinking about what Betty said a lot. 

Does David really wants to keep me safe?


Continue in Chapter 14


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